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10 calls to ctools_ajax_command_replace() in Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) 6

ctools_access_ajax_add in includes/
AJAX callback to add a new access test to the list.
ctools_access_ajax_delete in includes/
AJAX command to remove an access control item.
ctools_access_ajax_edit in includes/
AJAX callback to edit an access test in the list.
ctools_context_ajax_item_add in includes/
Ajax entry point to add an context
ctools_context_ajax_item_delete in includes/
Ajax entry point to edit an item
ctools_context_ajax_item_edit in includes/
Ajax entry point to edit an item
ctools_export_ui::list_page in plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php
Master entry point for handling a list.
page_manager_edit_page_operation in page_manager/
Entry point to edit a single operation for a page.
page_manager_list_page in page_manager/
Output a list of pages that are managed.
page_manager_page_argument_finish in page_manager/plugins/tasks/
Callback generated when the add page process is finished.