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class crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo in Crumbs, the Breadcrumbs suite 7.2

Info about available plugins and their weights.

@property array $weights @property crumbs_Container_WeightMap $weightMap @property array $defaultWeights

@property true[][] $routelessPluginMethodsUnsorted Format: $['findParent'][$plugin_key] = true @property true[][][] $routePluginMethodsUnsorted Format: $['findParent'][$route][$plugin_key] = true.

@property true[][] $pluginRoutelessMethods Format: $[$pluginKey]['findParent'] = true @property true[][][] $pluginRouteMethods Format: $[$pluginKey]['findParent'][$route] = true

@property true[][] $routelessPluginMethods Format: $['findParent'][$plugin_key] = true @property true[][][] $routePluginMethods Format: $['findParent'][$route][$plugin_key] = true.

@property array $userWeights @property crumbs_Container_MultiWildcardData $availableKeysMeta @property crumbs_Container_MultiWildcardDataOffset[][] $availableKeysMetaGrouped Format: $['inherit'][$key] = $meta

@property crumbs_PluginInterface[] $plugins @property array $pluginsCached

@property crumbs_InjectedAPI_Collection_CollectionResult $discovery The result of running hook_crumbs_plugins()

@property array $pluginOrder @property array $pluginsSorted @property bool $includePluginFiles


Expanded class hierarchy of crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo


lib/PluginSystem/PluginInfo.php, line 40

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class crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo extends crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyDataCached {

   * Which keys to load from persistent cache.
   * @return string[]
  protected function keysToCache() {

    // Plugin cache is special, because these are objects.
    // If this fails, we want to totally circumvent the cache.
    $callback_before = ini_get('unserialize_callback_func');
    ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', '_crumbs_unserialize_failure');
    try {

      // Trigger $this->__get('plugins').
    } catch (crumbs_UnserializeException $exception) {

      // Don't cache anything this round.
      return array();
    ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', $callback_before);
    return array(

   * Combination of user-defined weights and default weights
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$weights
  protected function get_weights() {
    $weights = $this->defaultWeights;
    foreach ($this->userWeights as $key => $weight) {

      // Make sure to skip NULL values.
      if (isset($weight)) {
        $weights[$key] = $weight;
    return $weights;

   * Object that can calculate rule weights based on the weight settings.
   * (which are often wildcards)
   * @return crumbs_Container_WeightMap
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$weightMap
  protected function get_weightMap() {
    return new crumbs_Container_WeightMap($this->weights);

   * Default weights without the user configuration
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$defaultWeights
  protected function get_defaultWeights() {
    return $this->discovery

   * @return true[][][]
   *   Format: $['findParent'][$route][$plugin_key] = true.
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$routePluginMethodsUnsorted
  protected function get_routePluginMethodsUnsorted() {
    return $this->discovery

   * @return true[][]
   *   Format: $['findParent'][$plugin_key] = true
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$routelessPluginMethodsUnsorted
  protected function get_routelessPluginMethodsUnsorted() {
    return $this->discovery

   * @return true[][]
   *   Format: $[$pluginKey]['findParent'] = true
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$pluginRoutelessMethods
  protected function get_pluginRoutelessMethods() {
    return $this->discovery

   * @return true[][][]
   *   Format: $[$pluginKey]['findParent'] = true
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$pluginRouteMethods
  protected function get_pluginRouteMethods() {
    return $this->discovery

   * @return true[][][]
   *   Format: $['findParent'][$route][$plugin_key] = true.
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$routePluginMethods
  protected function get_routePluginMethods() {
    $unsorted_all = $this->routePluginMethodsUnsorted;
    $types = array(
      'decorateBreadcrumb' => 'alter',
      'findParent' => 'find',
      'findTitle' => 'find',
    $order = $this->pluginOrder;
    $sorted_all = array();
    foreach ($types as $base_method_name => $type) {
      if (!isset($unsorted_all[$base_method_name])) {
      foreach ($unsorted_all[$base_method_name] as $route => $unsorted) {
        $sorted = $this
          ->sortPluginMethods($unsorted_all[$base_method_name][$route], $order[$type]);
        if (!empty($sorted)) {
          $sorted_all[$base_method_name][$route] = $sorted;
    return $sorted_all;

