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Files in Custom Search 6

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description includes/ Path generation for Apache Solr Search.
custom_search-result.tpl.php theme/custom_search-result.tpl.php custom_search-result.tpl.php Theme implementation for displaying a single search result.
custom_search-results.tpl.php theme/custom_search-results.tpl.php custom_search-results.tpl.php Theme implementation for displaying search results.
custom_search-sort-form.tpl.php theme/custom_search-sort-form.tpl.php Admin settings for custom search
custom_search.css custom_search.css #elements tr.region-message { font-weight: normal; color: #999; } #elements tr.region-populated { display: none; } fieldset.custom_search-popup { display: none; position: absolute; } input.custom-search-default-value {… name = Custom Search description = Customize the default search, change labels, default texts, ordering, and display content types and taxonomy selectors. core = 6.x package = Custom Search dependencies[] = search
custom_search.install custom_search.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the custom search module.
custom_search.module custom_search.module Bring customizations to the default search box theme/ User page callbacks for the custom_search module. modules/custom_search_blocks/ Admin settings for custom search modules/custom_search_blocks/ name = Custom Search Blocks description = Provides additional search blocks. core = 6.x package = Custom Search dependencies[] = custom_search
custom_search_blocks.install modules/custom_search_blocks/custom_search_blocks.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the custom search module.
custom_search_blocks.module modules/custom_search_blocks/custom_search_blocks.module Bring additional search blocks modules/custom_search_i18n/ name = Custom Search Internationalization description = Provides Internationalization to Custom Search. core = 6.x package = Custom Search dependencies[] = custom_search dependencies[] = i18nstrings
custom_search_i18n.install modules/custom_search_i18n/custom_search_i18n.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the custom search module.
custom_search_i18n.module modules/custom_search_i18n/custom_search_i18n.module Brings Internationalization to Custom Search modules/custom_search_taxonomy/ Admin settings for custom search taxonomy modules/custom_search_taxonomy/ name = Custom Search Taxonomy description = Adds taxonomy selectors to Custom Search. core = 6.x package = Custom Search dependencies[] = custom_search dependencies[] = taxonomy
custom_search_taxonomy.install modules/custom_search_taxonomy/custom_search_taxonomy.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the custom search module.
custom_search_taxonomy.module modules/custom_search_taxonomy/custom_search_taxonomy.module Bring customizations to the default search box includes/ includes/ Path generation for Google Appliance Search. includes/ Path generation for Lucene API Search.
README.txt README.txt Custom search 6.x-1.x -------------------------- Install ------- * Enable the module * Go to Administer > Settings > Custom search to change settings * Don't forget to set permissions, otherwise nobody will see the…

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