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countries.module in Countries 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.2 countries.module
  2. 7 countries.module

Defines the field and entity information for countries.


View source

 * @file
 * Defines the field and entity information for countries.

 * Flag to return all countries.
define('COUNTRIES_ALL', 0);

 * Flag to return enabled countries only.

 * Flag to return disabled countries only.

 * Internal flag for views_handler_filter_countries_list class.

 * Internal flag for views_handler_filter_countries_list class.

// Loads the field functions.
include_once '';

 * Implements hook_element_info().
function countries_element_info() {
  module_load_include('', 'countries');
  return _countries_element_info();

 * Implements hook_theme().
function countries_theme() {
  return array(
    'countries_number' => array(),
    'country_icon_adapter' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'country' => NULL,
        'settings' => array(),

 * Implements hook_menu().
function countries_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/config/regional/countries'] = array(
    'title' => 'Countries',
    'description' => 'List, edit, or add countries.',
    'page callback' => 'countries_admin_overview',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/config/regional/countries/list'] = array(
    'title' => 'List',
  $items['admin/config/regional/countries/add'] = array(
    'title' => 'Add country',
    'description' => 'Admin page to add a country.',
    'page callback' => 'countries_admin_page',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION,
    'weight' => 1,
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/config/regional/countries/%country'] = array(
    'title callback' => 'countries_page_title',
    'title arguments' => array(
    'description' => 'Edit a country.',
    'page callback' => 'countries_admin_page',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/config/regional/countries/%country/edit'] = array(
    'title' => 'Edit',
    'weight' => -10,
  $items['admin/config/regional/countries/%country/delete'] = array(
    'title' => 'Delete country',
    'description' => 'Country delete confirmation form.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Menu page title callback.
 * @return string
 *   The santitised country name.
function countries_page_title($country) {
  return check_plain($country

 * Wrapper function to hook into the countries_i18n module.
function countries_t($country, $property = 'name', $langcode = NULL) {

  // If not specified, we use the global interface language, $language, rather
  // than the global content language, $language_content.
  global $language;

  // @todo investigate if we can get LANGUAGE_NONE here.
  if (empty($langcode) || $langcode == LANGUAGE_NONE) {
    $langcode = $language->language;
  static $i18n = NULL;
  if (!isset($i18n)) {
    $i18n = module_exists('countries_i18n');
  switch ($property) {
    case 'name':
    case 'official_name':
      $value = (string) $country->{$property};

      // Only translate as required.
      if ($i18n && $country->language != $langcode) {
        $translations =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
        $key = $country->iso2 . ':' . $langcode . ':' . $property;
        if (!isset($translations[$key])) {
          $translations[$key] = countries_i18n_translate($country->iso2, $property, $value, $langcode, 'country');
        return $translations[$key];
      return $value;
      return isset($country->{$property}) ? $country->{$property} : '';

 * Implements hook_countries_alter().
 * Currently the only usage in core is in system module when setting the sites
 * default country.
 * Caution: Results are not sanitized.
function countries_countries_alter(&$countries) {
  $enabled_countries =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (empty($enabled_countries)) {
    $enabled_countries = countries_get_countries('name', array(
      'enabled' => COUNTRIES_ENABLED,
    ), array(
      'sanitize' => FALSE,
  $countries = $enabled_countries;

 * Implements hook_entity_info().
function countries_entity_info() {
  $return = array(
    'country' => array(
      'label' => t('Country'),
      'entity class' => 'Entity',
      'controller class' => 'EntityAPIControllerExportable',
      'base table' => 'countries_country',
      'fieldable' => TRUE,
      'module' => 'countries',
      'entity keys' => array(
        'id' => 'cid',
        'name' => 'iso2',
        'label' => 'name',
      'bundles' => array(
        'country' => array(
          'label' => t('Country'),
          'admin' => array(
            'path' => 'admin/config/regional/countries',
            'access arguments' => array(
              'administer site configuration',
      'view modes' => array(
        'full' => array(
          'label' => t('Country'),
          'custom settings' => FALSE,
      'translation' => array(
        'entity_translation' => array(
          'base path' => 'admin/config/regional/countries/%country',
  return $return;

 * Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
function countries_field_extra_fields() {
  $extra = array();
  $extra['country']['country'] = array(
    'form' => array(),
    'display' => array(),
  $weight = -20;
  foreach (countries_core_properties() as $key => $title) {
    $extra['country']['country']['form'][$key] = array(
      'label' => $title,
      'description' => $title,
      'weight' => $weight++,
  return $extra;

 * Load a country entity.
 * @param int $cid
 *   The country ID.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   Whether to reset the countries_load_multiple cache.
 * @return object
 *   A country entity or FALSE on failure.
function countries_load($cid, $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load('country', array(
  ), array(), $reset);

 * Load multiple country entities.
 * @return array
 *   An array of country entities.
function countries_load_multiple($cids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load('country', $cids, $conditions, $reset);

 * Creates a default country object.
 * @param array $properties
 *   An array of additional properties to add to the new object.
 * @return object
 *   A country strut by the additional properties and defaulted to the schema
 *   defined defaults.
function country_create($properties = array()) {
  return entity_create('country', $properties + array(
    'cid' => NULL,
    'iso2' => '',
    'iso3' => '',
    'name' => '',
    'official_name' => '',
    'continent' => 'UN',
    'enabled' => 1,
    'numcode' => 0,

 * Loads a country entity by ISO alpha-2 code.
 * This is also a menu wildcard loader.
 * @param string $iso2
 *   An ISO alpha-2 string. This is case-insensitive.
 * @return object
 *   A country object loaded by the entity controller.
function country_load($iso2) {

  // The URL's should be case insensitive.
  $iso2 = $iso2 ? drupal_strtoupper($iso2) : $iso2;
  return entity_load_single('country', $iso2);

 * Wrapper for country_load().
 * @deprecated
 *   Use country_load($iso2) instead.
function countries_get_country($iso2) {
  watchdog('countries', 'Use of deprecated function countries_get_country(), use country_load() instead.', array(), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
  return country_load($iso2);

 * Validates a country.
 * Validates and normalises the core country properties. Note that this
 * requires the cid to test updates valids correctly.
 * @code
 *   if (country_validate($country)) {
 *     country_save($country);
 *   }
 *   else {
 *     foreach($country->_errors as $property => $error_message) {
 *       form_set_error($property, $error_message);
 *     }
 *   }
 * @endcode
 * @param object $country
 *   The country object that is about to be saved.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if there were no errors, FALSE otherwise.
 *   If FALSE, the $country->_errors will store an array of error messages
 *   indexed by the country property that caused the error.
function country_validate(&$country) {
  module_load_include('', 'countries');
  $errors = array();
  $defaults = country_create();
  foreach (countries_core_properties() as $key => $label) {
    $country->{$key} = isset($country->{$key}) ? trim($country->{$key}) : $defaults->{$key};
    if ($length = drupal_strlen($country->{$key})) {
      if ($error = countries_property_invalid($key, $country->{$key})) {
        $errors[$key] = $error;
    elseif ($key == 'name') {
      $errors['name'] = t('Name is required');
    elseif ($key == 'iso2') {
      $errors['iso2'] = t('ISO alpha-2 field is required');

  // Only continue checking if there are no errors with the ISO alpha-2 value,
  // as this is required for the other validation functions.
  if (empty($errors['iso2'])) {

    // If there is no cid, check that the ISO alpha-2 is not being used.
    if (empty($country->cid) && ($existing = country_load($country->iso2))) {
      $errors['iso2'] = t('The ISO alpha-2 code is already in use.');
    else {

      // Only record duplicate errors if there is no other errors on the field.
      if ($duplicates = country_duplicate_field_check($country)) {
        foreach ($duplicates as $key => $error) {
          if (empty($errors[$key])) {
            $errors[$key] = $error;
  if (!empty($errors)) {
    $country->_errors = $errors;
  return empty($errors);

 * Saves a country.
 * @param object $country
 *   The country object to save.
 * @param bool $clear_cache
 *   A flag to prevent cache flushes.
 * @return int
 *   SAVED_NEW or SAVED_UPDATED is returned depending on the operation.
function country_save(&$country, $clear_cache = TRUE) {
  $result = entity_save('country', $country);
  if ($clear_cache) {
  return $result;

