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function date_calc_get_month_abbrname in Date 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 date_php4/ \date_calc_get_month_abbrname()
  2. 6 date_php4/ \date_calc_get_month_abbrname()

Returns the abbreviated month name for the given month.


int $month: The month.

int $length: The length of abbreviation.

Return value

string The abbreviated name of the month.

1 call to date_calc_get_month_abbrname()
date_calc_format in date_php4/
Formats the date in the given format, much like strfmt()


date_php4/, line 567


function date_calc_get_month_abbrname($month, $length = 3) {
  $month = (int) $month;
  if (empty($month)) {
    $month = date_calc_get_month();
  return drupal_drupal_substr(date_calc_get_month_fullname($month), 0, $length);