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function _date_format_types_build in Date 6.2

Builds and returns the list of available date format types.

Return value

Array of date format types.

2 calls to _date_format_types_build()
date_get_format_types in ./date_api.module
Get the list of available date format types and attributes.
_date_formats_build in ./date_api.module
Builds and returns the list of available date formats.


./date_api.module, line 2075
This module will make the date API available to other modules. Designed to provide a light but flexible assortment of functions and constants, with more functionality in additional files that are not loaded unless other modules specifically include them.


function _date_format_types_build() {
  $types = array();

  // Prevent errors in the upgrade before the date_format_types table exists.
  if (defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE') && !db_table_exists('date_format_types')) {
    return $types;

  // Get list of modules which implement hook_date_format_types().
  $modules = module_implements('date_format_types');
  foreach ($modules as $module) {
    $module_types = module_invoke($module, 'date_format_types');
    foreach ($module_types as $module_type => $type_title) {
      $type = array();
      $type['module'] = $module;
      $type['type'] = $module_type;
      $type['title'] = $type_title;
      $type['locked'] = 1;
      $type['is_new'] = TRUE;

      // Will be over-ridden later if in the db.
      $types[$module_type] = $type;

  // Get custom formats added to the database by the end user.
  $result = db_query('SELECT dft.type, dft.title, dft.locked FROM {date_format_types} dft ORDER BY dft.title');
  while ($object = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    if (!in_array($object->type, $types)) {
      $type = array();
      $type['is_new'] = FALSE;
      $type['module'] = '';
      $type['type'] = $object->type;
      $type['title'] = $object->title;
      $type['locked'] = $object->locked;
      $types[$object->type] = $type;
    else {
      $type = array();
      $type['is_new'] = FALSE;

      // Over-riding previous setting.
      $types[$object->type] = array_merge($types[$object->type], $type);

  // Allow other modules to modify these format types.
  drupal_alter('date_format_types', $types);
  return $types;