 * Delete a countries object from the database.
 * @param string $iso2
 *   The countries ISO alpha-2 code.
 * @param bool $clear_cache
 *   A flag to prevent cache flushes.
 * @return mixed
 *   There is no standard result from this callback. However, FALSE would almost
 *   certainly indicate a failure.
function country_delete($iso2, $clear_cache = TRUE) {
  $iso2 = drupal_strtoupper($iso2);
  $result = entity_delete('country', $iso2);
  if ($clear_cache) {
  return $result;

 * The module locks a country record if it is defined internally by Drupal.
 * @param object $country
 *   The country object.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the country is not deletable.
function country_is_locked($country) {
  include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
  $countries = _country_get_predefined_list();
  return !empty($country->iso2) && array_key_exists($country->iso2, $countries);

 * Helper function to clear various caches.
function countries_clear_caches() {

 * Gets a list of all continents currently enabled.
 * Note that it is possible to have continent codes that are not present in this
 * array if the user has overridden the variable setting "countries_continents".
 * @return array
 *   An array of continents indexed by their continent code.
 * @see countries_get_default_continents()
function countries_get_continents($t_options = array()) {
  $continents =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  global $language;
  $langcode = empty($t_options['langcode']) ? $language->language : $t_options['langcode'];
  if (empty($continents[$langcode])) {
    $continents[$langcode] = variable_get('countries_continents', countries_get_default_continents($t_options));
    $known = countries_known_continents($t_options);
    $continents[$langcode] = array_intersect_key($known, $continents[$langcode]) + array_diff_key($continents[$langcode], $known);
    uasort($continents[$langcode], 'countries_sort');
  return $continents[$langcode];

 * Provides a bigger set of continents for i18n.
 * If you enable a different set of continents from the default using the system
 * variable 'countries_continents', following the codes below to allow the
 * module to correctly set the continent names in multi-locale systems.
 * As per the default continent fields, these codes do not correlate to any
 * known existing continental code standard.
 * Please submit an issue if you want other continents added to this list.
function countries_known_continents($t_options = array()) {
  return countries_get_default_continents($t_options) + array(
    'AE' => t('Afro-Eurasia', array(), $t_options),
    '1S' => t('Southern Africa', array(), $t_options),
    '1W' => t('Western Africa', array(), $t_options),
    '1N' => t('Northern Africa', array(), $t_options),
    '1M' => t('Middle Africa', array(), $t_options),
    '1E' => t('Eastern Africa', array(), $t_options),
    '2S' => t('Southern Asia', array(), $t_options),
    '2W' => t('Western Asia', array(), $t_options),
    '2Z' => t('South-Eastern Asia', array(), $t_options),
    '2E' => t('Eastern Asia', array(), $t_options),
    '2C' => t('Central Asia', array(), $t_options),
    'IC' => t('Indian subcontinent', array(), $t_options),
    '2M' => t('Middle East', array(), $t_options),
    '2G' => t('Greater Middle East', array(), $t_options),
    '3S' => t('Southern Europe', array(), $t_options),
    '3W' => t('Western Europe', array(), $t_options),
    '3E' => t('Eastern Europe', array(), $t_options),
    '3N' => t('Northern Europe', array(), $t_options),
    'CE' => t('Continental Europe', array(), $t_options),
    'ER' => t('Eurasia', array(), $t_options),
    'AM' => t('Americas', array(), $t_options),
    'CA' => t('Caribbean', array(), $t_options),
    'AC' => t('Central America', array(), $t_options),
    'AU' => t('Australasia', array(), $t_options),
    'AZ' => t('Australia and New Zealand', array(), $t_options),
    'PO' => t('Polynesia', array(), $t_options),
    'ME' => t('Melanesia', array(), $t_options),
    'MI' => t('Micronesia', array(), $t_options),

 * Get the default continents. For internal use only.
 * @see countries_get_continents()
function countries_get_default_continents($t_options = array()) {
  return array(
    'AF' => t('Africa', array(), $t_options),
    'AS' => t('Asia', array(), $t_options),
    'EU' => t('Europe'),
    'NA' => t('North America', array(), $t_options),
    'SA' => t('South America', array(), $t_options),
    'OC' => t('Oceania', array(), $t_options),
    'AN' => t('Antarctica', array(), $t_options),
    'UN' => t('Unknown', array(), $t_options + array(
      'context' => 'countries',

