function ctools_configuration_check in Configuration Management 7
- includes/, line 361
function ctools_configuration_check($identifier) {
// Set a static variable that we can access across this request.
$from_activestore =& drupal_static('configuration_from_activestore');
// The component name is the name of the function that called this function
// after the string configuration_check_<component>
$backtrace = @debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
$component = substr($backtrace[1]['function'], strlen('configuration_check_'));
// Load the current configuration file on disk
$info = _ctools_configuration_get_info();
if (file_exists('config://configuration.' . $component . '.inc')) {
// Page Manager has it's export callback in a file that is not autoloaded.
// PM also doesn not use the export variable, we have to set it here.
// @todo: Come up with a cleaner way to include dependent files.
if ($component == 'page_manager_pages') {
ctools_include('page', 'page_manager', 'plugins/tasks');
$export =& $pages;
include_once drupal_realpath('config://configuration.' . $component . '.inc');
// Export just the field we're tracking.
module_load_include('inc', 'configuration', 'configuration.export');
$data = ctools_component_configuration_export_options($component);
// Export the field we just saved and evaluate the export to $export
$code = ctools_component_configuration_export_render($component, 'configuration', array(
$export_code = call_user_func('configuration_' . $info[$component]['default_hook']);
// If this was the previous configuration in activestore don't mark this as changed.
$config = configuration_get_configuration();
// If the activestore doesn't exist it is most likely because this configuration
// only exists in code.
if (empty($export)) {
configuration_set_status($component, $identifier, CONFIGURATION_TRACKED_DATASTORE_ONLY);
* @todo: There is a bug with an object being attached to views when
* exporting. Haven't been able to track down where this is coming from so
* I'm just going to unset it for now.
if ($component == 'views_view') {
foreach ($export as &$view) {
if (property_exists($view, 'localization_plugin')) {
configuration_update_component_status($component, $identifier, $export, $export_code, $from_activestore);