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class date_sql_handler in Date 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 \date_sql_handler
  2. 6 \date_sql_handler
  3. 7.3 date_api/ \date_sql_handler
  4. 7 date_api/ \date_sql_handler
  5. 7.2 date_api/ \date_sql_handler

A class to manipulate date SQL.


Expanded class hierarchy of date_sql_handler


./, line 59
SQL date functions.

View source
class date_sql_handler {
  var $db_type = 'mysql';
  var $date_type = DATE_DATETIME;
  var $db_timezone = 'UTC';

  // A string timezone name.
  var $local_timezone = NULL;

  // A string timezone name.
  var $db_timezone_field = NULL;

  // Use if the db timezone is stored in a field.
  var $local_timezone_field = NULL;

  // Use if the local timezone is stored in a field.
  var $offset_field = NULL;

  // Use if the offset is stored in a field.
  function construct($date_type = DATE_DATETIME, $local_timezone = NULL) {
    $this->db_type = $GLOBALS['db_type'];
    $this->date_type = $date_type;
    $this->db_timezone = 'UTC';
    $this->local_timezone = isset($local_timezone) ? $local_timezone : date_default_timezone_name();
    if (isset($this->definition['content_field'])) {
      $this->date_handler->date_type = $this->definition['content_field']['type'];

   * See if the db has timezone name support.
  function db_tz_support($reset = FALSE) {
    $has_support = variable_get('date_db_tz_support', -1);
    if ($has_support == -1 || $reset) {
      $has_support = FALSE;
      switch ($this->db_type) {
        case 'mysql':
        case 'mysqli':
          if (version_compare(db_version(), '4.1.3', '>=')) {
            $test = db_result(db_query("SELECT CONVERT_TZ('2008-02-15 12:00:00', 'UTC', 'US/Central')"));
            if ($test == '2008-02-15 06:00:00') {
              $has_support = TRUE;
        case 'pgsql':
          $test = db_result(db_query("SELECT '2008-02-15 12:00:00 UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'US/Central'"));
          if ($test == '2008-02-15 06:00:00') {
            $has_support = TRUE;
      variable_set('date_db_tz_support', $has_support);
    return $has_support;

   * Set the database timzone offset.
   * Setting the db timezone to UTC is done to ensure consistency in date
   * handling whether or not the database can do proper timezone conversion.
   * Views filters that not exposed are cached and won't set the timezone
   * so views date filters should add 'cacheable' => 'no' to their
   * definitions to ensure that the database timezone gets set properly
   * when the query is executed.
   * @param $offset
   *   An offset value to set the database timezone to. This will only
   *   set a fixed offset, not a timezone, so any value other than
   *   '+00:00' should be used with caution.
  function set_db_timezone($offset = '+00:00') {
    static $already_set = FALSE;
    $type = $GLOBALS['db_type'];
    if (!$already_set) {
      if (($type == 'mysqli' || $type == 'mysql') && version_compare(db_version(), '4.1.3', '>=')) {
        db_query("SET @@session.time_zone = '{$offset}'");
      elseif ($type == 'pgsql') {
        db_query("SET TIME ZONE INTERVAL '{$offset}' HOUR TO MINUTE");
      $already_set = TRUE;

   * Return timezone offset for the date being processed.
  function get_offset() {
    if (!empty($this->db_timezone) && !empty($this->local_timezone)) {
      if ($this->db_timezone != $this->local_timezone) {
        $date = date_now($this->db_timezone);
        date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open($this->local_timezone));
        return date_offset_get($date);
    return 0;

   * Helper function to create cross-database SQL dates.
   * @param $field
   *   The real table and field name, like 'tablename.fieldname'.
   * @param $offset
   *   The name of a field that holds the timezone offset or an
   *   offset value. If NULL, the normal Drupal timezone handling
   *   will be used, if $offset = 0 no adjustment will be made.
   * @return
   *   An appropriate SQL string for the db type and field type.
  function sql_field($field, $offset = NULL) {
    if (drupal_strtoupper($field) == 'NOW') {

