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function configuration_get_default_hooks in Configuration Management 7

Gets the available default hooks keyed by components.

3 calls to configuration_get_default_hooks()
configuration_get_default in ./
Get defaults for a given module/component pair.
configuration_get_default_map in ./
Get a map of components to their providing modules.
configuration_get_normal in ./
Get normal objects for a given module/component pair.


./, line 234


function configuration_get_default_hooks($component = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $hooks;
  if (!isset($hooks) || $reset) {
    $hooks = array();
    foreach (module_implements('configuration_api') as $module) {
      $info = module_invoke($module, 'configuration_api');
      foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
        if (isset($v['default_hook'])) {
          $hooks[$k] = $v['default_hook'];
  if (isset($component)) {
    return isset($hooks[$component]) ? $hooks[$component] : FALSE;
  return $hooks;