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function timepicker_format_replacements in Date 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 date_popup/date_popup.module \timepicker_format_replacements()
  2. 6.2 date_popup/date_popup.module \timepicker_format_replacements()
1 call to timepicker_format_replacements()
date_popup_format_to_popup_time in date_popup/date_popup.module
Recreate a date format string so it has the values popup expects.


date_popup/date_popup.module, line 509
A module to enable jquery calendar and time entry popups. Requires the Date API.


function timepicker_format_replacements() {
  return array(
    'G' => 'H',
    'g' => 'h',
    'a' => 'A',
    ' a' => 'A',
    ' A' => 'A',