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CodeMirror in CSS Editor 7

/* In-browser code editing
   made bearable */

CodeMirror is a JavaScript component that provides a code editor in the browser. When a mode is available for the language you are coding in, it will color your code, and optionally help with indentation.

A rich programming API and a CSS theming system are available for customizing CodeMirror to fit your application, and extending it with new functionality.

Getting the code

All of CodeMirror is released under a MIT-style license. To get it, you can download the latest release or the current development snapshot as zip files. To create a custom minified script file, you can use the compression API.

We use git for version control. The main repository can be fetched in this way:

git clone

CodeMirror can also be found on GitHub at marijnh/CodeMirror. If you plan to hack on the code and contribute patches, the best way to do it is to create a GitHub fork, and send pull requests.


The manual is your first stop for learning how to use this library. It starts with a quick explanation of how to use the editor, and then describes the API in detail.

For those who want to learn more about the code, there is a series of posts on CodeMirror on my blog, and the old overview of the editor internals. The source code itself is, for the most part, also very readable.

Support and bug reports

Community discussion, questions, and informal bug reporting is done on the CodeMirror Google group. There is a separate group, CodeMirror-announce, which is lower-volume, and is only used for major announcements—new versions and such. These will be cross-posted to both groups, so you don't need to subscribe to both.

Though bug reports through e-mail are responded to, the preferred way to report bugs is to use the GitHub issue tracker. Before reporting a bug, read these pointers. Also, the issue tracker is for bugs, not requests for help.

When none of these seem fitting, you can simply e-mail the maintainer directly.

Supported browsers

The following desktop browsers are able to run CodeMirror:

  • Firefox 3 or higher
  • Chrome, any version
  • Safari 5.2 or higher
  • Opera 9 or higher (with some key-handling problems on OS X)
  • Internet Explorer 8 or higher in standards mode
    (Not quirks mode. But quasi-standards mode with a transitional doctype is also flaky. <!doctype html> is recommended.)
  • Internet Explorer 7 (standards mode) is usable, but buggy. It has a z-index bug that prevents CodeMirror from working properly.

I am not actively testing against every new browser release, and vendors have a habit of introducing bugs all the time, so I am relying on the community to tell me when something breaks. See here for information on how to contact me.

Mobile browsers mostly kind of work, but, because of limitations and their fundamentally different UI assumptions, show a lot of quirks that are hard to work around.

Commercial support

CodeMirror is developed and maintained by me, Marijn Haverbeke, in my own time. If your company is getting value out of CodeMirror, please consider purchasing a support contract.

  • You'll be funding further work on CodeMirror.
  • You ensure that you get a quick response when you have a problem, even when I am otherwise busy.

CodeMirror support contracts exist in two forms—basic at €100 per month, and premium at €500 per month. Contact me for further information.

Download the latest release

Support CodeMirror

Reading material


20-03-2013: Version 3.11:

21-02-2013: Version 3.1:

25-01-2013: Version 3.02:

Single-bugfix release. Fixes a problem that prevents CodeMirror instances from being garbage-collected after they become unused.

21-01-2013: Version 3.01:

21-01-2013: Version 2.38:

Integrate some bugfixes, enhancements to the vim keymap, and new modes (D, Sass, APL) from the v3 branch.

20-12-2012: Version 2.37:

  • New mode: SQL (will replace plsql and mysql modes).
  • Further work on the new VIM mode.
  • Fix Cmd/Ctrl keys on recent Operas on OS X.
  • Full list of patches.

10-12-2012: Version 3.0:

New major version. Only partially backwards-compatible. See the upgrading guide for more information. Changes since release candidate 2:

  • Rewritten VIM mode.
  • Fix a few minor scrolling and sizing issues.
  • Work around Safari segfault when dragging.
  • Full list of patches.