      // NOW() will be in UTC since that is what we set the db timezone to.
      $this->local_timezone = 'UTC';
      return $this
        ->sql_offset('NOW()', $offset);
    switch ($this->db_type) {
      case 'mysql':
      case 'mysqli':
        switch ($this->date_type) {
          case DATE_UNIX:
            $field = "FROM_UNIXTIME({$field})";
          case DATE_ISO:
            if (version_compare(db_version(), '4.1.1', '>=')) {
              $field = "STR_TO_DATE({$field}, '%Y-%m-%%dT%T')";
            else {
              $field = "REPLACE({$field}, 'T', ' ')";
          case DATE_DATETIME:
      case 'pgsql':
        switch ($this->date_type) {
          case DATE_UNIX:
            $field = "{$field}::ABSTIME";
          case DATE_ISO:
            $field = "TO_DATE({$field}, 'FMYYYY-FMMM-FMDDTFMHH24:FMMI:FMSS')";
          case DATE_DATETIME:

    // Adjust the resulting value to the right timezone/offset.
    return $this
      ->sql_tz($field, $offset);

   * Adjust a field value by an offset in seconds.
  function sql_offset($field, $offset = NULL) {
    if (!empty($offset)) {
      switch ($this->db_type) {
        case 'mysql':
        case 'mysqli':
          if (version_compare(db_version(), '4.1.1', '>=')) {
            return "ADDTIME({$field}, SEC_TO_TIME({$offset}))";
          else {
            return "DATE_ADD(CAST({$field} AS DATETIME), INTERVAL {$offset} SECOND)";
        case 'pgsql':
          return "({$field} + INTERVAL '{$offset} SECONDS')";
    return $field;

   * Adjust a field value by time interval.
   * @param $field
   *   The field to be adjusted.
   * @param $direction
   *   Either ADD or SUB.
   * @param $count
   *   The number of values to adjust.
   * @param $granularity
   *   The granularity of the adjustment, should be singular,
   *   like SECOND, MINUTE, DAY, HOUR.
  function sql_date_math($field, $direction, $count, $granularity) {
    $granularity = drupal_strtoupper($granularity);
    switch ($this->db_type) {
      case 'mysql':
      case 'mysqli':
        switch ($direction) {
          case 'ADD':
            return "DATE_ADD(CAST({$field} AS DATETIME), INTERVAL {$count} {$granularity})";
          case 'SUB':
            return "DATE_SUB(CAST({$field} AS DATETIME), INTERVAL {$count} {$granularity})";
      case 'pgsql':
        $granularity .= 'S';
        switch ($direction) {
          case 'ADD':
            return "({$field} + INTERVAL '{$count} {$granularity}')";
          case 'SUB':
            return "({$field} - INTERVAL '{$count} {$granularity}')";
    return $field;

   * Select a date value from the database, adjusting the value
   * for the timezone.
   * Check whether database timezone conversion is supported in
   * this system and use it if possible, otherwise use an
   * offset.
   * @param $offset
   *   Set a fixed offset or offset field to use for the date.
   *   If set, no timezone conversion will be done and the
   *   offset will be used.
  function sql_tz($field, $offset = NULL) {

    // If the timezones are values they need to be quoted, but
    // if they are field names they do not.
    $db_zone = $this->db_timezone_field ? $this->db_timezone_field : "'{$this->db_timezone}'";
    $localzone = $this->local_timezone_field ? $this->local_timezone_field : "'{$this->local_timezone}'";

    // If a fixed offset is required, use it.
    if ($offset !== NULL) {
      return $this
        ->sql_offset($field, $offset);
    elseif ($db_zone == $localzone) {
      return $this
        ->sql_offset($field, 0);
    elseif (!$this
      ->db_tz_support()) {
      if (!empty($this->offset_field)) {
        return $this
          ->sql_offset($field, $this->offset_field);
      else {
        return $this
          ->sql_offset($field, $this
    else {
      switch ($this->db_type) {
        case 'mysql':
        case 'mysqli':
          return "CONVERT_TZ({$field}, {$db_zone}, {$localzone})";
        case 'pgsql':

          // WITH TIME ZONE assumes the date is using the system
          // timezone, which should have been set to UTC.
          return "{$field}::timestamp with time zone AT TIME ZONE {$localzone}";