 * A helper function to filter country lists.
 * If the country code is not found in the database, the country will be not be
 * return by this function. This is preferably called using:
 * @code
 * countries_get_countries('name', array('enabled' => COUNTRIES_ENABLED)).
 * @endcode
 * @param array $countries
 *   An array indexed by ISO2 country value. The actual value held in the array
 *   does not matter to this function.
 * @param array $filters
 *   This allows you to get a full country list that is filtered. Currently, the
 *   defined filters includes:
 *   enabled    - Limits to results by country status. Valid options include:
 *                - COUNTRIES_ALL : Include all countries
 *                - COUNTRIES_ENABLED : Enabled countries only
 *                - COUNTRIES_DISABLED : Disabled countries only
 *   countries  - An array of ISO2 codes of countries to include.
 *   continents - An array of continent codes. Only countries assigned to these
 *                continents will be returned.
 * @return array
 *   The original array filtered using the supplied country filters.
function countries_filter($countries, $filters = array()) {
  if (!empty($filters)) {
    $target_countries = array();
    foreach (countries_get_countries() as $country) {
      $include = TRUE;
      if (isset($filters['enabled'])) {
        $include &= $filters['enabled'] == COUNTRIES_ALL || $filters['enabled'] == COUNTRIES_ENABLED && $country->enabled || $filters['enabled'] == COUNTRIES_DISABLED && !$country->enabled;
      if (!empty($filters['countries'])) {
        $include &= in_array($country->iso2, $filters['countries']);
      if (!empty($filters['continents'])) {
        $include &= in_array($country->continent, $filters['continents']);
      if ($include) {
        $target_countries[$country->iso2] = TRUE;
    $countries = array_intersect_key($countries, $target_countries);
  return $countries;

 * Updates a Query object by adding country filters.
 * @param SelectQuery $query
 *   The SelectQuery object passed by reference.
 * @param array $filters
 *   An array of country filters as defined in countries_filters().
 * @param string $alias
 *   The {countries} table alias.
function countries_filter_query_alter(&$query, $filters = array(), $alias = 'c') {
  if (!empty($filters)) {
    $filters += array(
      'countries' => array(),
      'continents' => array(),
    $filters['countries'] = array_filter($filters['countries']);
    $filters['continents'] = array_filter($filters['continents']);
    if (isset($filters['enabled']) && !$filters['enabled'] == COUNTRIES_ALL) {
        ->condition($alias . '.enabled', $filters['enabled']);
    if (!empty($filters['countries'])) {
        ->condition($alias . '.iso2', $filters['countries']);
    if (!empty($filters['continents'])) {
        ->condition($alias . '.continent', $filters['continents']);

 * A helper uasort callback function to sort an array of countries or names.
function countries_sort($a, $b) {
  $a = countries_transliterate(is_object($a) ? $a->name : $a);
  $b = countries_transliterate(is_object($b) ? $b->name : $b);
  return strnatcasecmp($a, $b);

 * Helper function to transliterate names.
 * This will integrate with the transliteration module if present, falling
 * back to a reduced character list otherwise.
function countries_transliterate($word) {
  static $words = array();
  if (!isset($words[$word])) {
    if (function_exists('transliteration_get')) {
      $words[$word] = transliteration_get($word, '');
    else {
      $words[$word] = str_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), $word);
  return $words[$word];

 * Invoke hook_countries_alter() while bypassing the Countries module.
function countries_invoke_additional_countries_alter(&$countries) {
  foreach (module_implements('countries_alter') as $module) {
    if ($module != 'countries') {
      $func = $module . '_countries_alter';

 * Helper function to load countries. This includes all countries by default.
 * This now accepts a list of filters to provide an easy method of returning
 * a filtered list of countries.
 * @param string $property
 *   A property of the country to return rather than the  entire country object.
 *   Leave unset or pass in 'all' to have the country objects returned.
 * @param array $filters
 *   An array of filters. See countries_filter() for details.
 * @param array $options
 *   An array of options. See country_property() for details.
 * @return array
 *   An array of countries ordered by name or by the specified property.
function countries_get_countries($property = 'all', $filters = array(), $options = array()) {
  $countries = entity_load_multiple_by_name('country');
  $filtered_countries = countries_filter($countries, $filters);
  if ($property == 'all' || empty($property)) {
    return $filtered_countries;
  $mapped_countries = array();
  foreach ($filtered_countries as $country) {
    $mapped_countries[$country->iso2] = country_property($country, $property, $options);
  uasort($mapped_countries, 'countries_sort');
  return $mapped_countries;

