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18 calls to date_gmdate() in Date 5

date_format_date in ./
Format date
date_iso_week_range in ./
Compute min and max dates for an ISO week
date_last_day_of_month in ./
Find the last day of a month
date_output_options in ./
Function to create an option list that will display various date and time formats
date_select_input in ./
Flexible Date/Time Drop-Down Selector
date_text2iso in ./
Use stringtotime function to create an iso date out of text
date_unix2iso in ./
date_unix_day in ./
date_unix_hours in ./
date_unix_minutes in ./
date_unix_mon in ./
date_unix_seconds in ./
date_unix_year in ./
date_views_browser_navigation in ./
Navigation links for the full view
date_views_browser_period_arg in ./
Format an argument for the date range
date_views_browser_period_start_stamp in ./
Find the timestamp for the beginning of the period of the analyzed date arg
date_week_value in ./
Compute min and max dates for a week
theme_date_views_browser_period_label in ./
Theme for the current period label name