   * Helper function to create cross-database SQL date formatting.
   * @param $format
   *   A format string for the result, like 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.
   * @param $field
   *   The real table and field name, like 'tablename.fieldname'.
   * @return
   *   An appropriate SQL string for the db type and field type.
  function sql_format($format, $field) {
    switch ($this->db_type) {
      case 'mysql':
      case 'mysqli':
        $replace = array(
          'Y' => '%Y',
          'y' => '%y',
          'm' => '%m',
          'n' => '%c',
          'd' => '%%d',
          'j' => '%e',
          'H' => '%H',
          'i' => '%i',
          's' => '%%s',
          '\\WW' => 'W%U',
        $format = strtr($format, $replace);
        return "DATE_FORMAT({$field}, '{$format}')";
      case 'pgsql':
        $replace = array(
          'Y' => 'YYYY',
          'y' => 'Y',
          'm' => 'MM',
          'n' => 'M',
          'd' => 'DD',
          'j' => 'D',
          'H' => 'HH24',
          'i' => 'MI',
          's' => 'SS',
          '\\T' => '"T"',
        $format = strtr($format, $replace);
        return "TO_CHAR({$field}, '{$format}')";

   * Helper function to create cross-database SQL date extraction.
   * @param $extract_type
   *   The type of value to extract from the date, like 'MONTH'.
   * @param $field
   *   The real table and field name, like 'tablename.fieldname'.
   * @return
   *   An appropriate SQL string for the db type and field type.
  function sql_extract($extract_type, $field) {

    // Note there is no space after FROM to avoid db_rewrite problems
    // see
    switch (drupal_strtoupper($extract_type)) {
      case 'DATE':
        return $field;
      case 'YEAR':
        return "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM({$field}))";
      case 'MONTH':
        return "EXTRACT(MONTH FROM({$field}))";
      case 'DAY':
        return "EXTRACT(DAY FROM({$field}))";
      case 'HOUR':
        return "EXTRACT(HOUR FROM({$field}))";
      case 'MINUTE':
        return "EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM({$field}))";
      case 'SECOND':
        return "EXTRACT(SECOND FROM({$field}))";
      case 'WEEK':

        // ISO week number for date
        switch ($this->db_type) {
          case 'mysql':
          case 'mysqli':

            // WEEK using arg 3 in mysql should return the same value as postgres EXTRACT
            return "WEEK({$field}, 3)";
          case 'pgsql':
            return "EXTRACT(WEEK FROM({$field}))";
      case 'DOW':
        switch ($this->db_type) {
          case 'mysql':
          case 'mysqli':

            // mysql returns 1 for Sunday through 7 for Saturday
            // php date functions and postgres use 0 for Sunday and 6 for Saturday
            return "INTEGER(DAYOFWEEK({$field}) - 1)";
          case 'pgsql':
            return "EXTRACT(DOW FROM({$field}))";
      case 'DOY':
        switch ($this->db_type) {
          case 'mysql':
          case 'mysqli':
            return "DAYOFYEAR({$field})";
          case 'pgsql':
            return "EXTRACT(DOY FROM({$field}))";

   * Create a where clause to compare a complete date field to a complete date value.
   * @param string $type
   *   The type of value we're comparing to, could be another field
   *   or a date value.
   * @param string $field
   *   The db table and field name, like "$table.$field".
   * @param string $operator
   *   The db comparison operator to use, like '='.
   * @param int $value
   *   The value to compare the extracted date part to, could be a
   *   field name or a date string or NOW().
   * @return
   *   SQL for the where clause for this operation.
  function sql_where_date($type, $field, $operator, $value, $adjustment = NULL) {
    $type = drupal_strtoupper($type);
    if (drupal_strtoupper($value) == 'NOW') {
      $value = $this
        ->sql_field('NOW', $adjustment);
    elseif ($type == 'FIELD') {
      $value = $this
        ->sql_field($value, $adjustment);
    elseif ($type == 'DATE') {
      $date = date_make_date($value, date_default_timezone_name(), DATE_DATETIME);
      if (!empty($adjustment)) {
        date_modify($date, $adjustment . ' seconds');

