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function date_field_default_values in Date 6.2

Helper function to create a field array with default values for a date $field, based on field type, widget type, and timezone handling.

This function can be used to make it easier to create new date fields in profiles or custom code.


$field_type: Can be 'date', 'datestamp', or 'datetime'.

$widget_type: Can be 'date_text', 'date_text_repeat', 'date_select', 'date_select_repeat', 'date_popup', 'date_popup_repeat'.

$tz_handling: Can be 'site', 'date', 'utc', 'none', or 'user'.

$overrides: An optional array of field/widget values that should override the normal defaults.

1 call to date_field_default_values()
date_tools_wizard_create_date_field in date_tools/


date/, line 474
Date administration code. Moved to separate file since there is a lot of code here that is not needed often.


function date_field_default_values($field_type, $widget_type, $tz_handling, $overrides = array()) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'content', 'includes/content.crud');
  $repeat_widgets = array(
  $base_field_values = array(
    'field_name' => '',
    'type_name' => '',
    'multiple' => in_array($widget_type, $repeat_widgets) ? 1 : 0,
    'module' => 'date',
    'granularity' => array(
      'year' => 'year',
      'month' => 'month',
      'day' => 'day',
      'hour' => 'hour',
      'minute' => 'minute',
    'timezone_db' => date_get_timezone_db($tz_handling),
    'tz_handling' => $tz_handling,
    'todate' => 'optional',
    'repeat' => in_array($widget_type, $repeat_widgets) ? 1 : 0,
    'repeat_collapsed' => 0,
    'default_format' => 'medium',
  $base_widget_values = array(
    'label' => '',
    'default_value' => 'now',
    'default_value_code' => '',
    'default_value2' => 'same',
    'default_value_code2' => '',
    'input_format' => date_default_format($widget_type),
    'input_format_custom' => '',
    'increment' => 1,
    'text_parts' => array(),
    'year_range' => '-3:+3',
    'label_position' => 'above',
    'weight' => 0,
    'description' => '',
    'module' => 'date',
  $field_values['date'] = $base_field_values;
  $field_values['date']['type'] = 'date';
  $field_values['datestamp'] = $base_field_values;
  $field_values['datestamp']['type'] = 'datestamp';
  $field_values['datetime'] = $base_field_values;
  $field_values['datetime']['type'] = 'datetime';
  $widget_values['date_select'] = $base_widget_values;
  $widget_values['date_select']['type'] = 'date_select';
  $widget_values['date_text'] = $base_widget_values;
  $widget_values['date_text']['type'] = 'date_text';
  $widget_values['date_popup'] = $base_widget_values;
  $widget_values['date_popup']['type'] = 'date_popup';
  $widget_values['date_popup']['module'] = 'date_popup';
  $widget_values['date_select_repeat'] = $base_widget_values;
  $widget_values['date_select_repeat']['type'] = 'date_select_repeat';
  $widget_values['date_text_repeat'] = $base_widget_values;
  $widget_values['date_text_repeat']['type'] = 'date_text_repeat';
  $widget_values['date_popup_repeat'] = $base_widget_values;
  $widget_values['date_popup_repeat']['type'] = 'date_popup_repeat';

  // Get the basic field array with content module default values.
  $field = content_field_default_values($field_type);

  // Update it with default values for this date field and widget type.
  foreach ($field_values[$field_type] as $key => $value) {
    $field[$key] = $value;
  foreach ($widget_values[$widget_type] as $key => $value) {
    $field['widget'][$key] = $value;

  // Allow overrides of specific default values.
  foreach ($overrides as $key => $value) {
    if ($key != 'widget') {
      $field[$key] = $value;
    else {
      foreach ($value as $widget_key => $widget_value) {
        $field['widget'][$widget_key] = $widget_value;

  // Make sure multiple gets set correctly for repeating dates.
  if ($field['repeat']) {
    $field['multiple'] = 1;

  // Reset columns and db_storage, which may need to be
  // adjusted to the new values.
  $field['columns'] = date_columns($field);
  $field['db_storage'] = content_storage_type($field);
  return $field;