   * @return true[][]
   *   Format: $['findParent'][$plugin_key] = $method
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$routelessPluginMethods
  protected function get_routelessPluginMethods() {
    $unsorted = $this->routelessPluginMethodsUnsorted;
    $types = array(
      'decorateBreadcrumb' => 'alter',
      'findParent' => 'find',
      'findTitle' => 'find',
    $order = $this->pluginOrder;
    $sorted_all = array();
    foreach ($types as $base_method_name => $type) {
      if (!isset($unsorted[$base_method_name])) {
      $sorted = $this
        ->sortPluginMethods($unsorted[$base_method_name], $order[$type]);
      if (!empty($sorted)) {
        $sorted_all[$base_method_name] = $sorted;
    return $sorted_all;

   * @param string[] $plugin_methods
   * @param mixed[] $order
   * @return array
  private function sortPluginMethods(array $plugin_methods, array $order) {
    $sorted = array();
    foreach ($order as $plugin_key => $x) {
      if (isset($plugin_methods[$plugin_key])) {
        $sorted[$plugin_key] = $plugin_methods[$plugin_key];
    return $sorted;

   * User-defined weights
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$userWeights
  protected function get_userWeights() {
    $user_weights = variable_get('crumbs_weights', array(
      // The user expects the crumbs.home_title plugin to be dominant.
      // @todo There must be a better way to do this.
      'crumbs.home_title' => 0,

    // '*' always needs to be set.
    if (!isset($user_weights['*'])) {

      // Put '*' last.
      $max = -1;
      foreach ($user_weights as $k => $v) {
        if ($v >= $max) {
          $max = $v;
      $user_weights['*'] = $max + 1;
    return $user_weights;

   * @return crumbs_Container_MultiWildcardData
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$availableKeysMeta
  protected function get_availableKeysMeta() {
    $op = new crumbs_PluginOperation_describe();

     * @var crumbs_PluginInterface $plugin
    foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin_key => $plugin) {
        ->invoke($plugin, $plugin_key);
    foreach ($this->defaultWeights as $key => $default_weight) {
        ->setDefaultWeight($key, $default_weight);
    $info = $op
    $info->basicMethods = $this->pluginRoutelessMethods;
    $info->routeMethods = $this->pluginRouteMethods;
    return $info;

   * @return crumbs_Container_MultiWildcardDataOffset[][]
   *   Format: $['inherit'][$key] = $meta
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$availableKeysMetaGrouped
  protected function get_availableKeysMetaGrouped() {
    $sectionKeys = array();
    foreach ($this->availableKeysMeta as $key => $meta) {
      $sectionKeys[$key] = 'inherit';
    foreach ($this->defaultWeights as $key => $weight) {
      if (!isset($sectionKeys[$key])) {
      elseif (FALSE === $weight) {
        $sectionKeys[$key] = 'default:disabled';
      else {
        $sectionKeys[$key] = "default:{$weight}";
    $weights = $this->weights;
    $enabled = array();
    foreach ($weights as $key => $weight) {
      if (!isset($sectionKeys[$key])) {
      elseif (FALSE === $weight) {
        $sectionKeys[$key] = 'disabled';
      elseif (isset($sectionKeys[$key])) {
        $sectionKeys[$key] = 'enabled';
        $enabled[$key] = TRUE;
    $grouped = array(
      'enabled' => $enabled,
      'disabled' => array(),
      'default:disabled' => array(),
      'inherit' => array(),
    foreach ($this->availableKeysMeta as $key => $meta) {
      $sectionKey = $sectionKeys[$key];
      $grouped[$sectionKey][$key] = $meta;

   * Plugins, not sorted, but already with the weights information.
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$plugins
  protected function get_plugins() {

    // We use a trick to always include the plugin files, even if the plugins
    // are coming from the cache.
    return $this->pluginsCached;

   * Plugins, not sorted, but already with the weights information.
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$pluginsCached
  protected function get_pluginsCached() {
    $plugins = $this->discovery
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin_key => $plugin) {

      // Let plugins know about the weights, if they want to.
      if (method_exists($plugin, 'initWeights')) {
    return $plugins;

   * Information returned from hook_crumbs_plugins()
   * @return crumbs_InjectedAPI_Collection_CollectionResult
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$discovery
  protected function get_discovery() {