 * Helper function to list the core properties of a country entity.
 * @return array
 *   An array of strings indexed by the country schema keys.
function countries_core_properties() {
  $core_properties = NULL;
  if (!isset($core_properties)) {
    $core_properties = array(
      'name' => t('Name'),
      'official_name' => t('Official name'),
      'enabled' => t('Status'),
      'iso2' => t('ISO alpha-2 code'),
      'iso3' => t('ISO alpha-3 code'),
      'numcode' => t('ISO numeric-3 code'),
      'continent' => t('Continent'),
  return $core_properties;

 * Helper function to help standardise the display of the core properties.
 * Translatable strings are translated if possible and fallback strings
 * are provided for the official name property.
 * @param object $country
 *   A country object.
 * @param string $property
 *   The requested property.
 * @param array $options
 *   A number if configurable options including:
 *   - default: Default value to use if not set.
 *   - sanitize: Boolean to indicate whether an HTML safe version is required.
 *   - langcode: The required langauge for any translations.
 * @return string|int
 *   Integer cid or string representation of other properties.
function country_property($country, $property = 'name', $options = array()) {

  // Temporary wrapper for the API change between 7.x-2.1 and 7.x-2.2
  // @todo Remove in 8.x and any 7.x-3.x branches.
  $args = func_get_args();
  if (!is_array($options)) {
    $options = array(
      'default' => $options,
  if (isset($args[3])) {
    $options['sanitize'] = $args[3];
  $options += array(
    'default' => NULL,
    'sanitize' => TRUE,
    'langcode' => NULL,
  $t_options = array(
    'langcode' => $options['langcode'],
  $output = NULL;
  switch ($property) {
    case 'cid':
      return $country->cid;
    case 'enabled':
      $t_options['context'] = 'countries';
      return empty($country->enabled) ? t('Disabled', array(), $t_options) : t('Enabled', array(), $t_options);
    case 'continent_code':
      if (!empty($country->continent)) {
        $output = $country->continent;
    case 'continent':
    case 'continent_name':
      $continents = countries_get_continents($t_options);
      if (!empty($country->continent) && !empty($continents[$country->continent])) {
        $output = $continents[$country->continent];
      elseif (!isset($options['default'])) {
        $t_options['context'] = 'countries';
        $output = t('Unknown', array(), $t_options);
    case 'official_name':

      // The function countries_t() returns an empty string if not set.
      $output = countries_t($country, 'official_name', $options['langcode']);
      if (!$output) {
        if (isset($options['default'])) {
          $output = $options['default'];
        else {
          $output = countries_t($country, 'name', $options['langcode']);
    case 'numcode':

      // We do not need to sanitize this output.
      if (!empty($country->numcode)) {

        // @todo trace langcode into this function
        return theme('countries_number', array(
          'country' => $country,
          'langcode' => $options['langcode'],
    case 'name':

      // The function countries_t() returns an empty string if not set.
      $output = countries_t($country, 'name', $options['langcode']);
      if (!$output && isset($options['default'])) {
        $output = $options['default'];
      if (!empty($country->{$property})) {
        $output = $country->{$property};
  if (!isset($output)) {
    $output = isset($options['default']) ? $options['default'] : '';
  return $options['sanitize'] ? check_plain($output) : $output;

 * A helper function to find a country based on any country property.
 * @param string $value
 *   Search keyword to find a country for.
 * @param string $property
 *   The country property to search with. If empty, the code will attempt to
 *   guess what property the user is looking for. This is not recommended!
 * @return object
 *   The loaded country or FALSE if no match was found.
function countries_country_lookup($value, $property = NULL) {
  if (empty($value)) {
    return FALSE;

  // For lazy coders / sources, try to discover the $key from the $value.
  if (empty($property)) {
    $property = _countries_estimate_property_type($value);

