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Functions in Countries 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
countries_token_info ./ Implements hook_token_info().
countries_transliterate ./countries.module Helper function to transliterate names. 1
countries_uninstall ./countries.install Implements hook_uninstall().
countries_update_7101 ./countries.install This adds a translatable country possibility.
countries_update_7200 ./countries.install Convert fields into option module select lists.
countries_update_7202 ./countries.install This drops the unique indexes on the official name, ISO3 and NumCode.
countries_update_7203 ./countries.install This updates the display settings to handle the new singular icon formatter.
countries_update_7206 ./countries.install Sets the language column.
countries_update_7207 ./countries.install Rebuilds the menu.
countries_views_api ./countries.module Implements hook_views_api().
countries_views_data views/ Implements hook_views_data().
countries_views_data_alter views/ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
country_create ./countries.module Creates a default country object. 9
country_delete ./countries.module Delete a countries object from the database. 3
country_disable_action ./countries.module Disable country action.
country_duplicate_field_check ./ Helper function to check for duplicates. 1
country_enable_action ./countries.module Enable country action.
country_is_locked ./countries.module The module locks a country record if it is defined internally by Drupal. 6
country_load ./countries.module Loads a country entity by ISO alpha-2 code. 19
country_property ./countries.module Helper function to help standardise the display of the core properties. 19
country_save ./countries.module Saves a country. 9
country_validate ./countries.module Validates a country. 5
example_address_country_admin_form modules/countries_configuration/countries_configuration.api.php An example form callback provided by hook_countries_configuration_options(). 1
example_address_country_admin_form_title modules/countries_configuration/countries_configuration.api.php An example title callback provided by hook_countries_configuration_options(). 1
example_address_country_configuration_usage modules/countries_configuration/countries_configuration.api.php An example implementing how you would use the data saved.
form_type_country_value ./countries.module Helper function to determine the value for a country form element.
hook_countries_configuration_options modules/countries_configuration/countries_configuration.api.php Form settings for integrating with the countries configuration module.
hook_countries_configuration_options_alter modules/countries_configuration/countries_configuration.api.php An alter hook for hook_countries_configuration_options().
theme_countries_import_bulk_import_selection_form modules/countries_import/
theme_countries_number ./countries.module Themes ISO numeric-3 codes to a '0' padded string three characters long.
theme_country_icon_adapter ./countries.module Theming function for the Country Icon (country_icon) country field formatter.
_ajax_countries_continent_widget_callback ./ Returns the country element filtered by continent via AJAX. 1
_countries_checkbox_filter ./ Helper function to filter empty options from a multi-checkbox field. 2
_countries_country_element_validate ./ Validate callback for the country FAPI element. 1
_countries_country_expand ./ Our process callback to expand the country FAPI element. 1
_countries_devel_generate ./ Implements hook_devel_generate(). 1 1
_countries_element_info ./ Actual implementation hook_element_info(). 1
_countries_estimate_property_type ./countries.module Private internal helper function to estimate the property type. 1
_countries_feeds_set_target ./ Callback defined via countries_feeds_processor_targets_alter(). 1
_countries_import_bulk_import_selection_form modules/countries_import/ 1
_countries_import_bulk_import_source_form modules/countries_import/ 1
_form_type_country_value ./ Helper function to determine the value for a country form element. 1


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