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Functions in Date 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
date_get_formats ./date.module 5
date_get_offset ./ 2
date_get_site_timezone ./ Get system variable setting for site default timezone 5
date_get_timezone ./ Function to figure out which timezone applies to a date and select it 5
date_get_timezones ./ 5
date_gmadj_zone ./ 2
date_gmdate ./ 18
date_gmgetdate ./ We need a gmgetdate function, which does not exist because the getdate function creates an array where date parts and timestamp don't match getdate date parts are timezone-adjusted to the server zone and timestamp is not we need an array where… 3
date_gmmktime ./ 5
date_gmstrftime ./
date_granularity_array ./date.module $field['granularity'] will contain an array like ('H' => 'H', 'M' => 0) where the values turned on return their own names and the values turned off return a zero need to reconfigure this into a simple… 7
date_granularity_names ./ Array of granularity options and their lables 1
date_granularity_parts ./ Array of granularity keys and the names of the related array parts.
date_has_time ./ a function to figure out if any time data is to be collected or displayed 5
date_help ./date.module Implementation of hook_help().
date_ical_date ./ Adjust ical date to appropriate timezone and format it. 1
date_ical_escape_text ./ Escape #text elements for safe iCal use 2
date_ical_escape_text ./ Escape #text elements for safe iCal use 2
date_ical_export ./ Turn an array of events into a valid iCalendar file
date_ical_export ./ Turn an array of events into a valid iCalendar file
date_ical_import ./ Return an array of iCalendar information from an iCalendar file. 2
date_ical_import ./ Given the location of a valid iCalendar file, will return an array of event information 2
date_ical_parse_date ./ Parse a ical date element. 3
date_ical_parse_duration ./ Parse the duration of the event. 1
date_ical_parse_exceptions ./ Parse exception dates (can be multiple values). 1
date_ical_parse_rule ./ Parse an ical repeat rule. 1
date_ical_parse_text ./ Parse and clean up ical text elements. 1
date_import_taxonomy_form2node ./date_copy.module Convert the taxonomy array from the form form to the node form. Borrowed from the Node Import module. 1
date_input_options ./ Function to create an option list for input formats
date_install ./date.install Implementation of hook_install(). Reset the date caches.
date_iso2array ./ 3
date_iso2custom ./ 1
date_iso2unix ./ 8
date_iso_day ./ 3
date_iso_hours ./ 2
date_iso_minutes ./ 2
date_iso_mon ./ 3
date_iso_seconds ./ 2
date_iso_week_range ./ Compute min and max dates for an ISO week
date_iso_year ./ 4
date_is_dst ./ Check if time is in Daylight Savings Time 1
date_is_required ./date.module Logic for telling when a field value is required. 2
date_is_valid ./ Functions to test the validity of various date parts 8
date_jscalendar_make_dbdate ./ Construct a value to save to the database from jscalendar input 1
date_jscalendar_validate ./ Validation for jscalendar input
date_last_day_of_month ./ Find the last day of a month
date_limit_format ./ Rewrite a format string so it only inludes elements from a specified granularity array. 2
date_load ./date_api.module Helper to include large files only when needed.
date_load_library ./ Date wrapper functions 10
date_long_formats ./ An array of long date formats. 1


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