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Functions in Date 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
date_update_7000 ./date.install Get rid of the individual formatters for each format type.
date_update_7001 ./date.install Get rid of the separate widgets for repeating dates.
date_update_7002 ./date.install Add a notification about the new Date All Day module, and enable it.
date_update_7003 ./date.install Adds a notification about the new Date Repeat Field module, and enable it.
date_update_7004 ./date.install Date text widgets should always use an increment of 1. 1
date_update_7005 ./date.install Revisited: Date text widgets should always use an increment of 1.
date_update_7006 ./date.install Add date value indexes to existed field tables.
date_update_7007 ./date.install Update datestamp field schema to use 'big' integers.
date_update_7200 ./date.install The date_migrate_example module was renamed.
date_update_7201 ./date.install Add the 'all_day' column to date fields. 1 1
date_update_last_removed ./date.install Implements hook_update_last_removed().
date_views_base_tables date_views/date_views.module Helper function to map entity types to the Views base table they use. 1
date_views_date_formatter_pre_view_alter date_views/date_views.module Implements hook_date_formatter_view_alter().
date_views_date_views_extra_tables date_views/date_views.module Implements hook_date_views_entities().
date_views_date_views_fields date_views/date_views.module Implements hook_date_views_fields().
date_views_fields date_views/date_views.module Identify all potential date/timestamp fields and cache the data. 8
date_views_field_views_data_alter date_views/date_views.module Implements hook_field_views_data_alter().
date_views_form_views_exposed_form_alter date_views/date_views.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for views_exposed_form().
date_views_form_views_ui_edit_form_alter date_views/date_views.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for views_ui_edit_form().
date_views_handler_is_date date_views/date_views.module Work out if the plugin is a date. 1
date_views_install date_views/date_views.install Implements hook_install().
date_views_menu date_views/date_views.module Implements hook_menu().
date_views_preprocess_views_view date_views/theme/ Jump in and move the pager.
date_views_querystring date_views/includes/ Helper function to generate a query string. 1
date_views_select_validate date_views/date_views.module Validation hook for exposed filters that use the select widget. 1
date_views_settings date_views/date_views.module Form callback for date views settings. 1
date_views_set_timezone date_views/includes/ Central function for setting up the right timezone values. 1
date_views_theme date_views/date_views.module Implements hook_views_api().
date_views_uninstall date_views/date_views.install Implements hook_uninstall().
date_views_update_7200 date_views/date_views.install Set default date views variables.
date_views_views_api date_views/date_views.module Implements hook_views_api().
date_views_views_data date_views/includes/ Implements hook_views_data().
date_views_views_data_alter date_views/includes/ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
date_views_views_fetch_fields date_views/date_views.module Wrapper function to make sure this function will always work. 1
date_views_views_plugins date_views/includes/ Implements hook_views_plugins().
date_week date_api/date_api.module The calendar week number for a date. 5
date_weeks_in_year date_api/date_api.module The number of calendar weeks in a year.
date_week_days date_api/date_api.module Returns a translated array of week names. 2
date_week_days_abbr date_api/date_api.module Constructs a translated array of week day abbreviations. 2
date_week_days_ordered date_api/date_api.module Reorders weekdays to match the first day of the week. 1
date_week_days_untranslated date_api/date_api.module Constructs an untranslated array of week days. 2
date_week_range date_api/date_api.module Calculates the start and end dates for a calendar week. 2
date_years date_api/date_api.module Constructs an array of years. 1
date_year_range_element_process date_api/ Process callback which creates a date_year_range form element. 1
date_year_range_element_value_callback date_api/ Element value callback for the date_year_range form element. 1
date_year_range_validate date_api/ Element validation function for the date_year_range form element. 1
hook_date_combo_pre_validate_alter ./date.api.php Alter the date_combo element before the rest of the validation is run.
hook_date_combo_process_alter ./date.api.php Alter the date_combo element after the Date module is finished with it.
hook_date_combo_validate_date_end_alter ./date.api.php Alter the local end date objects created by the date_combo validation.
hook_date_combo_validate_date_start_alter ./date.api.php Alter the local start date objects created by the date_combo validation.


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