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class community_tags_views_plugin_attachment_tagform in Community Tags 6.2

A Views attachment that when attached to a view that has a node argument and a vocabulary filter set to one vocabulary will append a tagging form that is wired up to the view. To have checkboxes prepended to the tag links in the view, the tag links must have a CSS class of "ct-tag". In Views 2 on the term field setting check "Output this field as a link", add "ct-tag" to "Link class", and check "Link this field to it's taxonomy term page".

Any suggestions as to how this can be improved are very welcome. Please raise an issue!

With a view to keeping this loosely coupled, the attachment adds the following JS settings to the JS settings array:

  • 'source' => 'views_tagform_attachment' this is used to identify an ajax tagging form submission as having come from a form provided by this attachment. The alter hook in community_tags_views.module rebuilds the view and adds is to the ajax response.
  • 'extra' => Any settings that are needed to rebuild the view are put here and are available in the form POST.
  • 'links_container_class' => this helps identify the tag links to the community tags JS that e.g. prepends checkboxes to each link.


Expanded class hierarchy of community_tags_views_plugin_attachment_tagform

1 string reference to 'community_tags_views_plugin_attachment_tagform'
community_tags_views_plugins in community_tags_views/
Implementation of hook_views_plugins


community_tags_views/views/plugins/, line 23

View source
class community_tags_views_plugin_attachment_tagform extends views_plugin_display_attachment {
  function execute() {

    // Test that the view we're attached to has built. If is hasn't it might be because the node argument didn't validate.
    if (!empty($this->view->old_view[1]) && $this->view->old_view[1]->built) {
      return $this
  function render() {
    global $user;
    $nid = $this
    $vid = $this
    if ($nid && $vid) {
      $node = node_load($nid);
      $tags = community_tags_get_user_node_tags($user, $node, $vid);
      $output = '';
      module_load_include('inc', 'community_tags', 'community_tags.pages');

      // set a container class to identify the whole view
      $views_container_class = 'ct-container-class';
      $extra = array();
      $old_view = $this->view->old_view[1];
      $css_class = $old_view->display_handler
      $css_class .= !empty($css_class) ? ' ' . $views_container_class : $views_container_class;
        ->set_option('css_class', $css_class);
      $extra['view_name'] = $old_view->name;
      $extra['view_display_id'] = $old_view->current_display;
      $extra['view_args'] = check_plain(implode('/', $old_view->args));
      $extra['view_path'] = check_plain($_GET['q']);

      // Pass through URL to ensure we get e.g. language prefixes.
      $extra['view_base_path'] = $old_view
      static $dom_id = 5;
      $this->view->old_view[1]->dom_id = !empty($old_view->dom_id) ? $old_view->dom_id : 'ct' . $dom_id++;
      $vars['classes_array'][] = 'view-dom-id-' . $vars['dom_id'];
      $extra['view_dom_id'] = $this->view->old_view[1]->dom_id;

      // To fit multiple views on a page, the programmer may have
      // overridden the display's pager_element.
      $extra['pager_element'] = $old_view->pager['element'];
      if (!count($tags) || user_access('edit own tags')) {
        if (user_access('edit own tags')) {

          // User has already tagged this node, but can edit their tags. Show form
          // with the user's tags pre-populated.
          $names = community_tags_flatten($tags);
          $tags = taxonomy_implode_tags($tags);
        else {
          $tags = NULL;

        // User has not yet added tags to this node yet. Show form.
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['js']) && $this->view->use_ajax) {
          $output .= drupal_get_form('community_tags_form', array(
            'node' => $node,
            'cloud' => $cloud,
            'nid' => $node->nid,
            'vid' => $vid,
            'tags' => $tags,
            'inline' => $inline,
            'links_container_class' => $views_container_class,
            'extra' => $extra,
            'source' => 'views_tagform_attachment',
        else {
          $output .= drupal_get_form('community_tags_form', array(
            'node' => $node,
            'cloud' => $cloud,
            'nid' => $node->nid,
            'vid' => $vid,
            'tags' => $tags,
            'inline' => $inline,
            'links_container_class' => $views_container_class,
            'extra' => $extra,
            'source' => 'views_tagform_attachment',
    return $output;
  function _get_node_argument() {
    if ($handlers = $this
      ->get_handlers('argument')) {
      $keys = array_keys($handlers);
      $index = array_search('nid', $keys);
      if ($index !== FALSE) {
        if (!empty($this->view->args[$index])) {
          return $this->view->args[$index];
  function _get_vocabulary() {

    // no idea how reliable this is - thee must be an easier way...
    if (!empty($this->view->old_view[1])) {
      $old_view = $this->view->old_view[1];
      if (isset($old_view->filter['vid'])) {
        $vid_filter = $old_view->filter['vid'];
        if (!is_array($vid_filter->value)) {
          return $vid_filter->value;
        elseif (count($vid_filter->value) == 1) {
          return reset($vid_filter->value);