      // When comparing a field to a date we can avoid doing timezone
      // conversion by altering the comparison date to the db timezone.
      // This won't work if the timezone is a field instead of a value.
      if (empty($this->db_timezone_field) && empty($this->local_timezone_field) && $this->db_timezone_field != $this->local_timezone_field) {
        date_timezone_set($date, timezone_open($this->db_timezone));
        $this->local_timezone = $this->db_timezone;
      $value = "'" . date_format_date($date, 'custom', DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME) . "'";
    if ($this->local_timezone != $this->db_timezone) {
      $field = $this
    else {
      $field = $this
        ->sql_field($field, 0);
    return "{$field} {$operator} {$value}";

   * Create a where clause to compare an extracted part of a field to an integer value.
   * @param string $part
   *   The part to extract, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, etc.
   * @param string $field
   *   The db table and field name, like "$table.$field".
   * @param string $operator
   *   The db comparison operator to use, like '='.
   * @param int $value
   *   The integer value to compare the extracted date part to.
   * @return
   *   SQL for the where clause for this operation.
  function sql_where_extract($part, $field, $operator, $value, $adjustment = NULL) {
    $field = $this
      ->sql_field($field, $adjustment);
    return $this
      ->sql_extract($part, $field) . " {$operator} {$value}";

   * Create a where clause to compare a formated field to a formated value.
   * @param string $format
   *   The format to use on the date and the value when comparing them.
   * @param string $field
   *   The db table and field name, like "$table.$field".
   * @param string $operator
   *   The db comparison operator to use, like '='.
   * @param string $value
   *   The value to compare the extracted date part to, could be a
   *   field name or a date string or NOW().
   * @return
   *   SQL for the where clause for this operation.
  function sql_where_format($format, $field, $operator, $value, $adjustment = NULL) {
    $field = $this
      ->sql_field($field, $adjustment);
    return $this
      ->sql_format($format, $field) . " {$operator} '{$value}'";

   * An array of all date parts,
   * optionally limited to an array of allowed parts.
  function date_parts($limit = NULL) {
    $parts = array(
      'year' => date_t('Year', 'datetime'),
      'month' => date_t('Month', 'datetime'),
      'day' => date_t('Day', 'datetime'),
      'hour' => date_t('Hour', 'datetime'),
      'minute' => date_t('Minute', 'datetime'),
      'second' => date_t('Second', 'datetime'),
    if (!empty($limit)) {
      $last = FALSE;
      foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
        if ($last) {
        if ($key == $limit) {
          $last = TRUE;
    return $parts;

   * Part information.
   * @param $op
   *   'min', 'max', 'format', 'sep', 'empty_now', 'empty_min', 'empty_max'.
   *   Returns all info if empty.
   * @param $part
   *   'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', or 'second.
   *   returns info for all parts if empty.
  function part_info($op = NULL, $part = NULL) {
    $info = array();
    $info['min'] = array(
      'year' => 100,
      'month' => 1,
      'day' => 1,
      'hour' => 0,
      'minute' => 0,
      'second' => 0,
    $info['max'] = array(
      'year' => 4000,
      'month' => 12,
      'day' => 31,
      'hour' => 23,
      'minute' => 59,
      'second' => 59,
    $info['format'] = array(
      'year' => 'Y',
      'month' => 'm',
      'day' => 'd',
      'hour' => 'H',
      'minute' => 'i',
      'second' => 's',
    $info['sep'] = array(
      'year' => '',
      'month' => '-',
      'day' => '-',
      'hour' => ' ',
      'minute' => ':',
      'second' => ':',
    $info['empty_now'] = array(
      'year' => date('Y'),
      'month' => date('m'),
      'day' => min('28', date('d')),
      'hour' => date('H'),
      'minute' => date('i'),
      'second' => date('s'),
    $info['empty_min'] = array(
      'year' => '1000',
      'month' => '01',
      'day' => '01',
      'hour' => '00',
      'minute' => '00',
      'second' => '00',
    $info['empty_max'] = array(
      'year' => '9999',
      'month' => '12',
      'day' => '31',
      'hour' => '23',
      'minute' => '59',
      'second' => '59',
    if (!empty($op)) {
      if (!empty($part)) {
        return $info[$op][$part];
      else {
        return $info[$op];
    return $info;

