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7 calls to ctools_get_context() in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 6

ctools_context_get_context_from_context in includes/
ctools_context_keyword_substitute in includes/
Perform keyword and context substitutions.
ctools_context_node_edit_convert in plugins/contexts/
Convert a context into a string.
ctools_context_node_edit_convert_list in plugins/contexts/
Provide a list of ways that this context can be converted to a string.
ctools_context_replace_form in includes/
Provide a form array for getting data to replace placeholder contexts with real data.
ctools_ruleset_ctools_access_merge_plugin in ctools_access_ruleset/plugins/access/
Merge the main access plugin with a loaded ruleset to form a child plugin.
_ctools_context_get_converters in includes/
Get a list of converters available for a given context.