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19 uses of DATE_ISO in Date 5

date_convert_timezone in ./
Timezone conversion function
date_data_integrity in ./date.install
Progressive update of date information, integrity checking of all date values.
date_iso2array in ./
date_iso2unix in ./
date_jscalendar_make_dbdate in ./
Construct a value to save to the database from jscalendar input
date_jscalendar_validate in ./
Validation for jscalendar input
date_output_options in ./
Function to create an option list that will display various date and time formats
date_plus_period in ./
Compute min and max dates for a P value
date_selector_make_dbdate in ./
Construct a value to save to the database from the date selector
date_selector_validate in ./
Validation function for date selector $params = an array of values including: required = is a valid date required, default is true opt_fields = an array of fields that need not be filled out, default is empty array
date_select_input in ./
Flexible Date/Time Drop-Down Selector
date_set_date in ./
Function to set local and db date parts in the date object
date_text_input in ./
Text date input form, with optional jscalendar popup
date_text_make_dbdate in ./
Construct a value to save to the database from text input
date_text_validate in ./
Validation for text input
date_unset_granularity in ./
Unset undesired date part values.
date_views_browser_get_views in ./
Find all the views that qualify for date browser treatment
_date_token_values in ./
_date_views_filter_handler in ./