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8 calls to ctools_object_cache_clear() in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 7

CtoolsObjectCache::testObjectStorage in tests/object_cache.test
ctools_ajax_sample_cache_clear in ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module
Clear the wizard cache.
ctools_cache_simple_cache_clear in plugins/cache/
ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_clear in plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php
Clear the object cache for the currently edited item.
ctools_object_cache_set in includes/
Store an object in the non-volatile ctools cache.
ctools_stylizer_clear_settings_cache in includes/
Remove an item from the object cache.
page_manager_clear_page_cache in page_manager/page_manager.module
Remove an item from the object cache.
page_manager_clear_wizard_cache in includes/
Remove an item from the object cache.