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class D8Cache in Drupal 8 Cache Backport 7

Defines a Drupal 8 cacheable metadata aware cache backend.


  • class \D8Cache implements \TaggableDrupalCacheInterface

Expanded class hierarchy of D8Cache

1 string reference to 'D8Cache'
D8CacheUnitTestCase::getInfo in ./d8cache.test


./, line 17

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class D8Cache implements TaggableDrupalCacheInterface {

   * The cache bin.
   * @var string
  protected $bin;

   * The cache backend.
   * @var \DrupalCacheInterface
  protected $backend;

   * The cache bin specific configuration.
   * @var array
  protected $configuration;

   * Constructs a Drupal8CacheBackend object.
   * @param string $bin
   *   The cache bin for which the object is created.
  public function __construct($bin) {
    global $conf;
    $this->bin = $bin;
    $class = variable_get('d8cache_cache_class_' . $bin);
    if (!isset($class)) {
      $class = variable_get('d8cache_cache_default_class');
    if (!isset($class)) {
      $class = variable_get('cache_default_class', 'DrupalDatabaseCache');
    $this->backend = new $class($bin);
    $this->configuration = array();
    $configuration = variable_get('d8cache_cache_options', array());
    if (isset($configuration[$bin])) {
      $this->configuration = $configuration[$bin];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function get($cid, $allow_invalid = FALSE) {
    $cids = array(
    $cache = $this
      ->getMultiple($cids, $allow_invalid);
    return reset($cache);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getMultiple(&$cids, $allow_invalid = FALSE) {
    $cache = array();
    $cids_map = array_flip($cids);
    foreach ($this->backend
      ->getMultiple($cids) as $cid => $item) {

      // This should never happen.
      if (!isset($cids_map[$cid])) {
      $data = $item->data;
      $expire = isset($data->d8cache_expire) ? $data->d8cache_expire : $item->expire;

      // Check expire time.
      $item->valid = $expire === CACHE_PERMANENT || $expire === CACHE_TEMPORARY || $expire >= REQUEST_TIME;

      // Is this packed data?
      if ($data instanceof stdClass && isset($data->d8cache_tags)) {

        // Check if the cache tags are valid.
        if (!$this
          ->checksumValid($data->d8cache_checksum, $data->d8cache_tags)) {
          $item->valid = FALSE;
        $item->data = $data->d8cache_data;
      if (!$allow_invalid && !$item->valid) {
      $cache[$cid] = $item;

    // Re-calculate the cids property.
    $cids = array_keys($cids_map);
    return $cache;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function set($cid, $data, $expire = CACHE_PERMANENT, $tags = array()) {

    // Allow to override the TTL for a whole bin.
    if (isset($this->configuration['ttl'])) {
      if ($this->configuration['ttl'] == CACHE_MAX_AGE_PERMANENT) {

        // Convert the TTL magic value to the equivilent expire magic value.
        $expire = CACHE_PERMANENT;
      elseif ($this->configuration['ttl'] == CACHE_PERMANENT || $this->configuration['ttl'] == CACHE_TEMPORARY) {

        // Also accept passing the expire magic values directly through.
        $expire = $this->configuration['ttl'];
      else {

        // Convert the TTL to an expiration timestamp.
        $expire = REQUEST_TIME + $this->configuration['ttl'];

    // Allow to set global tags per bin.
    if (isset($this->configuration['tags'])) {
      $tags = drupal_merge_cache_tags($tags, $this->configuration['tags']);

    // Special case cache_page.
    if ($this->bin == 'cache_page') {
      $page_cache_tags =& drupal_static('d8cache_emit_cache_tags', array());
      $page_cache_max_age =& drupal_static('d8cache_emit_cache_max_age', CACHE_MAX_AGE_PERMANENT);
      if (!empty($page_cache_tags)) {
        $tags = drupal_merge_cache_tags($tags, $page_cache_tags);
      $expire = $this
        ->mergeExpireWithMaxAge($expire, $page_cache_max_age);

    // Render arrays.
    if (is_array($data) && isset($data['#attached']) && (isset($data['#attached']['drupal_add_cache_tags']) || isset($data['#attached']['drupal_set_cache_max_age']))) {
      $cacheable_metadata = drupal_get_cacheable_metadata_from_render_array($data);
      if (!empty($cacheable_metadata['tags'])) {
        $tags = drupal_merge_cache_tags($tags, $cacheable_metadata['tags']);

        // Collapse the attached tags into a single attachment before saving.
        $data['#attached']['drupal_add_cache_tags'] = array(
            0 => $cacheable_metadata['tags'],
      $expire = $this
        ->mergeExpireWithMaxAge($expire, $cacheable_metadata['max-age']);
      if ($cacheable_metadata['max-age'] != CACHE_MAX_AGE_PERMANENT) {

        // Collapse the attached max-age into a single attachment before saving.
        $data['#attached']['drupal_set_cache_max_age'] = array(
            0 => $cacheable_metadata['max-age'],

