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ConfigurationExportManager.php in Configuration Management 7.3

ConfigurationExportManager.php handles the export of configurations.


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 * @file ConfigurationExportManager.php handles the export of configurations.
namespace Configuration\Helpers;

use Configuration\Configuration;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOExceptionInterface;
use mdagostino\DependencyResolver\DependencyResolver;
use PhpCollection\Map;
use Camspiers\JsonPretty\JsonPretty;
class ConfigurationExportManager {
  protected $configuration_manager;
  protected $configurations_to_export;
  protected $fs;
  protected $modules;
  protected $exported;
  protected $fast_export;
  public function __construct($configuration_manager) {
    $this->configuration_manager = $configuration_manager;
    $this->configurations_to_export = new Map();
    $this->fs = new Filesystem();
  public function reset() {
    $this->created_directories = array();
    $this->exported = array();
    $this->modules = array();
    $this->created_directories = array();
  public function defineItemsToExport($identifier_list) {
    return $this;
  public function exportAll() {
    $list = array();
    foreach ($this->configuration_manager
      ->getHandlersTypes() as $type) {
      $identifiers = $this->configuration_manager
      foreach ($identifiers as $id => $label) {
        $list[$type . '.' . $id] = TRUE;

   * Export the configuration of the site into the filesystem.
  public function export() {
    if ($this->configuration_manager
      ->get('export.batch')) {

      // @TODO: implement batch exports.
    else {
      $this->fast_export = $this->configuration_manager

      // Based on the list of selected dependencies to export, build the full
      // list of configurations searching for dependencies of dependecies and
      // parts of all the detected configurations.

      // Remove the excluded configurations.
      foreach ($this->configuration_manager
        ->get('export.exclude') as $exclude) {
        if ($this->configuration_manager
          ->contains($exclude)) {

      // Check for Circular Dependency and Missing configurations.

      // Finally, create all the files and the configuration.json file.
  public function searchComplementaryConfigurations() {
    $already_proccessed = array();
    $not_procesed_yet = $this->configurations_to_export
    while (!empty($not_procesed_yet)) {
      $identifier = array_pop($not_procesed_yet);
      if (empty($already_proccessed[$identifier])) {

        // Load the current configuration
        $handler = $this->configuration_manager
        $configuration = $handler

        // Check if there are some alter proccess to apply to the recently
        // loaded configuration.

        // Search for available parts already defined for this configuration.
        $parts = $this->configuration_manager

        // Remove the current configuration from the list of pending for
        // proccess parts.

        // Add the loaded configuration to the cache.
        $already_proccessed[$identifier] = TRUE;

        // Add its dependencies to the list of not proccesed
        foreach ($configuration
          ->getDependencies() as $dependency) {
          if (empty($already_proccessed[$dependency])) {
            $not_procesed_yet[] = $dependency;

        // Add its parts to the list of not proccesed
        foreach ($configuration
          ->getParts() as $part) {
          if (empty($already_proccessed[$part])) {
            $not_procesed_yet[] = $part;

    // Complete dependency map.
  public function alterConfiguration(Configuration $configuration) {
    $alter = $this->configuration_manager
    if (!empty($alter) && !empty($alter[$configuration
      ->getIdentifier()])) {
      foreach ($alter[$configuration
        ->getIdentifier()] as $processor_name => $properties) {
        $processor = $this->configuration_manager
          ->apply($configuration, $properties);
  public function checkForCircularDependecy() {
    $resolver = new DependencyResolver();
    foreach ($this->configuration_manager
      ->getAll() as $configuration) {
        ->getIdentifier(), $configuration
    try {

      // The list of Configurations sorted by order of import.
      $ordered = $resolver
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      if ($e
        ->getMessage() == "Circular dependency detected") {
        return FALSE;
      if (strpos($e
        ->getMessage(), "There is a component not defined") !== FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    return $ordered;
  public function dumpFiles() {
    $config_path = drupal_realpath('public://' . rtrim($this->configuration_manager
      ->get('export.path'), '/'));
    $export_format = $this->configuration_manager
    $configurations = $this->configuration_manager
    $step_level = count($configurations) / 10;
    $steps_completed = 0;
    $export_counter = 0;
    foreach ($configurations as $configuration) {
        ->dumpConfiguration($configuration, $config_path, $export_format);
      if ($export_counter > $step_level) {
        $steps_completed += 10;
        echo "{$steps_completed}% completed\n";
        $export_counter = 0;
  protected function createDirectory($path) {
    if (!in_array($path, $this->created_directories)) {
      try {
        $this->created_directories[] = $path;
      } catch (IOExceptionInterface $e) {
        echo "The directory for configs could not be created: " . $e
  protected function dumpConfiguration(Configuration $configuration, $config_path, $export_format) {
    $handler = $this->configuration_manager
    $relative_path = $handler
    $path = $config_path . '/' . $relative_path;
    $file_path = $path . $configuration
      ->getIdentifier() . '.' . $export_format;
    $export = $handler
      ->export($configuration, $export_format);
    if (!isset($this->exported[$configuration
      ->getGroup()])) {
        ->getGroup()] = array();
    $this->modules = array_merge($this->modules, $configuration
      ->getModules(), $configuration
      ->getIdentifier()] = array(
      'hash' => sha1($export),
      'path' => $relative_path . $configuration
        ->getIdentifier() . '.' . $export_format,

    //echo "$file_path\n";
    if ($this->fast_export) {
      file_put_contents($file_path, $export);
    else {
        ->dumpFile($file_path, $export);
  protected function createConfigurationsFile($config_path) {
    $jsonPretty = new JsonPretty();
    $configurations_list = new \StdClass();
    $this->modules = array_unique($this->modules);
    foreach (array_keys($this->exported) as $key) {
    $configurations_list->configurations = (object) $this->exported;
    $configurations_list->modules = array_values($this->modules);
      ->dumpFile($config_path . '/configurations.json', $jsonPretty
      ->prettify($configurations_list, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES, '  '));
  function getModules() {
    return $this->modules;
  function getExported() {
    return $this->exported;

