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public function DefaultMatchingEngineFieldTypeInterface::operators in CRM Core 7


Defines the logical operators that can be used by this field type. Provides any additional fields needed to capture information used in logical evaluations. For instance: if this was a text field, there might be 3 logical operators: EQUALS, STARTS WITH, and ENDS WITH. This function should return a select list with the operator values, and a text field to be used to enter something like 'first 3'.

1 method overrides DefaultMatchingEngineFieldTypeInterface::operators()
DefaultMatchingEngineFieldType::operators in modules/crm_core_default_matching_engine/includes/
Each field handler MUST implement this method.


modules/crm_core_default_matching_engine/includes/, line 42


Interface for defining the logical operators and query criteria used to identify duplicate contacts based on different field types in DefaultMatchingEngine.


public function operators();