    // No tags, present, just continue normally.
    if (empty($tags)) {
        ->set($cid, $data, $expire);

    // Does the backend support tags natively?
    if ($this->backend instanceof TaggableDrupalCacheInterface) {
        ->set($cid, $data, $expire, $tags);
    else {
      $checksum = $this
      $data = (object) array(
        'd8cache_tags' => $tags,
        'd8cache_checksum' => $checksum,
        'd8cache_expire' => $expire,
        'd8cache_data' => $data,
        ->set($cid, $data, $expire);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function clear($cid = NULL, $wildcard = FALSE) {
      ->clear($cid, $wildcard);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isEmpty() {

    // It is impossible to determine this as we cannot list all items in a
    // consistent way as it depends on the backend used.
    return FALSE;

   * Merges an max-age value with an expire timestamp.
   * @param int $expire
   *   A unix timestamp when this item will expire or one of the CACHE_*
   *   constants.
   * @param int $max_age
   *   A max-age ttl value like an integer or CACHE_MAX_AGE_PERMANENT.
   * @return int
   *   A unix timestamp when this item will expire or one of the CACHE_*
   *   constants.
  protected function mergeExpireWithMaxAge($expire, $max_age) {

    // The difference between $expire and $max-age is that while $expire is
    // a unix timestamp, $max_age is a relative TTL. So, when they interact,
    // we have to be careful to not compare apples and oranges.
    // Do not mess with temporary items.
    if ($expire == CACHE_TEMPORARY) {
      return $expire;

    // In case $max_age is PERMANENT return $expire as is.
    if ($max_age === CACHE_MAX_AGE_PERMANENT) {
      return $expire;

    // If $expire is permanent return the numeric ttl.
    if ($expire == CACHE_PERMANENT) {
      return REQUEST_TIME + $max_age;

    // In all other cases return the minimum of ttl($expire) and $max_age.
    return REQUEST_TIME + min(REQUEST_TIME - $expire, $max_age);

   * Returns the sum total of validations for a given set of tags.
   * Called by a backend when storing a cache item.
   * @param string[] $tags
   *   Array of cache tags.
   * @return string
   *   Cache tag invalidations checksum.
  protected function getCurrentChecksum(array $tags) {
    if (!$this
      ->ensureInstalled()) {

      // When the module has not been installed yet, don't calculate a checksum.
      return 0;
    return d8cache_cache_tags_get_current_checksum($tags);

   * Returns whether the checksum is valid for the given cache tags.
   * Used when retrieving a cache item in a cache backend, to verify that no
   * cache tag based invalidation happened.
   * @param int $checksum
   *   The checksum that was stored together with the cache item.
   * @param string[] $tags
   *   The cache tags that were stored together with the cache item.
   * @return bool
   *   FALSE if cache tag invalidations happened for the passed in tags since
   *   the cache item was stored, TRUE otherwise.
  protected function checksumValid($checksum, array $tags) {
    if (!$this
      ->ensureInstalled()) {

      // When the module has not been installed yet, assume all checksums are
      // valid.
      return TRUE;
    return d8cache_cache_tags_is_valid($checksum, $tags);

   * Ensure D8Cache is installed properly.
   * This will preload d8cache.module during page cache serving, and ensure it
   * is properly installed in other circumstances.
   * @return bool FALSE if it appears d8cache is incorrectly installed, otherwise TRUE.
  public function ensureInstalled() {
    static $installStateKnown = FALSE;
    static $isInstalled = TRUE;
    if ($this->bin == 'cache_page' && drupal_get_bootstrap_phase() < DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL) {

      // Ensure the module file is loaded, in case we are serving a cached page.
      require_once __DIR__ . '/d8cache.module';

      // When we haven't fully bootstrapped yet, we can't actually verify that
      // d8cache has been installed properly. Just assume things are OK.
      return TRUE;
    if ($installStateKnown) {
      return $isInstalled;
    if (!module_exists('d8cache')) {
      watchdog('d8cache', 'D8Cache Backend is in use, but the d8cache module has not been enabled! Please enable it to ensure cache tags work properly.', array(), WATCHDOG_ALERT, 'admin/modules');
      $isInstalled = FALSE;
    $installStateKnown = TRUE;
    return $isInstalled;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
D8Cache::$backend protected property The cache backend.
D8Cache::$bin protected property The cache bin.
D8Cache::$configuration protected property The cache bin specific configuration.
D8Cache::checksumValid protected function Returns whether the checksum is valid for the given cache tags.
D8Cache::clear public function
D8Cache::ensureInstalled public function Ensure D8Cache is installed properly.
D8Cache::get public function
D8Cache::getCurrentChecksum protected function Returns the sum total of validations for a given set of tags.
D8Cache::getMultiple public function 1
D8Cache::isEmpty public function
D8Cache::mergeExpireWithMaxAge protected function Merges an max-age value with an expire timestamp.
D8Cache::set public function 1
D8Cache::__construct public function Constructs a Drupal8CacheBackend object. 1