   * Create a complete datetime value out of an
   * incomplete array of selected values.
   * For example, array('year' => 2008, 'month' => 05) will fill
   * in the day, hour, minute and second with the earliest possible
   * values if type = 'min', the latest possible values if type = 'max',
   * and the current values if type = 'now'.
  function complete_date($selected, $type = 'now') {
    if (empty($selected)) {
      return '';

    // Special case for weeks.
    if (array_key_exists('week', $selected)) {
      $dates = date_week_range($selected['week'], $selected['year']);
      switch ($type) {
        case 'empty_now':
        case 'empty_min':
        case 'min':
          return date_format($dates[0], 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
        case 'empty_max':
        case 'max':
          return date_format($dates[1], 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $compare = array_merge($this
      ->part_info('empty_' . $type), $selected);

    // If this is a max date, make sure the last day of
    // the month is the right one for this date.
    if ($type == 'max') {
      $compare['day'] = date_days_in_month($compare['year'], $compare['month']);
    $value = '';
    $separators = $this
    foreach ($this
      ->date_parts() as $key => $name) {
      $value .= $separators[$key] . (!empty($selected[$key]) ? $selected[$key] : $compare[$key]);
    return $value;

   * Convert a format string into help text,
   * i.e. 'Y-m-d' becomes 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
   * @param unknown_type $format
   * @return unknown
  function format_help($format) {
    $replace = array(
      'Y' => 'YYYY',
      'm' => 'MM',
      'd' => 'DD',
      'H' => 'HH',
      'i' => 'MM',
      's' => 'SS',
      '\\T' => 'T',
    return strtr($format, $replace);

   *  A function to test the validity of various date parts
  function part_is_valid($value, $type) {
    if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]*$/', $value)) {
      return FALSE;
    $value = intval($value);
    if ($value <= 0) {
      return FALSE;
    switch ($type) {
      case 'year':
        if ($value < DATE_MIN_YEAR) {
          return FALSE;
      case 'month':
        if ($value < 0 || $value > 12) {
          return FALSE;
      case 'day':
        if ($value < 0 || $value > 31) {
          return FALSE;
      case 'week':
        if ($value < 0 || $value > 53) {
          return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  function views_formats($granularity, $type = 'sql') {
    $formats = array(

    // Start with the site long date format and add seconds to it
    $long = str_replace(':i', ':i:s', variable_get('date_format_long', 'l, F j, Y - H:i'));
    switch ($granularity) {
      case 'year':
        $formats['display'] = 'Y';
        $formats['sql'] = 'Y';
      case 'month':
        $formats['display'] = date_limit_format($long, array(
        $formats['sql'] = 'Y-m';
      case 'day':
        $formats['display'] = date_limit_format($long, array(
        $formats['sql'] = 'Y-m-d';
      case 'hour':
        $formats['display'] = date_limit_format($long, array(
        $formats['sql'] = 'Y-m-d\\TH';
      case 'minute':
        $formats['display'] = date_limit_format($long, array(
        $formats['sql'] = 'Y-m-d\\TH:i';
      case 'second':
        $formats['display'] = date_limit_format($long, array(
        $formats['sql'] = 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s';
      case 'week':
        $formats['display'] = 'F j Y (W)';
        $formats['sql'] = 'Y-\\WW';
    return $formats[$type];
  function granularity_form($granularity) {
    $form = array(
      '#title' => t('Granularity'),
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#default_value' => $granularity,
      '#options' => $this
    return $form;

   * Parse date parts from an ISO date argument.
   * Based on ISO 8601 date duration and time interval standards.
   * See for definitions of ISO weeks.
   * See for definitions of ISO duration and time interval.
   * Parses a value like 2006-01-01--2006-01-15, or 2006-W24, or @P1W.
   * Separate from and to dates or date and period with a double hyphen (--).
   * The 'to' portion of the argument can be eliminated if it is the same as the 'from' portion.
   * Use @ instead of a date to substitute in the current date and time.
   * Use periods (P1H, P1D, P1W, P1M, P1Y) to get next hour/day/week/month/year from now.
   * Use date before P sign to get next hour/day/week/month/year from that date.
   * Use period then date to get a period that ends on the date.
  function arg_parts($argument) {
    $values = array();