    // Pass a by-reference parameter to the $api object, that can only be
    // changed from here.
    $api = new crumbs_InjectedAPI_hookCrumbsPlugins($pluginCollection = new crumbs_InjectedAPI_Collection_PluginCollection(), $entityPluginCollection = new crumbs_InjectedAPI_Collection_EntityPluginCollection(), new crumbs_InjectedAPI_Collection_CallbackCollection(), $defaultValueCollection = new crumbs_InjectedAPI_Collection_DefaultValueCollection());
    foreach (module_implements('crumbs_plugins') as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_crumbs_plugins';
    return new crumbs_InjectedAPI_Collection_CollectionResult($pluginCollection, $defaultValueCollection);

   * Order of plugins, for 'find' and 'alter' operations.
   * @return array
   *   Format: $['find'][$pluginKey] = $weight.
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$pluginOrder
  protected function get_pluginOrder() {
    $order = array(
      'find' => array(),
      'alter' => array(),

    // Sort the plugins, using the weights from weight map.
    $weightMap = $this->weightMap;
    foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin_key => $plugin) {
      if ($plugin instanceof crumbs_MultiPlugin) {
        $localWeightMap = $weightMap
        $w_find = $localWeightMap
        if ($w_find !== FALSE) {
          $order['find'][$plugin_key] = $w_find;

        // Multi plugins cannot participate in alter operations.
      else {
        $weight = $weightMap
        if ($weight !== FALSE) {
          $order['find'][$plugin_key] = $weight;
          $order['alter'][$plugin_key] = $weight;

    // Lowest weight first = highest priority first

    // Lowest weight last = highest priority last
    return $order;

   * Sorted plugins for 'find' and 'alter' operations.
   * @return array
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$pluginsSorted
  protected function get_pluginsSorted() {
    $sorted = $this->pluginOrder;
    $plugins = $this->plugins;
    foreach (array(
    ) as $type) {
      foreach ($sorted[$type] as $plugin_key => &$x) {
        $x = $plugins[$plugin_key];
    return $sorted;

   * Include files in the /plugin/ folder.
   * We use the cache mechanic to make sure this happens exactly once.
   * @return bool
   * @see crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::$includePluginFiles
  protected function get_includePluginFiles() {
    $dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'crumbs') . '/plugins';
    $files = array();
    foreach (scandir($dir) as $candidate) {
      if (preg_match('/^crumbs\\.(.+)\\.inc$/', $candidate, $m)) {
        if (module_exists($m[1])) {
          $files[$m[1]] = $dir . '/' . $candidate;

    // Organic groups is a special case,
    // because 7.x-2.x behaves different from 7.x-1.x.
    if (1 && isset($files['og']) && !function_exists('og_get_group')) {

      // We are using the og-7.x-1.x branch.
      $files['og'] = $dir . '/';

    // Since the directory order may be anything, sort alphabetically.
    foreach ($files as $file) {
      require_once $file;
    return TRUE;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyDataCached::$data private property Lazy-initialized data.
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyDataCached::$keysToCache private property Keys whose data should be remembered in persistent cached. 1
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyDataCached::flushCaches function Flush cached data.
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyDataCached::get private function Calculate a piece of data by using methods defined in a child class.
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyDataCached::getCached private function Load data from persistent cache, or calls $this->get() if not in cache.
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyDataCached::__construct function The constructor.
crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyDataCached::__get function
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_availableKeysMeta protected function
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_availableKeysMetaGrouped protected function
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_defaultWeights protected function Default weights without the user configuration
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_discovery protected function Information returned from hook_crumbs_plugins()
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_includePluginFiles protected function Include files in the /plugin/ folder. We use the cache mechanic to make sure this happens exactly once.
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_pluginOrder protected function Order of plugins, for 'find' and 'alter' operations.
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_pluginRoutelessMethods protected function
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_pluginRouteMethods protected function
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_plugins protected function Plugins, not sorted, but already with the weights information.
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_pluginsCached protected function Plugins, not sorted, but already with the weights information.
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_pluginsSorted protected function Sorted plugins for 'find' and 'alter' operations.
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_routelessPluginMethods protected function
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_routelessPluginMethodsUnsorted protected function
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_routePluginMethods protected function
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_routePluginMethodsUnsorted protected function
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_userWeights protected function User-defined weights
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_weightMap protected function Object that can calculate rule weights based on the weight settings. (which are often wildcards)
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::get_weights protected function Combination of user-defined weights and default weights
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::keysToCache protected function Which keys to load from persistent cache. Overrides crumbs_Container_AbstractLazyDataCached::keysToCache
crumbs_PluginSystem_PluginInfo::sortPluginMethods private function