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function example_address_country_configuration_usage in Countries 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 modules/countries_configuration/countries_configuration.api.php \example_address_country_configuration_usage()

An example implementing how you would use the data saved.


object $country: The country object to configure.


modules/countries_configuration/countries_configuration.api.php, line 116
An overview of the hooks that this module provides.


function example_address_country_configuration_usage($country) {

  // Depreciated: This will log a warning in the watchdog table and will be
  // removed in future versions.
  // $settings = countries_load_configuration_options($country, 'address');
  $settings = countries_configuration($country, 'address');
  drupal_set_message(t('Editting the %region for %country', array(
    '%region' => $settings['labels']['region'],
    '%country' => $country