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function date_update_7201 in Date 7.3

Add the 'all_day' column to date fields.

1 call to date_update_7201()
DateUpdatesTestCase::testUpdate7201 in tests/DateUpdatesTestCase.test
Test update 7200.
1 string reference to 'date_update_7201'
DateUpdatesTestCase::testUpdate7201 in tests/DateUpdatesTestCase.test
Test update 7200.


./date.install, line 333
Install, update and uninstall functions for the Date module.


function date_update_7201() {

  // Get all fields provided by the Data module.
  $query = db_select('field_config', 'f')
    ->fields('f', array(
    ->condition('f.type', array(

  // Complete the query.
  $fields = $query
  foreach ($fields as $id => $info) {
    $field_info = field_info_field($info->field_name);

    // Add indexes only for SQL storage fields.
    if ($field_info['storage']['type'] != 'field_sql_storage') {

    // The database tables that have these fields.
    $tables = array(

    // Turns a field named "field_event_date" into a database column named
    // "field_event_date_all_day".
    $field_name = $info->field_name . '_all_day';

    // The field specification taken from hook_field_schema().
    $spec = array(
      'type' => 'int',
      'size' => 'tiny',
      'not null' => FALSE,
      'sortable' => FALSE,
      'views' => FALSE,

    // Add a column to the database in this table for the new "is_all_day"
    // element. The first item is for the field_data table for this field, the
    // second item is for the field_revision table.
    foreach ($tables as $table_name) {
      if (!db_field_exists($table_name, $field_name)) {
        db_add_field($table_name, $field_name, $spec);
        drupal_set_message(t("Added the new 'all_day' column to the @field_name field.", array(
          '@field_name' => $info->field_name,
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t("The 'all_day' column already existed on the @field_name field.", array(
          '@field_name' => $info->field_name,