20-11-2012: Version 3.0, release candidate 2:

  • New mode: HTTP.
  • Improved handling of selection anchor position.
  • Improve IE performance on longer lines.
  • Reduce gutter glitches during horiz. scrolling.
  • Add addKeyMap and removeKeyMap methods.
  • Rewrite formatting and closetag add-ons.
  • Full list of patches.

20-11-2012: Version 2.36:

20-11-2012: Version 3.0, release candidate 1:

22-10-2012: Version 2.35:

Older releases...



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<h1><span class="logo-braces">{ }</span> <a href="">CodeMirror</a></h1>

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/* In-browser code editing
   made bearable */

<div class="clear"><div class="left blk">

  <p style="margin-top: 0">CodeMirror is a JavaScript component that
  provides a code editor in the browser. When a mode is available for
  the language you are coding in, it will color your code, and
  optionally help with indentation.</p>

  <p>A <a href="doc/manual.html">rich programming API</a> and a CSS
  theming system are available for customizing CodeMirror to fit your
  application, and extending it with new functionality.</p>

  <div class="clear"><div class="left1 blk">

    <h2 style="margin-top: 0">Supported modes:</h2>

      <li><a href="mode/clike/index.html">C, C++, C#</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/clojure/index.html">Clojure</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/coffeescript/index.html">CoffeeScript</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/commonlisp/index.html">Common Lisp</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/css/index.html">CSS</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/d/index.html">D</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/diff/index.html">diff</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/ecl/index.html">ECL</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/erlang/index.html">Erlang</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/go/index.html">Go</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/groovy/index.html">Groovy</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/haskell/index.html">Haskell</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/haxe/index.html">Haxe</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/htmlmixed/index.html">HTML mixed-mode</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/http/index.html">HTTP</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/clike/index.html">Java</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/javascript/index.html">JavaScript</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/less/index.html">LESS</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/lua/index.html">Lua</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/markdown/index.html">Markdown</a> (<a href="mode/gfm/index.html">GitHub-flavour</a>)</li>
      <li><a href="mode/ntriples/index.html">NTriples</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/ocaml/index.html">OCaml</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/pascal/index.html">Pascal</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/perl/index.html">Perl</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/php/index.html">PHP</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/properties/index.html">Properties files</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/python/index.html">Python</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/r/index.html">R</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/rst/index.html">reStructuredText</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/ruby/index.html">Ruby</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/rust/index.html">Rust</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/sass/index.html">Sass</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/clike/scala.html">Scala</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/scheme/index.html">Scheme</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/shell/index.html">Shell</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/smalltalk/index.html">Smalltalk</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/smarty/index.html">Smarty</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/sql/index.html">SQL</a> (several dialects)</li>
      <li><a href="mode/sparql/index.html">SPARQL</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/stex/index.html">sTeX, LaTeX</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/tcl/index.html">Tcl</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/vb/index.html">VB.NET</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/vbscript/index.html">VBScript</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/velocity/index.html">Velocity</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/xml/index.html">XML/HTML</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/xquery/index.html">XQuery</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/yaml/index.html">YAML</a></li>
      <li><a href="mode/z80/index.html">Z80</a></li>
      <li><a href="doc/modes.html">Full list...</a></li>

  </div><div class="left2 blk">

    <h2 style="margin-top: 0">Usage demos:</h2>

      <li><a href="demo/complete.html">Autocompletion</a> (<a href="demo/xmlcomplete.html">XML</a>)</li>
      <li><a href="demo/search.html">Search/replace</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/folding.html">Code folding</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/bidi.html">Bi-directional text</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/widget.html">Line widgets</a> (via JSHint)</li>
      <li><a href="demo/buffers.html">Split view</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/mustache.html">Mode overlays</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/multiplex.html">Mode multiplexer</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/preview.html">HTML editor with preview</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/resize.html">Auto-resizing editor</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/marker.html">Setting breakpoints</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/activeline.html">Highlighting the current line</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/matchhighlighter.html">Highlighting selection matches</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/theme.html">Theming</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/variableheight.html">Mixed font sizes</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/runmode.html">Stand-alone highlighting</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/fullscreen.html">Full-screen editing</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/changemode.html">Mode auto-changing</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/visibletabs.html">Visible tabs</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/emacs.html">Emacs keybindings</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/vim.html">Vim keybindings</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/closetag.html">Automatic xml tag closing</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/loadmode.html">Lazy mode loading</a></li>
      <li><a href="demo/btree.html">Document tree visualization</a></li>

