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Functions in Commerce Product Option 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
commerce_option_add_to_cart_submit ./commerce_option.module Cart submit callback function. This is required to create / update the option related to the line item. 1
commerce_option_build_option_set_fields ./ Helper function to attach the fields defined in an option set to the option. 2
commerce_option_commerce_cart_product_comparison_properties_alter ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_commerce_cart_product_comparison_properties_alter().
commerce_option_delete_confirm ./ Commerce Option form deletion confirmation. Form callback for page defined in hook_menu(). 1
commerce_option_delete_confirm_submit ./ Submit callback for commerce_option_delete_confirm form().
commerce_option_entity_delete ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_entity_delete().
commerce_option_entity_info ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_entity_info().
commerce_option_entity_info_alter ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
commerce_option_entity_load ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_entity_load().
commerce_option_entity_property_info ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_entity_property_info().
commerce_option_entity_property_info_alter ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().
commerce_option_field_attach_submit ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_field_attach_submit().
commerce_option_form ./ Commerce Option create/edit form 1
commerce_option_form_alter ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_form_alter().
commerce_option_form_submit ./ Commerce Option form submit handler
commerce_option_form_submit_delete ./ Commerce Option form deletion submit callback 1
commerce_option_get_option_set_fields ./ Ajax callback that replaces the fields-part of the form with the fields defined in the Commerce Option Set (type). 1
commerce_option_get_valuables ./commerce_option.module Extract from our Commerce Options the stuff we need to compare to other options to determine if an option is unique. These should be all the fields defined in the option set, but it could also include custom things, defined by other modules. 3
commerce_option_load ./commerce_option.module Load a commerce option. 1 1
commerce_option_load_by_line_item ./commerce_option.module Load all options associated with a line item. 1
commerce_option_load_by_product ./commerce_option.module Load all options for a commerce product.
commerce_option_load_multiple ./commerce_option.module Load multiple commerce options. 4
commerce_option_menu ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_menu().
commerce_option_menu_alter ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
commerce_option_new ./commerce_option.module Initialize a new commerce option. 2 1
commerce_option_permission ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_permission().
commerce_option_save ./commerce_option.module Save a commerce option. 3
commerce_option_schema ./commerce_option.install Implements hook_schema().
commerce_option_set_access ./commerce_option.module Check if the given operation is allowed. 1
commerce_option_set_delete ./commerce_option.module Delete a commerce option set. