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CodeMirror in CSS Editor 7

/* Old release
   history */

22-10-2012: Version 3.0, beta 2:

  • Fix page-based coordinate computation.
  • Fix firing of gutterClick event.
  • Add cursorHeight option.
  • Fix bi-directional text regression.
  • Add viewportMargin option.
  • Directly handle mousewheel events (again, hopefully better).
  • Make vertical cursor movement more robust (through widgets, big line gaps).
  • Add flattenSpans option.
  • Many optimizations. Poor responsiveness should be fixed.
  • Initialization in hidden state works again.
  • Full list of patches.

19-09-2012: Version 2.34:

  • New mode: Common Lisp.
  • Fix right-click select-all on most browsers.
  • Change the way highlighting happens:
      Saves memory and CPU cycles.
      compareStates is no longer needed.
      onHighlightComplete no longer works.
  • Integrate mode (Markdown, XQuery, CSS, sTex) tests in central testsuite.
  • Add a CodeMirror.version property.
  • More robust handling of nested modes in formatting and closetag plug-ins.
  • Un/redo now preserves marked text and bookmarks.
  • Full list of patches.

19-09-2012: Version 3.0, beta 1:

  • Bi-directional text support.
  • More powerful gutter model.
  • Support for arbitrary text/widget height.
  • In-line widgets.
  • Generalized event handling.

23-08-2012: Version 2.33:

  • New mode: Sieve.
  • New getViewPort and onViewportChange API.
  • Configurable cursor blink rate.
  • Make binding a key to false disabling handling (again).
  • Show non-printing characters as red dots.
  • More tweaks to the scrolling model.
  • Expanded testsuite. Basic linter added.
  • Remove most uses of innerHTML. Remove CodeMirror.htmlEscape.
  • Full list of patches.

23-07-2012: Version 2.32:

Emergency fix for a bug where an editor with line wrapping on IE will break when there is no scrollbar.

20-07-2012: Version 2.31:

22-06-2012: Version 2.3:

  • New scrollbar implementation. Should flicker less. Changes DOM structure of the editor.
  • New theme: vibrant-ink.
  • Many extensions to the VIM keymap (including text objects).
  • Add mode-multiplexing utility script.
  • Fix bug where right-click paste works in read-only mode.
  • Add a getScrollInfo method.
  • Lots of other fixes.

23-05-2012: Version 2.25:

  • New mode: Erlang.
  • Remove xmlpure mode (use xml.js).
  • Fix line-wrapping in Opera.
  • Fix X Windows middle-click paste in Chrome.
  • Fix bug that broke pasting of huge documents.
  • Fix backspace and tab key repeat in Opera.

23-04-2012: Version 2.24:

  • Drop support for Internet Explorer 6.
  • New modes: Shell, Tiki wiki, Pig Latin.
  • New themes: Ambiance, Blackboard.
  • More control over drag/drop with dragDrop and onDragEvent options.
  • Make HTML mode a bit less pedantic.
  • Add compoundChange API method.
  • Several fixes in undo history and line hiding.
  • Remove (broken) support for catchall in key maps, add nofallthrough boolean field instead.

26-03-2012: Version 2.23:

  • Change default binding for tab [more]
  • New modes: XQuery and VBScript.
  • Two new themes: lesser-dark and xq-dark.
  • Differentiate between background and text styles in setLineClass.
  • Fix drag-and-drop in IE9+.
  • Extend charCoords and cursorCoords with a mode argument.
  • Add autofocus option.
  • Add findMarksAt method.

27-02-2012: Version 2.22:

27-01-2012: Version 2.21:

  • Added LESS, MySQL, Go, and Verilog modes.
  • Add smartIndent option.
  • Support a cursor in readOnly-mode.
  • Support assigning multiple styles to a token.
  • Use a new approach to drawing the selection.
  • Add scrollTo method.
  • Allow undo/redo events to span non-adjacent lines.
  • Lots and lots of bugfixes.

20-12-2011: Version 2.2:

21-11-2011: Version 2.18:

Fixes TextMarker.clear, which is broken in 2.17.

21-11-2011: Version 2.17:

  • Add support for line wrapping and code folding.
  • Add Github-style Markdown mode.
  • Add Monokai and Rubyblue themes.
  • Add setBookmark method.
  • Move some of the demo code into reusable components under lib/util.
  • Make screen-coord-finding code faster and more reliable.
  • Fix drag-and-drop in Firefox.
  • Improve support for IME.
  • Speed up content rendering.
  • Fix browser's built-in search in Webkit.
  • Make double- and triple-click work in IE.
  • Various fixes to modes.

27-10-2011: Version 2.16:

  • Add Perl, Rust, TiddlyWiki, and Groovy modes.
  • Dragging text inside the editor now moves, rather than copies.
  • Add a coordsFromIndex method.
  • API change: setValue now no longer clears history. Use clearHistory for that.
  • API change: markText now returns an object with clear and find methods. Marked text is now more robust when edited.
  • Fix editing code with tabs in Internet Explorer.

26-09-2011: Version 2.15:

Fix bug that snuck into 2.14: Clicking the character that currently has the cursor didn't re-focus the editor.

26-09-2011: Version 2.14:

23-08-2011: Version 2.13:

25-07-2011: Version 2.12:

  • Add a SPARQL mode.
  • Fix bug with cursor jumping around in an unfocused editor in IE.
  • Allow key and mouse events to bubble out of the editor. Ignore widget clicks.
  • Solve cursor flakiness after undo/redo.
  • Fix block-reindent ignoring the last few lines.
  • Fix parsing of multi-line attrs in XML mode.
  • Use innerHTML for HTML-escaping.
  • Some fixes to indentation in C-like mode.
  • Shrink horiz scrollbars when long lines removed.
  • Fix width feedback loop bug that caused the width of an inner DIV to shrink.

04-07-2011: Version 2.11:

  • Add a Scheme mode.
  • Add a replace method to search cursors, for cursor-preserving replacements.
  • Make the C-like mode mode more customizable.
  • Update XML mode to spot mismatched tags.
  • Add getStateAfter API and compareState mode API methods for finer-grained mode magic.
  • Add a getScrollerElement API method to manipulate the scrolling DIV.
  • Fix drag-and-drop for Firefox.
  • Add a C# configuration for the C-like mode.
  • Add full-screen editing and mode-changing demos.

07-06-2011: Version 2.1:

Add a theme system (demo). Note that this is not backwards-compatible—you'll have to update your styles and modes!

07-06-2011: Version 2.02:

  • Add a Lua mode.
  • Fix reverse-searching for a regexp.
  • Empty lines can no longer break highlighting.
  • Rework scrolling model (the outer wrapper no longer does the scrolling).
  • Solve horizontal jittering on long lines.
  • Add runmode.js.
  • Immediately re-highlight text when typing.
  • Fix problem with 'sticking' horizontal scrollbar.

26-05-2011: Version 2.01:

  • Add a Smalltalk mode.
  • Add a reStructuredText mode.
  • Add a Python mode.
  • Add a PL/SQL mode.
  • coordsChar now works
  • Fix a problem where onCursorActivity interfered with onChange.
  • Fix a number of scrolling and mouse-click-position glitches.
  • Pass information about the changed lines to onChange.
  • Support cmd-up/down on OS X.
  • Add triple-click line selection.
  • Don't handle shift when changing the selection through the API.
  • Support "nocursor" mode for readOnly option.
  • Add an onHighlightComplete option.
  • Fix the context menu for Firefox.

28-03-2011: Version 2.0:

CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite that's faster, smaller, simpler to use, and less dependent on browser quirks. See this and this for more information.

28-03-2011: Version 1.0:

  • Fix error when debug history overflows.
  • Refine handling of C# verbatim strings.
  • Fix some issues with JavaScript indentation.

22-02-2011: Version 2.0 beta 2:

Somewhat more mature API, lots of bugs shaken out.

17-02-2011: Version 0.94:

  • tabMode: "spaces" was modified slightly (now indents when something is selected).
  • Fixes a bug that would cause the selection code to break on some IE versions.
  • Disabling spell-check on WebKit browsers now works.

08-02-2011: Version 2.0 beta 1:

CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite of CodeMirror, no longer depending on an editable frame.

19-01-2011: Version 0.93:

  • Added a Regular Expression parser.
  • Fixes to the PHP parser.
  • Support for regular expression in search/replace.
  • Add save method to instances created with fromTextArea.
  • Add support for MS T-SQL in the SQL parser.
  • Support use of CSS classes for highlighting brackets.
  • Fix yet another hang with line-numbering in hidden editors.

17-12-2010: Version 0.92:

  • Make CodeMirror work in XHTML documents.
  • Fix bug in handling of backslashes in Python strings.
  • The styleNumbers option is now officially supported and documented.
  • onLineNumberClick option added.
  • More consistent names onLoad and onCursorActivity callbacks. Old names still work, but are deprecated.
  • Add a Freemarker mode.

11-11-2010: Version 0.91:

  • Adds support for Java.
  • Small additions to the PHP and SQL parsers.
  • Work around various Webkit issues.
  • Fix toTextArea to update the code in the textarea.
  • Add a noScriptCaching option (hack to ease development).
  • Make sub-modes of HTML mixed mode configurable.

02-10-2010: Version 0.9:

  • Add support for searching backwards.
  • There are now parsers for Scheme, XQuery, and OmetaJS.
  • Makes height: "dynamic" more robust.
  • Fixes bug where paste did not work on OS X.
  • Add a enterMode and electricChars options to make indentation even more customizable.
  • Add firstLineNumber option.
  • Fix bad handling of @media rules by the CSS parser.
  • Take a new, more robust approach to working around the invisible-last-line bug in WebKit.

22-07-2010: Version 0.8:

  • Add a cursorCoords method to find the screen coordinates of the cursor.
  • A number of fixes and support for more syntax in the PHP parser.
  • Fix indentation problem with JSON-mode JS parser in Webkit.
  • Add a minification UI.
  • Support a height: dynamic mode, where the editor's height will adjust to the size of its content.
  • Better support for IME input mode.
  • Fix JavaScript parser getting confused when seeing a no-argument function call.
  • Have CSS parser see the difference between selectors and other identifiers.
  • Fix scrolling bug when pasting in a horizontally-scrolled editor.
  • Support toTextArea method in instances created with fromTextArea.
  • Work around new Opera cursor bug that causes the cursor to jump when pressing backspace at the end of a line.

27-04-2010: Version 0.67:

More consistent page-up/page-down behaviour across browsers. Fix some issues with hidden editors looping forever when line-numbers were enabled. Make PHP parser parse "\\" correctly. Have jumpToLine work on line handles, and add cursorLine function to fetch the line handle where the cursor currently is. Add new setStylesheet function to switch style-sheets in a running editor.

01-03-2010: Version 0.66:

Adds removeLine method to API. Introduces the PLSQL parser. Marks XML errors by adding (rather than replacing) a CSS class, so that they can be disabled by modifying their style. Fixes several selection bugs, and a number of small glitches.

12-11-2009: Version 0.65:

Add support for having both line-wrapping and line-numbers turned on, make paren-highlighting style customisable (markParen and unmarkParen config options), work around a selection bug that Opera reintroduced in version 10.

23-10-2009: Version 0.64:

Solves some issues introduced by the paste-handling changes from the previous release. Adds setSpellcheck, setTextWrapping, setIndentUnit, setUndoDepth, setTabMode, and setLineNumbers to customise a running editor. Introduces an SQL parser. Fixes a few small problems in the Python parser. And, as usual, add workarounds for various newly discovered browser incompatibilities.

31-08-2009: Version 0.63:

Overhaul of paste-handling (less fragile), fixes for several serious IE8 issues (cursor jumping, end-of-document bugs) and a number of small problems.

30-05-2009: Version 0.62:

Introduces Python and Lua parsers. Add setParser (on-the-fly mode changing) and clearHistory methods. Make parsing passes time-based instead of lines-based (see the passTime option).


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/* Old release
   history */

  <p class="rel">22-10-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0, beta 2</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Fix page-based coordinate computation.</li>
    <li>Fix firing of <a href="manual.html#event_gutterClick"><code>gutterClick</code></a> event.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_cursorHeight"><code>cursorHeight</code></a> option.</li>
    <li>Fix bi-directional text regression.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_viewportMargin"><code>viewportMargin</code></a> option.</li>
    <li>Directly handle mousewheel events (again, hopefully better).</li>
    <li>Make vertical cursor movement more robust (through widgets, big line gaps).</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_flattenSpans"><code>flattenSpans</code></a> option.</li>
    <li>Many optimizations. Poor responsiveness should be fixed.</li>
    <li>Initialization in hidden state works again.</li>
    <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">19-09-2012: <a href="">Version 2.34</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/commonlisp/index.html">Common Lisp</a>.</li>
    <li>Fix right-click select-all on most browsers.</li>
    <li>Change the way highlighting happens:<br>&nbsp; Saves memory and CPU cycles.<br>&nbsp; <code>compareStates</code> is no longer needed.<br>&nbsp; <code>onHighlightComplete</code> no longer works.</li>
    <li>Integrate mode (Markdown, XQuery, CSS, sTex) tests in central testsuite.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#version"><code>CodeMirror.version</code></a> property.</li>
    <li>More robust handling of nested modes in <a href="../demo/formatting.html">formatting</a> and <a href="../demo/closetag.html">closetag</a> plug-ins.</li>
    <li>Un/redo now preserves <a href="manual.html#markText">marked text</a> and bookmarks.</li>
    <li><a href="">Full list</a> of patches.</li>

  <p class="rel">19-09-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0, beta 1</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Bi-directional text support.</li>
    <li>More powerful gutter model.</li>
    <li>Support for arbitrary text/widget height.</li>
    <li>In-line widgets.</li>
    <li>Generalized event handling.</li>

  <p class="rel">23-08-2012: <a href="">Version 2.33</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/sieve/index.html">Sieve</a>.</li>
    <li>New <a href="manual.html#getViewport"><code>getViewPort</code></a> and <a href="manual.html#option_onViewportChange"><code>onViewportChange</code></a> API.</li>
    <li><a href="manual.html#option_cursorBlinkRate">Configurable</a> cursor blink rate.</li>
    <li>Make binding a key to <code>false</code> disabling handling (again).</li>
    <li>Show non-printing characters as red dots.</li>
    <li>More tweaks to the scrolling model.</li>
    <li>Expanded testsuite. Basic linter added.</li>
    <li>Remove most uses of <code>innerHTML</code>. Remove <code>CodeMirror.htmlEscape</code>.</li>
    <li><a href="">Full list</a> of patches.</li>

  <p class="rel">23-07-2012: <a href="">Version 2.32</a>:</p>

  <p class="rel-note">Emergency fix for a bug where an editor with
  line wrapping on IE will break when there is <em>no</em>

  <p class="rel">20-07-2012: <a href="">Version 2.31</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/ocaml/index.html">OCaml</a>, <a href="../mode/haxe/index.html">Haxe</a>, and <a href="../mode/vb/index.html">VB.NET</a>.</li>
    <li>Several fixes to the new scrolling model.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#setSize"><code>setSize</code></a> method for programmatic resizing.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#getHistory"><code>getHistory</code></a> and <a href="manual.html#setHistory"><code>setHistory</code></a> methods.</li>
    <li>Allow custom line separator string in <a href="manual.html#getValue"><code>getValue</code></a> and <a href="manual.html#getRange"><code>getRange</code></a>.</li>
    <li>Support double- and triple-click drag, double-clicking whitespace.</li>
    <li>And more... <a href="">(all patches)</a></li>

  <p class="rel">22-06-2012: <a href="">Version 2.3</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li><strong>New scrollbar implementation</strong>. Should flicker less. Changes DOM structure of the editor.</li>
    <li>New theme: <a href="../demo/theme.html?vibrant-ink">vibrant-ink</a>.</li>
    <li>Many extensions to the VIM keymap (including text objects).</li>
    <li>Add <a href="../demo/multiplex.html">mode-multiplexing</a> utility script.</li>
    <li>Fix bug where right-click paste works in read-only mode.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#getScrollInfo"><code>getScrollInfo</code></a> method.</li>
    <li>Lots of other <a href="">fixes</a>.</li>

  <p class="rel">23-05-2012: <a href="">Version 2.25</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/erlang/index.html">Erlang</a>.</li>
    <li><strong>Remove xmlpure mode</strong> (use <a href="../mode/xml/index.html">xml.js</a>).</li>
    <li>Fix line-wrapping in Opera.</li>
    <li>Fix X Windows middle-click paste in Chrome.</li>
    <li>Fix bug that broke pasting of huge documents.</li>
    <li>Fix backspace and tab key repeat in Opera.</li>

  <p class="rel">23-04-2012: <a href="">Version 2.24</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li><strong>Drop support for Internet Explorer 6</strong>.</li>
    modes: <a href="../mode/shell/index.html">Shell</a>, <a href="../mode/tiki/index.html">Tiki
    wiki</a>, <a href="../mode/pig/index.html">Pig Latin</a>.</li>
    <li>New themes: <a href="../demo/theme.html?ambiance">Ambiance</a>, <a href="../demo/theme.html?blackboard">Blackboard</a>.</li>
    <li>More control over drag/drop
    with <a href="manual.html#option_dragDrop"><code>dragDrop</code></a>
    and <a href="manual.html#option_onDragEvent"><code>onDragEvent</code></a>
    <li>Make HTML mode a bit less pedantic.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#compoundChange"><code>compoundChange</code></a> API method.</li>
    <li>Several fixes in undo history and line hiding.</li>
    <li>Remove (broken) support for <code>catchall</code> in key maps,
    add <code>nofallthrough</code> boolean field instead.</li>

  <p class="rel">26-03-2012: <a href="">Version 2.23</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Change <strong>default binding for tab</strong> <a href="javascript:void(document.getElementById('tabbinding').style.display='')">[more]</a>
      <div style="display: none" id=tabbinding>
        Starting in 2.23, these bindings are default:
        <ul><li>Tab: Insert tab character</li>
          <li>Shift-tab: Reset line indentation to default</li>
          <li>Ctrl/Cmd-[: Reduce line indentation (old tab behaviour)</li>
          <li>Ctrl/Cmd-]: Increase line indentation (old shift-tab behaviour)</li>
    <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/xquery/index.html">XQuery</a> and <a href="../mode/vbscript/index.html">VBScript</a>.</li>
    <li>Two new themes: <a href="../mode/less/index.html">lesser-dark</a> and <a href="../mode/xquery/index.html">xq-dark</a>.</li>
    <li>Differentiate between background and text styles in <a href="manual.html#setLineClass"><code>setLineClass</code></a>.</li>
    <li>Fix drag-and-drop in IE9+.</li>
    <li>Extend <a href="manual.html#charCoords"><code>charCoords</code></a>
    and <a href="manual.html#cursorCoords"><code>cursorCoords</code></a> with a <code>mode</code> argument.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_autofocus"><code>autofocus</code></a> option.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#findMarksAt"><code>findMarksAt</code></a> method.</li>

  <p class="rel">27-02-2012: <a href="">Version 2.22</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Allow <a href="manual.html#keymaps">key handlers</a> to pass up events, allow binding characters.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_autoClearEmptyLines"><code>autoClearEmptyLines</code></a> option.</li>
    <li>Properly use tab stops when rendering tabs.</li>
    <li>Make PHP mode more robust.</li>
    <li>Support indentation blocks in <a href="manual.html#addon_foldcode">code folder</a>.</li>
    <li>Add a script for <a href="manual.html#addon_match-highlighter">highlighting instances of the selection</a>.</li>
    <li>New <a href="../mode/properties/index.html">.properties</a> mode.</li>
    <li>Fix many bugs.</li>

  <p class="rel">27-01-2012: <a href="">Version 2.21</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Added <a href="../mode/less/index.html">LESS</a>, <a href="../mode/mysql/index.html">MySQL</a>,
    <a href="../mode/go/index.html">Go</a>, and <a href="../mode/verilog/index.html">Verilog</a> modes.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_smartIndent"><code>smartIndent</code></a>
    <li>Support a cursor in <a href="manual.html#option_readOnly"><code>readOnly</code></a>-mode.</li>
    <li>Support assigning multiple styles to a token.</li>
    <li>Use a new approach to drawing the selection.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#scrollTo"><code>scrollTo</code></a> method.</li>
    <li>Allow undo/redo events to span non-adjacent lines.</li>
    <li>Lots and lots of bugfixes.</li>

  <p class="rel">20-12-2011: <a href="">Version 2.2</a>:</p>

  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Slightly incompatible API changes. Read <a href="upgrade_v2.2.html">this</a>.</li>
    <li>New approach
    to <a href="manual.html#option_extraKeys">binding</a> keys,
    support for <a href="manual.html#option_keyMap">custom
    <li>Support for overwrite (insert).</li>
    <li><a href="manual.html#option_tabSize">Custom-width</a>
    and <a href="../demo/visibletabs.html">stylable</a> tabs.</li>
    <li>Moved more code into <a href="manual.html#addons">add-on scripts</a>.</li>
    <li>Support for sane vertical cursor movement in wrapped lines.</li>
    <li>More reliable handling of
    editing <a href="manual.html#markText">marked text</a>.</li>
    <li>Add minimal <a href="../demo/emacs.html">emacs</a>
    and <a href="../demo/vim.html">vim</a> bindings.</li>
    <li>Rename <code>coordsFromIndex</code>
    to <a href="manual.html#posFromIndex"><code>posFromIndex</code></a>,
    add <a href="manual.html#indexFromPos"><code>indexFromPos</code></a>

  <p class="rel">21-11-2011: <a href="">Version 2.18</a>:</p>
  <p class="rel-note">Fixes <code>TextMarker.clear</code>, which is broken in 2.17.</p>

  <p class="rel">21-11-2011: <a href="">Version 2.17</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add support for <a href="manual.html#option_lineWrapping">line
    wrapping</a> and <a href="manual.html#hideLine">code
    <li>Add <a href="../mode/gfm/index.html">Github-style Markdown</a> mode.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="../theme/monokai.css">Monokai</a>
    and <a href="../theme/rubyblue.css">Rubyblue</a> themes.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#setBookmark"><code>setBookmark</code></a> method.</li>
    <li>Move some of the demo code into reusable components
    under <a href="../addon/"><code>lib/util</code></a>.</li>
    <li>Make screen-coord-finding code faster and more reliable.</li>
    <li>Fix drag-and-drop in Firefox.</li>
    <li>Improve support for IME.</li>
    <li>Speed up content rendering.</li>
    <li>Fix browser's built-in search in Webkit.</li>
    <li>Make double- and triple-click work in IE.</li>
    <li>Various fixes to modes.</li>

  <p class="rel">27-10-2011: <a href="">Version 2.16</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add <a href="../mode/perl/index.html">Perl</a>, <a href="../mode/rust/index.html">Rust</a>, <a href="../mode/tiddlywiki/index.html">TiddlyWiki</a>, and <a href="../mode/groovy/index.html">Groovy</a> modes.</li>
    <li>Dragging text inside the editor now moves, rather than copies.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#coordsFromIndex"><code>coordsFromIndex</code></a> method.</li>
    <li><strong>API change</strong>: <code>setValue</code> now no longer clears history. Use <a href="manual.html#clearHistory"><code>clearHistory</code></a> for that.</li>
    <li><strong>API change</strong>: <a href="manual.html#markText"><code>markText</code></a> now
    returns an object with <code>clear</code> and <code>find</code>
    methods. Marked text is now more robust when edited.</li>
    <li>Fix editing code with tabs in Internet Explorer.</li>

  <p class="rel">26-09-2011: <a href="">Version 2.15</a>:</p>
  <p class="rel-note">Fix bug that snuck into 2.14: Clicking the
  character that currently has the cursor didn't re-focus the

  <p class="rel">26-09-2011: <a href="">Version 2.14</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add <a href="../mode/clojure/index.html">Clojure</a>, <a href="../mode/pascal/index.html">Pascal</a>, <a href="../mode/ntriples/index.html">NTriples</a>, <a href="../mode/jinja2/index.html">Jinja2</a>, and <a href="../mode/markdown/index.html">Markdown</a> modes.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="../theme/cobalt.css">Cobalt</a> and <a href="../theme/eclipse.css">Eclipse</a> themes.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#option_fixedGutter"><code>fixedGutter</code></a> option.</li>
    <li>Fix bug with <code>setValue</code> breaking cursor movement.</li>
    <li>Make gutter updates much more efficient.</li>
    <li>Allow dragging of text out of the editor (on modern browsers).</li>

  <p class="rel">23-08-2011: <a href="">Version 2.13</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add <a href="../mode/ruby/index.html">Ruby</a>, <a href="../mode/r/index.html">R</a>, <a href="../mode/coffeescript/index.html">CoffeeScript</a>, and <a href="../mode/velocity/index.html">Velocity</a> modes.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#getGutterElement"><code>getGutterElement</code></a> to API.</li>
    <li>Several fixes to scrolling and positioning.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_smartHome"><code>smartHome</code></a> option.</li>
    <li>Add an experimental <a href="../mode/xmlpure/index.html">pure XML</a> mode.</li>

  <p class="rel">25-07-2011: <a href="">Version 2.12</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add a <a href="../mode/sparql/index.html">SPARQL</a> mode.</li>
    <li>Fix bug with cursor jumping around in an unfocused editor in IE.</li>
    <li>Allow key and mouse events to bubble out of the editor. Ignore widget clicks.</li>
    <li>Solve cursor flakiness after undo/redo.</li>
    <li>Fix block-reindent ignoring the last few lines.</li>
    <li>Fix parsing of multi-line attrs in XML mode.</li>
    <li>Use <code>innerHTML</code> for HTML-escaping.</li>
    <li>Some fixes to indentation in C-like mode.</li>
    <li>Shrink horiz scrollbars when long lines removed.</li>
    <li>Fix width feedback loop bug that caused the width of an inner DIV to shrink.</li>

  <p class="rel">04-07-2011: <a href="">Version 2.11</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add a <a href="../mode/scheme/index.html">Scheme mode</a>.</li>
    <li>Add a <code>replace</code> method to search cursors, for cursor-preserving replacements.</li>
    <li>Make the <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">C-like mode</a> mode more customizable.</li>
    <li>Update XML mode to spot mismatched tags.</li>
    <li>Add <code>getStateAfter</code> API and <code>compareState</code> mode API methods for finer-grained mode magic.</li>
    <li>Add a <code>getScrollerElement</code> API method to manipulate the scrolling DIV.</li>
    <li>Fix drag-and-drop for Firefox.</li>
    <li>Add a C# configuration for the <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">C-like mode</a>.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="../demo/fullscreen.html">full-screen editing</a> and <a href="../demo/changemode.html">mode-changing</a> demos.</li>

  <p class="rel">07-06-2011: <a href="">Version 2.1</a>:</p>
  <p class="rel-note">Add
  a <a href="manual.html#option_theme">theme</a> system
  (<a href="../demo/theme.html">demo</a>). Note that this is not
  backwards-compatible—you'll have to update your styles and

  <p class="rel">07-06-2011: <a href="">Version 2.02</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add a <a href="../mode/lua/index.html">Lua mode</a>.</li>
    <li>Fix reverse-searching for a regexp.</li>
    <li>Empty lines can no longer break highlighting.</li>
    <li>Rework scrolling model (the outer wrapper no longer does the scrolling).</li>
    <li>Solve horizontal jittering on long lines.</li>
    <li>Add <a href="../demo/runmode.html">runmode.js</a>.</li>
    <li>Immediately re-highlight text when typing.</li>
    <li>Fix problem with 'sticking' horizontal scrollbar.</li>

  <p class="rel">26-05-2011: <a href="">Version 2.01</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add a <a href="../mode/smalltalk/index.html">Smalltalk mode</a>.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="../mode/rst/index.html">reStructuredText mode</a>.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="../mode/python/index.html">Python mode</a>.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="../mode/plsql/index.html">PL/SQL mode</a>.</li>
    <li><code>coordsChar</code> now works</li>
    <li>Fix a problem where <code>onCursorActivity</code> interfered with <code>onChange</code>.</li>
    <li>Fix a number of scrolling and mouse-click-position glitches.</li>
    <li>Pass information about the changed lines to <code>onChange</code>.</li>
    <li>Support cmd-up/down on OS X.</li>
    <li>Add triple-click line selection.</li>
    <li>Don't handle shift when changing the selection through the API.</li>
    <li>Support <code>"nocursor"</code> mode for <code>readOnly</code> option.</li>
    <li>Add an <code>onHighlightComplete</code> option.</li>
    <li>Fix the context menu for Firefox.</li>

  <p class="rel">28-03-2011: <a href="">Version 2.0</a>:</p>
  <p class="rel-note">CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite that's
  faster, smaller, simpler to use, and less dependent on browser
  quirks. See <a href="internals.html">this</a>
  and <a href="">this</a>
  for more information.</a>

  <p class="rel">28-03-2011: <a href="">Version 1.0</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Fix error when debug history overflows.</li>
    <li>Refine handling of C# verbatim strings.</li>
    <li>Fix some issues with JavaScript indentation.</li>

  <p class="rel">22-02-2011: <a href="">Version 2.0 beta 2</a>:</p>
  <p class="rel-note">Somewhat more mature API, lots of bugs shaken out.</a>

  <p class="rel">17-02-2011: <a href="">Version 0.94</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li><code>tabMode: "spaces"</code> was modified slightly (now indents when something is selected).</li>
    <li>Fixes a bug that would cause the selection code to break on some IE versions.</li>
    <li>Disabling spell-check on WebKit browsers now works.</li>

  <p class="rel">08-02-2011: <a href="">Version 2.0 beta 1</a>:</p>
  <p class="rel-note">CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite of
  CodeMirror, no longer depending on an editable frame.</p>

  <p class="rel">19-01-2011: <a href="">Version 0.93</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Added a <a href="contrib/regex/index.html">Regular Expression</a> parser.</li>
    <li>Fixes to the PHP parser.</li>
    <li>Support for regular expression in search/replace.</li>
    <li>Add <code>save</code> method to instances created with <code>fromTextArea</code>.</li>
    <li>Add support for MS T-SQL in the SQL parser.</li>
    <li>Support use of CSS classes for highlighting brackets.</li>
    <li>Fix yet another hang with line-numbering in hidden editors.</li>

  <p class="rel">17-12-2010: <a href="">Version 0.92</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Make CodeMirror work in XHTML documents.</li>
    <li>Fix bug in handling of backslashes in Python strings.</li>
    <li>The <code>styleNumbers</code> option is now officially
    supported and documented.</li>
    <li><code>onLineNumberClick</code> option added.</li>
    <li>More consistent names <code>onLoad</code> and
    <code>onCursorActivity</code> callbacks. Old names still work, but
    are deprecated.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="contrib/freemarker/index.html">Freemarker</a> mode.</li>

  <p class="rel">11-11-2010: <a
  href="">Version 0.91</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Adds support for <a href="contrib/java">Java</a>.</li>
    <li>Small additions to the <a href="contrib/php">PHP</a> and <a href="contrib/sql">SQL</a> parsers.</li>
    <li>Work around various <a href="">Webkit</a> <a href="">issues</a>.</li>
    <li>Fix <code>toTextArea</code> to update the code in the textarea.</li>
    <li>Add a <code>noScriptCaching</code> option (hack to ease development).</li>
    <li>Make sub-modes of <a href="mixedtest.html">HTML mixed</a> mode configurable.</li>

  <p class="rel">02-10-2010: <a
  href="">Version 0.9</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add support for searching backwards.</li>
    <li>There are now parsers for <a href="contrib/scheme/index.html">Scheme</a>, <a href="contrib/xquery/index.html">XQuery</a>, and <a href="contrib/ometa/index.html">OmetaJS</a>.</li>
    <li>Makes <code>height: "dynamic"</code> more robust.</li>
    <li>Fixes bug where paste did not work on OS X.</li>
    <li>Add a <code>enterMode</code> and <code>electricChars</code> options to make indentation even more customizable.</li>
    <li>Add <code>firstLineNumber</code> option.</li>
    <li>Fix bad handling of <code>@media</code> rules by the CSS parser.</li>
    <li>Take a new, more robust approach to working around the invisible-last-line bug in WebKit.</li>

  <p class="rel">22-07-2010: <a
  href="">Version 0.8</a>:</p>
  <ul class="rel-note">
    <li>Add a <code>cursorCoords</code> method to find the screen
    coordinates of the cursor.</li>
    <li>A number of fixes and support for more syntax in the PHP parser.</li>
    <li>Fix indentation problem with JSON-mode JS parser in Webkit.</li>
    <li>Add a <a href="compress.html">minification</a> UI.</li>
    <li>Support a <code>height: dynamic</code> mode, where the editor's
    height will adjust to the size of its content.</li>
    <li>Better support for IME input mode.</li>
    <li>Fix JavaScript parser getting confused when seeing a no-argument
    function call.</li>
    <li>Have CSS parser see the difference between selectors and other
    <li>Fix scrolling bug when pasting in a horizontally-scrolled
    <li>Support <code>toTextArea</code> method in instances created with
    <li>Work around new Opera cursor bug that causes the cursor to jump
    when pressing backspace at the end of a line.</li>

  <p class="rel">27-04-2010: <a
  <p class="rel-note">More consistent page-up/page-down behaviour
  across browsers. Fix some issues with hidden editors looping forever
  when line-numbers were enabled. Make PHP parser parse
  <code>"\\"</code> correctly. Have <code>jumpToLine</code> work on
  line handles, and add <code>cursorLine</code> function to fetch the
  line handle where the cursor currently is. Add new
  <code>setStylesheet</code> function to switch style-sheets in a
  running editor.</p>

  <p class="rel">01-03-2010: <a
  <p class="rel-note">Adds <code>removeLine</code> method to API.
  Introduces the <a href="contrib/plsql/index.html">PLSQL parser</a>.
  Marks XML errors by adding (rather than replacing) a CSS class, so
  that they can be disabled by modifying their style. Fixes several
  selection bugs, and a number of small glitches.</p>

  <p class="rel">12-11-2009: <a
  <p class="rel-note">Add support for having both line-wrapping and
  line-numbers turned on, make paren-highlighting style customisable
  (<code>markParen</code> and <code>unmarkParen</code> config
  options), work around a selection bug that Opera
  <em>re</em>introduced in version 10.</p>

  <p class="rel">23-10-2009: <a
  <p class="rel-note">Solves some issues introduced by the
  paste-handling changes from the previous release. Adds
  <code>setSpellcheck</code>, <code>setTextWrapping</code>,
  <code>setIndentUnit</code>, <code>setUndoDepth</code>,
  <code>setTabMode</code>, and <code>setLineNumbers</code> to
  customise a running editor. Introduces an <a
  href="contrib/sql/index.html">SQL</a> parser. Fixes a few small
  problems in the <a href="contrib/python/index.html">Python</a>
  parser. And, as usual, add workarounds for various newly discovered
  browser incompatibilities.</p>

<p class="rel"><em>31-08-2009</em>: <a
<p class="rel-note"> Overhaul of paste-handling (less fragile), fixes for several
serious IE8 issues (cursor jumping, end-of-document bugs) and a number
of small problems.</p>

<p class="rel"><em>30-05-2009</em>: <a
<p class="rel-note">Introduces <a href="contrib/python/index.html">Python</a>
and <a href="contrib/lua/index.html">Lua</a> parsers. Add
<code>setParser</code> (on-the-fly mode changing) and
<code>clearHistory</code> methods. Make parsing passes time-based
instead of lines-based (see the <code>passTime</code> option).</p>