    // Keep mal-formed arguments from creating errors.
    if (empty($argument) || is_array($argument)) {
      return array(
        'date' => array(),
        'period' => array(),
    $fromto = explode('--', $argument);
    foreach ($fromto as $arg) {
      $parts = array();
      if ($arg == '@') {
        $parts['date'] = date_array(date_now());
      elseif (preg_match('/(\\d{4})?-?(W)?(\\d{1,2})?-?(\\d{1,2})?[T\\s]?(\\d{1,2})?:?(\\d{1,2})?:?(\\d{1,2})?/', $arg, $matches)) {
        $date = array();
        if (!empty($matches[1])) {
          $date['year'] = $matches[1];
        if (!empty($matches[3])) {
          if (empty($matches[2])) {
            $date['month'] = $matches[3];
          else {
            $date['week'] = $matches[3];
        if (!empty($matches[4])) {
          $date['day'] = $matches[4];
        if (!empty($matches[5])) {
          $date['hour'] = $matches[5];
        if (!empty($matches[6])) {
          $date['minute'] = $matches[6];
        if (!empty($matches[7])) {
          $date['second'] = $matches[7];
        $parts['date'] = $date;
      if (preg_match('/^P(\\d{1,4}[Y])?(\\d{1,2}[M])?(\\d{1,2}[W])?(\\d{1,2}[D])?([T]{0,1})?(\\d{1,2}[H])?(\\d{1,2}[M])?(\\d{1,2}[S])?/', $arg, $matches)) {
        $period = array();
        if (!empty($matches[1])) {
          $period['year'] = str_replace('Y', '', $matches[1]);
        if (!empty($matches[2])) {
          $period['month'] = str_replace('M', '', $matches[2]);
        if (!empty($matches[3])) {
          $period['week'] = str_replace('W', '', $matches[3]);
        if (!empty($matches[4])) {
          $period['day'] = str_replace('D', '', $matches[4]);
        if (!empty($matches[6])) {
          $period['hour'] = str_replace('H', '', $matches[6]);
        if (!empty($matches[7])) {
          $period['minute'] = str_replace('M', '', $matches[7]);
        if (!empty($matches[8])) {
          $period['second'] = str_replace('S', '', $matches[8]);
        $parts['period'] = $period;
      $values[] = $parts;
    return $values;

   * Convert strings like '+1 day' to the ISO equivalent, like 'P1D'.
  function arg_replace($arg) {
    if (!preg_match('/([+|-])\\s?([0-9]{1,32})\\s?([day(s)?|week(s)?|month(s)?|year(s)?|hour(s)?|minute(s)?|second(s)?]{1,10})/', $arg, $results)) {
      return str_replace('now', '@', $arg);
    $direction = $results[1];
    $count = $results[2];
    $item = $results[3];
    $replace = array(
      'now' => '@',
      '+' => 'P',
      '-' => 'P-',
      'years' => 'Y',
      'year' => 'Y',
      'months' => 'M',
      'month' => 'M',
      'weeks' => 'W',
      'week' => 'W',
      'days' => 'D',
      'day' => 'D',
      'hours' => 'H',
      'hour' => 'H',
      'minutes' => 'M',
      'minute' => 'M',
      'seconds' => 'S',
      'second' => 'S',
      '  ' => '',
      ' ' => '',
    $prefix = in_array($item, array(
    )) ? 'T' : '';
    return $prefix . strtr($direction, $replace) . $count . strtr($item, $replace);

   * Use the parsed values from the ISO argument to determine the
   * granularity of this period.
  function arg_granularity($arg) {
    $granularity = '';
    $parts = $this
    $date = !empty($parts[0]['date']) ? $parts[0]['date'] : (!empty($parts[1]['date']) ? $parts[1]['date'] : array());
    foreach ($date as $key => $part) {
      $granularity = $key;
    return $granularity;

   * Use the parsed values from the ISO argument to determine the
   * min and max date for this period.
  function arg_range($arg) {

    // Parse the argument to get its parts
    $parts = $this

    // Build a range from a period-only argument (assumes the min date is now.)
    if (empty($parts[0]['date']) && !empty($parts[0]['period']) && empty($parts[1])) {
      $min_date = date_now();
      $max_date = drupal_clone($min_date);
      foreach ($parts[0]['period'] as $part => $value) {
        date_modify($max_date, "+{$value} {$part}");
      date_modify($max_date, '-1 second');
      return array(

    // Build a range from a period to period argument
    if (empty($parts[0]['date']) && !empty($parts[0]['period']) && !empty($parts[1]['period'])) {
      $min_date = date_now();
      $max_date = drupal_clone($min_date);
      foreach ($parts[0]['period'] as $part => $value) {
        date_modify($min_date, "+{$value} {$part}");
      date_modify($min_date, '-1 second');
      foreach ($parts[1]['period'] as $part => $value) {
        date_modify($max_date, "+{$value} {$part}");
      date_modify($max_date, '-1 second');
      return array(
    if (!empty($parts[0]['date'])) {
      $value = date_fuzzy_datetime($this
        ->complete_date($parts[0]['date'], 'min'));
      $min_date = date_make_date($value, date_default_timezone_name(), DATE_ISO);

      // Build a range from a single date-only argument.
      if (empty($parts[1]) || empty($parts[1]['date']) && empty($parts[1]['period'])) {
        $value = date_fuzzy_datetime($this
          ->complete_date($parts[0]['date'], 'max'));
        $max_date = date_make_date($value, date_default_timezone_name(), DATE_ISO);
        return array(
      elseif (!empty($parts[1]['period'])) {
        foreach ($parts[1]['period'] as $part => $value) {
          $max_date = drupal_clone($min_date);
          date_modify($max_date, "+{$value} {$part}");
        date_modify($max_date, '-1 second');
        return array(

    // Build a range from start date and end date.
    if (!empty($parts[1]['date'])) {
      $value = date_fuzzy_datetime($this
        ->complete_date($parts[1]['date'], 'max'));
      $max_date = date_make_date($value, date_default_timezone_name(), DATE_ISO);
      if (isset($min_date)) {
        return array(

    // Build a range from period + end date.
    if (!empty($parts[0]['period'])) {
      $min_date = date_now();
      foreach ($parts[0]['period'] as $part => $value) {
        date_modify($min_date, "{$value} {$part}");
      return array(

    // Intercept invalid info and fall back to the current date.
    $now = date_now();
    return array(



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
date_sql_handler::$date_type property
date_sql_handler::$db_timezone property
date_sql_handler::$db_timezone_field property
date_sql_handler::$db_type property
date_sql_handler::$local_timezone property
date_sql_handler::$local_timezone_field property
date_sql_handler::$offset_field property
date_sql_handler::arg_granularity function Use the parsed values from the ISO argument to determine the granularity of this period.
date_sql_handler::arg_parts function Parse date parts from an ISO date argument.
date_sql_handler::arg_range function Use the parsed values from the ISO argument to determine the min and max date for this period.
date_sql_handler::arg_replace function Convert strings like '+1 day' to the ISO equivalent, like 'P1D'.
date_sql_handler::complete_date function Create a complete datetime value out of an incomplete array of selected values.
date_sql_handler::construct function
date_sql_handler::date_parts function An array of all date parts, optionally limited to an array of allowed parts.
date_sql_handler::db_tz_support function See if the db has timezone name support.
date_sql_handler::format_help function Convert a format string into help text, i.e. 'Y-m-d' becomes 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
date_sql_handler::get_offset function Return timezone offset for the date being processed.
date_sql_handler::granularity_form function
date_sql_handler::part_info function Part information.
date_sql_handler::part_is_valid function A function to test the validity of various date parts
date_sql_handler::set_db_timezone function Set the database timzone offset.
date_sql_handler::sql_date_math function Adjust a field value by time interval.
date_sql_handler::sql_extract function Helper function to create cross-database SQL date extraction.
date_sql_handler::sql_field function Helper function to create cross-database SQL dates.
date_sql_handler::sql_format function Helper function to create cross-database SQL date formatting.
date_sql_handler::sql_offset function Adjust a field value by an offset in seconds.
date_sql_handler::sql_tz function Select a date value from the database, adjusting the value for the timezone.
date_sql_handler::sql_where_date function Create a where clause to compare a complete date field to a complete date value.
date_sql_handler::sql_where_extract function Create a where clause to compare an extracted part of a field to an integer value.
date_sql_handler::sql_where_format function Create a where clause to compare a formated field to a formated value.
date_sql_handler::views_formats function