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function commerce_worldpay_bg_submit_form_validate in Commerce Worldpay 7

Payment method callback: submit form validation.


./commerce_worldpay_bg.module, line 549
Provides a Worldpay Business Gateway payment method for Drupal Commerce.


function commerce_worldpay_bg_submit_form_validate($payment_method, $pane_form, $pane_values, $order, $form_parents = array()) {
  if ($payment_method['settings']['payment_parameters']['pm_select_localy']) {

    // Make sure "Please select" is not selected
    if ($pane_values['paymentType'] == 'not_selected') {
      form_set_error(implode('][', array_merge($form_parents, array(
      ))), t('You must select a payment method.'));
      return FALSE;

    // Check if it is a value we allow
    if (!array_key_exists($pane_values['paymentType'], _commerce_worldpay_bg_payment_card_types())) {
      form_set_error(implode('][', array_merge($form_parents, array(
      ))), t('An invalid WorldPay payment method choice was recived. Please try choosing a payment method again.'));

      // Even though the form error is enough to stop the submission of the form,
      // it's not enough to stop it from a Commerce standpoint because of the
      // combined validation / submission going on per-pane in the checkout form.
      return FALSE;