  // Helper function to maximise the lookup chances.
  switch ($property) {
    case 'iso2':
    case 'iso3':
      $value = drupal_strtoupper($value);
    case 'numcode':
      $value = intval($value);
      $value = trim($value);
  foreach (countries_get_countries($property, array(), array(
    'sanitize' => FALSE,
  )) as $iso2 => $country_value) {
    if ($value == $country_value) {
      return country_load($iso2);

  // Try the official name too when doing name searches.
  if ($property == 'name') {
    foreach (countries_get_countries('official_name', array(), array(
      'sanitize' => FALSE,
    )) as $iso2 => $country_value) {
      if ($value == $country_value) {
        return country_load($iso2);

    // This is a fallback to try and find a match if none are found. This
    // should match common shorthand forms such as USA or US.
    $property = _countries_estimate_property_type($value);
    if ($property != 'name') {
      return countries_country_lookup($value, $property);
  return FALSE;

 * Private internal helper function to estimate the property type.
function _countries_estimate_property_type($value) {
  if (is_numeric($value)) {
    return 'numcode';
  switch (drupal_strlen($value)) {
    case 2:
      return 'iso2';
    case 3:
      return 'iso3';
      return 'name';

 * Themes ISO numeric-3 codes to a '0' padded string three characters long.
function theme_countries_number($variables) {
  if (isset($variables['country']) && !empty($variables['country']->numcode)) {
    return sprintf("%03s", $variables['country']->numcode);
  return '';

 * Theming function for the Country Icon (country_icon) country field formatter.
function theme_country_icon_adapter($variables) {
  $country = $variables['country'];
  $icon_set = $variables['settings']['countryiconset'];
  $property = $variables['settings']['property'];
  list($icon_type, $icon_set_name) = explode('_', $icon_set, 2);
  $variables = array(
    'code' => $country->iso2,
    'iconset' => $icon_set_name,
    'alt' => $country->iso2,
    'title' => $country
  $icon = '';
  if ($icon_type == 'sprite') {
    $icon = theme('countryicons_icon_sprite', $variables);
  elseif ($icon_type == 'icon') {
    $icon = theme('countryicons_icon', $variables);
  if ($property && ($value = country_property($country, $property))) {
    return $icon . ' ' . $value;
  return $icon;

 * Helper function to determine the value for a country form element.
 * @see _form_type_country_value()
function form_type_country_value($element, $input = FALSE) {
  module_load_include('', 'countries');
  return _form_type_country_value($element, $input);

 * Validate callback for the country FAPI element.
 * @see _countries_country_element_validate()
function countries_country_element_validate($element, &$form_state) {
  module_load_include('', 'countries');
  return _countries_country_element_validate($element, $form_state);

 * Our process callback to expand the country FAPI element.
 * @see _countries_country_expand()
function countries_country_expand($element) {
  module_load_include('', 'countries');
  return _countries_country_expand($element);

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
function countries_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {
  if (in_array($module, array(
  )) && $plugin == 'arguments') {
    return "plugins/{$plugin}";

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function countries_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => '3',
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'countries') . '/views',

 * Implements hook_migrate_api().
function countries_migrate_api() {
  $api = array(
    'api' => 2,
    'field handlers' => array(
  return $api;

 * Implements hook_action_info().
function countries_action_info() {
  return array(
    'country_enable_action' => array(
      'type' => 'country',
      'label' => t('Enable country'),
      'configurable' => FALSE,
      'behavior' => array(
    'country_disable_action' => array(
      'type' => 'country',
      'label' => t('Disable country'),
      'configurable' => FALSE,
      'behavior' => array(

 * Enable country action.
function country_enable_action($country, $context = array()) {
  $country->enabled = 1;

 * Disable country action.
function country_disable_action($country, $context = array()) {
  $country->enabled = 0;

 * Implements hook_apachesolr_field_mappings().
function countries_apachesolr_field_mappings() {
  $mappings = array(
    'country' => array(
      'display_callback' => 'countries_apachesolr_display_callback',
      'indexing_callback' => 'countries_apachesolr_indexing_callback',
      'map callback' => 'countries_apachesolr_map_callback',
      'index_type' => 'string',
      'facets' => TRUE,
  return $mappings;

