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interface DefaultMatchingEngineFieldTypeInterface in CRM Core 7

Interface for defining the logical operators and query criteria used to identify duplicate contacts based on different field types in DefaultMatchingEngine.


Expanded class hierarchy of DefaultMatchingEngineFieldTypeInterface

All classes that implement DefaultMatchingEngineFieldTypeInterface


modules/crm_core_default_matching_engine/includes/, line 16

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interface DefaultMatchingEngineFieldTypeInterface {

   * Field Renderer.
   * Used for complex field types such as name.
   * Renders them into component parts for use in applying logical operators and ordering functions.
   * @param array $field
   *   The field being rendered
   * @param array $field_info
   *   Info of the field  being rendered
   * @param array $form
   *   Form to be modified.
  public function fieldRender($field, $field_info, &$form);

   * Operators.
   * Defines the logical operators that can be used by this field type.
   * Provides any additional fields needed to capture information used in logical evaluations.
   * For instance: if this was a text field, there might be 3 logical operators: EQUALS, STARTS WITH, and ENDS WITH.
   * This function should return a select list with the operator values, and a text field to be used to enter
   * something like 'first 3'.
  public function operators();

   * Query.
   * Used when generating queries to identify matches in the system
  public function fieldQuery($contact, $rule);

