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Functions in Constant Contact 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
constant_contact_add_list ./ Add a new contact list page in the admin function 1
constant_contact_add_list_form ./ Add a new contact list page in the admin function 1
constant_contact_add_list_form_submit ./ Submit handler for the add contact list admin page
constant_contact_auth ./constant_contact.ajax.php Authenticates with the API This is used for the admin settins page to check the details they entered 1
constant_contact_block ./constant_contact.module Enables us to place a signup form into a block
constant_contact_build_field_mappings ./constant_contact.module Format field mappings into array 1
constant_contact_create_object ./constant_contact.module Helper method, creates an object of the cc class Used in many functions throughout Handles startup errors 20
constant_contact_cron ./constant_contact.module Cron job to handle syncing unsubscribers
constant_contact_delete_list ./ delete a contact list 1
constant_contact_delete_list_form ./ delete a contact list 1
constant_contact_delete_list_form_submit ./ Submit handler for the delete contact list admin page
constant_contact_disable ./constant_contact.install Implementation of hook_disable().
constant_contact_display_last_error ./constant_contact.module This function is used to determine what the last error was and displays a friendly error message 1
constant_contact_download_activity ./ Download an activity file 1
constant_contact_edit_list ./ Displays the manage contact lists page in the admin 1
constant_contact_edit_list_form ./ Displays the manage contact lists page in the admin 1
constant_contact_edit_list_form_submit ./ Submit handler for the add contact list admin page
constant_contact_enable ./constant_contact.install Implementation of hook_enable().
constant_contact_export ./ Displays the export page 1
constant_contact_export_submit ./ Submit handler for the module export page
constant_contact_form_user_register_alter ./constant_contact.module Alter the user registration form
constant_contact_get_lists ./constant_contact.module Helpful function to get the contact lists 11
constant_contact_help ./constant_contact.module Displays the admin help page
constant_contact_import ./ Displays the import page 1
constant_contact_import_submit ./ Submit handler for the module import page
constant_contact_install ./constant_contact.install Installs the variables we need for the module
constant_contact_intro ./ Displays the module intro page in the admin settings page 1
constant_contact_manage_lists ./ Displays the manage contact lists admin page 1
constant_contact_menu ./constant_contact.module Adds an admin menu for the Cnstant Contact module
constant_contact_perm ./constant_contact.module Sets available access permissions for the module
constant_contact_requirements ./constant_contact.install Implementation of hook_requirements(). This helps admin know if the module is functioning correctly.
constant_contact_settings ./ Displays the module settings page in the admin 1
constant_contact_settings_submit ./ Submit handler for the module settings page
constant_contact_setup ./ Displays the module setup page in the admin 1
constant_contact_setup_submit ./ Submit handler for the module setup page
constant_contact_signup_form ./constant_contact.module Shows the custom signup form, added using a block 1
constant_contact_signup_form_submit ./constant_contact.module Custom signup form submit handler
constant_contact_sort_lists ./constant_contact.module sort the lists based on the user defined sort field 1
constant_contact_uninstall ./constant_contact.install Removes the variables we have set for the module
constant_contact_update_6201 ./constant_contact.install Upgrade for drupal 6.x-2.1
constant_contact_user ./constant_contact.module This method adds extra functionality to the user methods Create, Update, Delete
constant_contact_user_operations ./constant_contact.module Alter bulk user operations to delete and unsubscribe
constant_contact_user_operations_unsubscribe ./constant_contact.module Mass unsubscribe option 1
constant_contact_user_operations_unsubscribe_and_delete ./constant_contact.module Mass unsubscribe and delete option 1
constant_contact_view_activities ./ Displays the view activities page 1
constant_contact_view_activity ./ Displays the view activity page 1

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