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function constant_contact_help in Constant Contact 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 constant_contact.module \constant_contact_help()
  2. 6 constant_contact.module \constant_contact_help()
  3. 6.2 constant_contact.module \constant_contact_help()
  4. 7.3 constant_contact.module \constant_contact_help()

Displays the admin help page


./constant_contact.module, line 12


function constant_contact_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#constant_contact':
      return '<p>' . t('
	  <p>This module works with the new <a target="_blank" href="@api">Constant Contact REST API</a></p>
	  <p><a target="_blank" href="@cc">Signup for a free 60-day trial</a> if you do not already have an account.</p>
	  <p>To setup a custom signup form please follow the instructions below:</p>
	  <li>First you should visit the <a href="@setup">setup page</a> to enter your account username and password.</li>
	  <li>Now you should edit the <a href="@settings">module settings</a> and configure the options such as which contact lists the subscribers are added to or excluded from.</li>
	  <li>If you want to display a signup checkbox on the register page simply check the appropriate checkbox on the settings page under the "Register Page Settings" heading.</li>
	  <li>Alternatively if you want to use the form block method see <a href="@blocks">this page</a>.</li>
	  <li>To use the export and sync features you need to configure <a target="_blank" href="@cron">cron</a>.</li>
	  <p>Detailed instructions will be available in a future release.</p>
	  <h6>Known Issues</h6>
	   <li>Custom fields may not work on your specific setup, we have tested with the profile module only.</li>
	  ', array(
        '@api' => '',
        '@dev' => '',
        '@cc' => CC_TRIAL_URL,
        '@cron' => '',
        '@settings' => url('admin/settings/constant_contact/settings'),
        '@setup' => url('admin/settings/constant_contact/setup'),
        '@blocks' => url('admin/build/block'),
      )) . '</p>';
    case 'admin/settings/constant_contact/lists':
      return t('<p>You can manage your contact lists below, this saves having to visit the constant contact website if you want to edit a list name</p><p>Editing a list name will not break your registration form, deleting a list will break it but only if you are using that list in the signup form, you should edit the settings to remove the list from the signup form after you have deleted it here.</p>');
    case 'admin/settings/constant_contact/import':
      return t('<p>You can import subscribers in bulk using this page, this does not create a drupal account for the users it simply adds them to the selected constant contact mailing list(s), DO NOT use this page to import less than 25 subscribers or your constant contact account could be terminated.</p>');
    case 'admin/settings/constant_contact/export':
      return t('<p>You can export subscribers from a certain contact list in CSV or TEXT format using this page, this operation does not happen straight away it must be scheduled using the activities API, you can download the export file from the "View Activities" tab when it\'s completed.</p>');
    case 'admin/settings/constant_contact/activities':
      return t('<p>View your Constant Contact account activities.</p>');
    case 'admin/settings/constant_contact/activities/%':
      return t('<p>Information about the activity if displayed below.</p>');
    case 'admin/settings/constant_contact/settings':
      $html = t('<p>Configure the module settings.</p>');

      // if they have webform enabled display a message about the webform CC module to let them know it exists
      if (module_exists('webform') and !module_exists('webform_constant_contact')) {
        $html .= t('<p><span style="color:green; font-weight:bold; font-size:1em;">Did you know you can integrate webform with the constant contact module? - <a href="">To find out more click here</a></span></p>');
      return $html;
    case 'admin/settings/constant_contact/lists/add':
      return t('<p>This will add a new contact list to your Constant Contact account.</p>');
    case 'admin/settings/constant_contact/lists/edit/%':
      return t('<p>This will update the contact list with your Constant Contact account.</p>');
    case 'admin/settings/constant_contact/lists/delete/%':
      return t('<p>This will delete the contact list from your Constant Contact account, users subscribed to the list will be unsubscribed from the list first but will remain subscribed to other lists.</p>');