 * Callback that converts countries module field into an array.
function countries_apachesolr_indexing_callback($entity, $field_name, $index_key, $field_info) {
  $fields = array();
  if (!empty($entity->{$field_name})) {
    $field = $entity->{$field_name};
    list($lang, $values) = each($field);
    foreach ($values as $fval) {
      $fields[] = array(
        'key' => $index_key,
        'value' => $fval['iso2'],
  return $fields;

 * Map callback.
function countries_apachesolr_map_callback(array $values) {
  $map = array();
  foreach ($values as $value) {
    if ($country = country_load($value)) {
      $map[$value] = country_property($country, 'name', array(
        'sanitize' => 0,
  return $map;

 * Returns the country name to be used in the facet.
 * @param string $facet
 *   The indexed value.
 * @param array $options
 *   An array of options including the hook_block $delta.
function countries_apachesolr_display_callback($facet, $options) {
  $fields = field_info_fields();
  $field_name = $options['delta'];
  if (isset($fields[$field_name])) {
    $allowed_values = list_allowed_values($field);
    if (isset($allowed_values[$facet])) {
      $country = country_load($allowed_values[$facet]);
  else {
    $country = country_load($allowed_values[$facet]);
  if ($country) {

    // @todo Do we have language context here?
    return country_property($country);
  return '';

 * Callback for getting extra country properties.
 * @see countries_entity_property_info_alter()
function countries_get_properties($data = FALSE, array $options, $name) {
  return country_property($data, $name);


Namesort descending Description
countries_action_info Implements hook_action_info().
countries_apachesolr_display_callback Returns the country name to be used in the facet.
countries_apachesolr_field_mappings Implements hook_apachesolr_field_mappings().
countries_apachesolr_indexing_callback Callback that converts countries module field into an array.
countries_apachesolr_map_callback Map callback.
countries_clear_caches Helper function to clear various caches.
countries_core_properties Helper function to list the core properties of a country entity.
countries_countries_alter Implements hook_countries_alter().
countries_country_element_validate Validate callback for the country FAPI element.
countries_country_expand Our process callback to expand the country FAPI element.
countries_country_lookup A helper function to find a country based on any country property.
countries_ctools_plugin_directory Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
countries_element_info Implements hook_element_info().
countries_entity_info Implements hook_entity_info().
countries_field_extra_fields Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
countries_filter A helper function to filter country lists.
countries_filter_query_alter Updates a Query object by adding country filters.
countries_get_continents Gets a list of all continents currently enabled.
countries_get_countries Helper function to load countries. This includes all countries by default.
countries_get_country Deprecated Wrapper for country_load().
countries_get_default_continents Get the default continents. For internal use only.
countries_get_properties Callback for getting extra country properties.
countries_invoke_additional_countries_alter Invoke hook_countries_alter() while bypassing the Countries module.
countries_known_continents Provides a bigger set of continents for i18n.
countries_load Load a country entity.
countries_load_multiple Load multiple country entities.
countries_menu Implements hook_menu().
countries_migrate_api Implements hook_migrate_api().
countries_page_title Menu page title callback.
countries_sort A helper uasort callback function to sort an array of countries or names.
countries_t Wrapper function to hook into the countries_i18n module.
countries_theme Implements hook_theme().
countries_transliterate Helper function to transliterate names.
countries_views_api Implements hook_views_api().
country_create Creates a default country object.
country_delete Delete a countries object from the database.
country_disable_action Disable country action.
country_enable_action Enable country action.
country_is_locked The module locks a country record if it is defined internally by Drupal.
country_load Loads a country entity by ISO alpha-2 code.
country_property Helper function to help standardise the display of the core properties.
country_save Saves a country.
country_validate Validates a country.
form_type_country_value Helper function to determine the value for a country form element.
theme_countries_number Themes ISO numeric-3 codes to a '0' padded string three characters long.
theme_country_icon_adapter Theming function for the Country Icon (country_icon) country field formatter.
_countries_estimate_property_type Private internal helper function to estimate the property type.


Namesort descending Description
COUNTRIES_ALL Flag to return all countries.
COUNTRIES_DISABLED Flag to return disabled countries only.
COUNTRIES_ENABLED Flag to return enabled countries only.
COUNTRIES_VIEWS_WIDGET_CUSTOM Internal flag for views_handler_filter_countries_list class.
COUNTRIES_VIEWS_WIDGET_FIELD Internal flag for views_handler_filter_countries_list class.