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protected function ConfigurationImportManager::resolveDependencies in Configuration Management 7.3

1 call to ConfigurationImportManager::resolveDependencies()
ConfigurationImportManager::import in src/Helpers/ConfigurationImportManager.php
Import configurations into the database.


src/Helpers/ConfigurationImportManager.php, line 120
ConfigurationExportManager.php handles the export of configurations.






protected function resolveDependencies() {

  // Validate that all the items defined to be imported can actually be imported
  // At the same time, start to discover dependencies and finally if everything
  // is ok, build the list of configurations to import sorted by import order.
  $resolver = new DependencyResolver();
  $exclude = $this->configuration_manager
  $already_proccessed = array();
  $not_procesed_yet = $this->configurations_to_import
  $import_parts = $this->configuration_manager
  while (!empty($not_procesed_yet)) {
    $identifier = array_pop($not_procesed_yet);
    if (!isset($this->configuration_on_filesystem[$identifier])) {
      throw new \Exception("{$identifier} cannot be imported. There is no data defined for it in configurations.json");
    else {
      $already_proccessed[$identifier] = TRUE;
      if (!isset($exclude[$identifier]) && !isset($this->cache[$identifier])) {
        $handler = $this->configuration_manager
        $path = $this->configuration_on_filesystem[$identifier]['path'];
        $configuration = $handler

        // Apply proccesors on reverse mode.
        $this->cache[$identifier] = $configuration;
          ->getIdentifier(), $configuration

        // Add its dependencies to the list of not proccesed
        foreach ($configuration
          ->getDependencies() as $dependency) {
          if (empty($already_proccessed[$dependency])) {
            $not_procesed_yet[] = $dependency;
        if ($import_parts) {

          // Add its dependencies to the list of not proccesed
          foreach ($configuration
            ->getParts() as $part) {
            if (empty($already_proccessed[$part])) {
              $not_procesed_yet[] = $part;
  $ordered = array();
  try {

    // The list of Configurations sorted by order of import.
    $ordered = $resolver
  } catch (\Exception $e) {
    if ($e
      ->getMessage() == "Circular dependency detected") {
      return FALSE;
    if (strpos($e
      ->getMessage(), "There is a component not defined") !== FALSE) {
      return FALSE;
  return $ordered;