    <h2>Real-world uses:</h2>

      <li><a href=""></a> (JS playground)</li>
      <li><a href="">Light Table</a> (experimental IDE)</li>
      <li><a href="">Adobe Brackets</a> (code editor)</li>
      <li><a href="">Mergely</a> (interactive diffing)</li>
      <li><a href="">Google Apps Script</a></li>
      <li><a href="">GitHub's Android app</a></li>
      <li><a href="">Eloquent JavaScript</a> (book)</li>
      <li><a href="">Emmet</a> (fast XML editing)</li>
      <li><a href="">Paper.js</a> (graphics scripting)</li>
      <li><a href="">Codev</a> (collaborative IDE)</li>
      <li><a href="">Tributary</a> (augmented editing)</li>
      <li><a href=""></a> (github content editor)</li>
      <li><a href="">WeScheme</a> (learning tool)</li>
      <li><a href="">WebGL playground</a></li>
      <li><a href=""></a> (http API query helper)</li>
      <li><a href="">The File Tree</a> (collab editor)</li>
      <li><a href="">JSHint</a> (JS linter)</li>
      <li><a href="">SQLFiddle</a> (SQL playground)</li>
      <li><a href="">Try Haxe</a> (Haxe Playground) </li>
      <li><a href="">CSSDeck</a> (CSS showcase)</li>
      <li><a href="">sketchPatch Livecodelab</a></li>
      <li><a href="">NoTex</a> (rST authoring)</li>
      <li><a href="doc/realworld.html">More...</a></li>


  <h2 id="code">Getting the code</h2>

  <p>All of CodeMirror is released under a <a
  href="LICENSE">MIT-style</a> license. To get it, you can download
  the <a href="">latest
  release</a> or the current <a
  snapshot</a> as zip files. To create a custom minified script file,
  you can use the <a href="doc/compress.html">compression API</a>.</p>

  <p>We use <a href="">git</a> for version control.
  The main repository can be fetched in this way:</p>

  <pre class="code">git clone</pre>

  <p>CodeMirror can also be found on GitHub at <a
  If you plan to hack on the code and contribute patches, the best way
  to do it is to create a GitHub fork, and send pull requests.</p>

  <h2 id="documention">Documentation</h2>

  <p>The <a href="doc/manual.html">manual</a> is your first stop for
  learning how to use this library. It starts with a quick explanation
  of how to use the editor, and then describes the API in detail.</p>

  <p>For those who want to learn more about the code, there is
  a <a href="">series of
  posts</a> on CodeMirror on my blog, and the
  old <a href="doc/internals.html">overview of the editor
  The <a href="">source code</a>
  itself is, for the most part, also very readable.</p>

  <h2 id="support">Support and bug reports</h2>

  <p>Community discussion, questions, and informal bug reporting is
  done on
  the <a href="">CodeMirror
  Google group</a>. There is a separate
  group, <a href="">CodeMirror-announce</a>,
  which is lower-volume, and is only used for major announcements—new
  versions and such. These will be cross-posted to both groups, so you
  don't need to subscribe to both.</p>

  <p>Though bug reports through e-mail are responded to, the preferred
  way to report bugs is to use
  the <a href="">GitHub
  issue tracker</a>. Before reporting a
  bug, <a href="doc/reporting.html">read these pointers</a>. Also,
  the issue tracker is for <em>bugs</em>, not requests for help.</p>

  <p>When none of these seem fitting, you can
  simply <a href="">e-mail the maintainer</a>

  <h2 id="supported">Supported browsers</h2>

  <p>The following <em>desktop</em> browsers are able to run CodeMirror:</p>

    <li>Firefox 3 or higher</li>
    <li>Chrome, any version</li>
    <li>Safari 5.2 or higher</li>
    <li>Opera 9 or higher (with some key-handling problems on OS X)</li>
    <li>Internet Explorer 8 or higher in standards mode<br>
      <em>(<strong>Not</strong> quirks mode. But quasi-standards mode with a
      transitional doctype is also flaky. <code>&lt;!doctype
      html></code> is recommended.)</em></li>
    <li>Internet Explorer 7 (standards mode) is usable, but buggy. It
    has a <a href="">z-index
    bug</a> that prevents CodeMirror from working properly.</li>

  <p>I am not actively testing against every new browser release, and
  vendors have a habit of introducing bugs all the time, so I am
  relying on the community to tell me when something breaks.
  See <a href="#support">here</a> for information on how to contact

  <p>Mobile browsers mostly kind of work, but, because of limitations
  and their fundamentally different UI assumptions, show a lot of
  quirks that are hard to work around.</p>

  <h2 id="commercial">Commercial support</h2>

  <p>CodeMirror is developed and maintained by me, Marijn Haverbeke,
  in my own time. If your company is getting value out of CodeMirror,
  please consider purchasing a support contract.</p>

    <li>You'll be funding further work on CodeMirror.</li>
    <li>You ensure that you get a quick response when you have a
    problem, even when I am otherwise busy.</li>

  <p>CodeMirror support contracts exist in two
  forms—<strong>basic</strong> at €100 per month,
  and <strong>premium</strong> at €500 per
  month. <a href="">Contact me</a> for further


<div class="right blk">

  <a href="" class="download">Download the latest release</a>

  <h2>Support CodeMirror</h2>

    (<span onclick="document.getElementById('paypal').submit();"
    <span onclick="document.getElementById('bankinfo').style.display = 'block';"
           class="quasilink">bank</span>, or
    <a href="">Gittip</a>)</li>
    <li>Purchase <a href="#commercial">commercial support</a></li>

  <p id="bankinfo" style="display: none;">
    Bank: <i>Rabobank</i><br/>
    Country: <i>Netherlands</i><br/>
    SWIFT: <i>RABONL2U</i><br/>
    Account: <i>147850770</i><br/>
    Name: <i>Marijn Haverbeke</i><br/>
    IBAN: <i>NL26 RABO 0147 8507 70</i>

  <h2>Reading material</h2>

    <li><a href="doc/manual.html">User manual</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Browse the code</a></li>

  <h2 id=releases>Releases</h2>

  <p class="rel">20-03-2013: <a href="">Version 3.11</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li><strong>Removed code:</strong> <code>collapserange</code>,
    <code>formatting</code>, and <code>simple-hint</code>
    addons. <code>plsql</code> and <code>mysql</code> modes
    (use <a href="mode/sql/index.html"><code>sql</code></a> mode).</li>
    <li><strong>Moved code:</strong> the range-finding functions for folding now have <a href="addon/fold/">their own files</a>.</li>
    <li><strong>Changed interface:</strong>
    the <a href="doc/manual.html#addon_continuecomment"><code>continuecomment</code></a>
    addon now exposes an option, rather than a command.</li>
    modes: <a href="mode/css/scss.html">SCSS</a>, <a href="mode/tcl/index.html">Tcl</a>, <a href="mode/livescript/index.html">LiveScript</a>,
    and <a href="mode/mirc/index.html">mIRC</a>.</li>
    <li>New addons: <a href="demo/placeholder.html"><code>placeholder</code></a>, <a href="demo/html5complete.html">HTML completion</a>.</li>
    methods: <a href="doc/manual.html#hasFocus"><code>hasFocus</code></a>, <a href="doc/manual.html#defaultCharWidth"><code>defaultCharWidth</code></a>.</li>
    <li>New events: <a href="doc/manual.html#event_beforeCursorEnter"><code>beforeCursorEnter</code></a>, <a href="doc/manual.html#event_renderLine"><code>renderLine</code></a>.</li>
    <li>Many improvements to the <a href="doc/manual.html#addon_show-hint"><code>show-hint</code></a> completion
    dialog addon.</li>
    <li>Tweak behavior of by-word cursor motion.</li>
    <li>Further improvements to the <a href="demo/vim.html">vim mode</a>.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">21-02-2013: <a href="">Version 3.1</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li><strong>Incompatible:</strong> key handlers may
    now <em>return</em>, rather
    than <em>throw</em> <code>CodeMirror.Pass</code> to signal they
    didn't handle the key.</li>
    <li>Make documents a <a href="doc/manual.html#api_doc">first-class
    construct</a>, support split views and subviews.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="doc/manual.html#addon_show-hint">new module</a>
    for showing completion hints.
    Deprecate <code>simple-hint.js</code>.</li>
    <li>Extend <a href="mode/htmlmixed/index.html">htmlmixed mode</a>
    to allow custom handling of script types.</li>
    <li>Support an <code>insertLeft</code> option
    to <a href="doc/manual.html#setBookmark"><code>setBookmark</code></a>.</li>
    <li>Add an <a href="doc/manual.html#eachLine"><code>eachLine</code></a>
    method to iterate over a document.</li>
    <li>New addon modules: <a href="demo/markselection.html">selection
    marking</a>, <a href="demo/lint.html">linting</a>,
    and <a href="demo/closebrackets.html">automatic bracket
    <li>Add <a href="doc/manual.html#event_beforeChange"><code>"beforeChange"</code></a>
    and <a href="doc/manual.html#event_beforeSelectionChange"><code>"beforeSelectionChange"</code></a>
    <li>Add <a href="doc/manual.html#event_hide"><code>"hide"</code></a>
    and <a href="doc/manual.html#event_unhide"><code>"unhide"</code></a>
    events to marked ranges.</li>
    <li>Fix <a href="doc/manual.html#coordsChar"><code>coordsChar</code></a>'s
    interpretation of its argument to match the documentation.</li>
    <li>New modes: <a href="mode/turtle/index.html">Turtle</a>
    and <a href="mode/q/index.html">Q</a>.</li>
    <li>Further improvements to the <a href="demo/vim.html">vim mode</a>.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">25-01-2013: <a href="">Version 3.02</a>:</p>

  <p class="rel-note">Single-bugfix release. Fixes a problem that
  prevents CodeMirror instances from being garbage-collected after
  they become unused.</p>

  <p class="rel">21-01-2013: <a href="">Version 3.01</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Move all add-ons into an organized directory structure
    under <a href="addon/"><code>/addon</code></a>. <strong>You might have to adjust your
    modes: <a href="mode/d/index.html">D</a>, <a href="mode/sass/index.html">Sass</a>, <a href="mode/apl/index.html">APL</a>, <a href="mode/sql/index.html">SQL</a>
    (configurable), and <a href="mode/asterisk/index.html">Asterisk</a>.</li>
    <li>Several bugfixes in right-to-left text support.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="doc/manual.html#option_rtlMoveVisually"><code>rtlMoveVisually</code></a> option.</li>
    <li>Improvements to vim keymap.</li>
    <li>Add built-in (lightweight) <a href="doc/manual.html#addOverlay">overlay mode</a> support.</li>
    <li>Support <code>showIfHidden</code> option for <a href="doc/manual.html#addLineWidget">line widgets</a>.</li>
    <li>Add simple <a href="doc/manual.html#addon_python-hint">Python hinter</a>.</li>
    <li>Bring back the <a href="doc/manual.html#option_fixedGutter"><code>fixedGutter</code></a> option.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">21-01-2013: <a href="">Version 2.38</a>:</p>

