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function custom_search_preprocess_search_results in Custom Search 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 theme/ \custom_search_preprocess_search_results()


theme/, line 11
User page callbacks for the custom_search module.


function custom_search_preprocess_search_results(&$variables) {
  if ($variables['type'] == 'node') {
    $variables['filter_position'] = variable_get('custom_search_filter', 'disabled');

    // save # of results for collapsing advanced search
    $GLOBALS['custom_search_nb_results'] = count($variables['results']);

    // generate the filter
    if (user_access('use custom search') && $variables['filter_position'] != 'disabled') {

      // Get search words (minus type:node_type)
      $keys = search_get_keys();
      if (strpos($keys, 'type:') !== FALSE) {
        $keys = drupal_substr($keys, 0, strpos($keys, 'type:') - 1);

      // Get Custom Search authorized types
      $searchable_node_types = variable_get('custom_search_node_types', array());
      $searchable_node_types = array_keys(array_filter($searchable_node_types, 'custom_search_filter_array'));
      if (!count($searchable_node_types)) {
        $searchable_node_types = array_keys(node_get_types('names'));
      $node_types = db_query("SELECT type, name FROM {node_type} WHERE type IN (" . db_placeholders($searchable_node_types, 'varchar') . ")", $searchable_node_types);

      // Build menu
      $items = array();
      $items[] = l(variable_get('custom_search_type_selector_all', CUSTOM_SEARCH_ALL_TEXT_DEFAULT), 'search/node/' . $keys);
      while ($node_type = db_fetch_array($node_types)) {

        // count # of results per type
        $nbresults = 0;
        foreach ($variables['results'] as $result) {
          if ($result['node']->type == $node_type['type']) {
        if ($nbresults) {
          $items[] = l($node_type['name'], 'search/node/' . $keys . ' type:' . $node_type['type']);
      if (!isset($variables['filter-title'])) {
        $variables['filter-title'] = filter_xss(variable_get('custom_search_filter_label', CUSTOM_SEARCH_FILTER_LABEL_DEFAULT));
      if (count($items) > 2) {
        $variables['filter'] = theme('item_list', $items, $variables['filter-title']);