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function drupal_get_bootstrap_phase in Drupal 7

Returns the current bootstrap phase for this Drupal process.

The current phase is the one most recently completed by drupal_bootstrap().

See also


5 calls to drupal_get_bootstrap_phase()
ajax_footer in includes/
Performs end-of-Ajax-request tasks.
drupal_exit in includes/
Performs end-of-request tasks.
drupal_get_complete_schema in includes/
Gets the whole database schema.
module_implements_write_cache in includes/
Writes the hook implementation cache.
_drupal_log_error in includes/
Logs a PHP error or exception and displays an error page in fatal cases.


includes/, line 2827
Functions that need to be loaded on every Drupal request.


function drupal_get_bootstrap_phase() {
  return drupal_bootstrap(NULL, FALSE);