  <p class="rel-note">Integrate some bugfixes, enhancements to the vim keymap, and new
  (<a href="mode/d/index.html">D</a>, <a href="mode/sass/index.html">Sass</a>, <a href="mode/apl/index.html">APL</a>)
  from the v3 branch.</p>

  <p class="rel">20-12-2012: <a href="">Version 2.37</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>New mode: <a href="mode/sql/index.html">SQL</a> (will replace <a href="mode/plsql/index.html">plsql</a> and <a href="mode/mysql/index.html">mysql</a> modes).</li>
    <li>Further work on the new VIM mode.</li>
    <li>Fix Cmd/Ctrl keys on recent Operas on OS X.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">10-12-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0</a>:</p>

  <p class="rel-note"><strong>New major version</strong>. Only
  partially backwards-compatible. See
  the <a href="doc/upgrade_v3.html">upgrading guide</a> for more
  information. Changes since release candidate 2:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Rewritten VIM mode.</li>
    <li>Fix a few minor scrolling and sizing issues.</li>
    <li>Work around Safari segfault when dragging.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">20-11-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0, release candidate 2</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>New mode: <a href="mode/http/index.html">HTTP</a>.</li>
    <li>Improved handling of selection anchor position.</li>
    <li>Improve IE performance on longer lines.</li>
    <li>Reduce gutter glitches during horiz. scrolling.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="doc/manual.html#addKeyMap"><code>addKeyMap</code></a> and <a href="doc/manual.html#removeKeyMap"><code>removeKeyMap</code></a> methods.</li>
    <li>Rewrite <code>formatting</code> and <code>closetag</code> add-ons.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">20-11-2012: <a href="">Version 2.36</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>New mode: <a href="mode/z80/index.html">Z80 assembly</a>.</li>
    <li>New theme: <a href="demo/theme.html?twilight">Twilight</a>.</li>
    <li>Add command-line compression helper.</li>
    <li>Make <a href="doc/manual.html#scrollIntoView"><code>scrollIntoView</code></a> public.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="doc/manual.html#defaultTextHeight"><code>defaultTextHeight</code></a> method.</li>
    <li>Various extensions to the vim keymap.</li>
    <li>Make <a href="mode/php/index.html">PHP mode</a> build on <a href="mode/htmlmixed/index.html">mixed HTML mode</a>.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="doc/manual.html#addon_continuecomment">comment-continuing</a> add-on.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">20-11-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0, release candidate 1</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>New theme: <a href="demo/theme.html?solarized%20light">Solarized</a>.</li>
    <li>Introduce <a href="doc/manual.html#addLineClass"><code>addLineClass</code></a>
    and <a href="doc/manual.html#removeLineClass"><code>removeLineClass</code></a>,
    drop <code>setLineClass</code>.</li>
    <li>Add a <em>lot</em> of
    new <a href="doc/manual.html#markText">options for marked text</a>
    (read-only, atomic, collapsed, widget replacement).</li>
    <li>Remove the old code folding interface in favour of these new ranges.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="doc/manual.html#isClean"><code>isClean</code></a>/<a href="doc/manual.html#markClean"><code>markClean</code></a> methods.</li>
    <li>Remove <code>compoundChange</code> method, use better undo-event-combining heuristic.</li>
    <li>Improve scrolling performance smoothness.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">22-10-2012: <a href="">Version 2.35</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>New (sub) mode: <a href="mode/javascript/typescript.html">TypeScript</a>.</li>
    <li>Don't overwrite (insert key) when pasting.</li>
    <li>Fix several bugs in <a href="doc/manual.html#markText"><code>markText</code></a>/undo interaction.</li>
    <li>Better indentation of JavaScript code without semicolons.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="doc/manual.html#defineInitHook"><code>defineInitHook</code></a> function.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p><a href="doc/oldrelease.html">Older releases...</a></p>


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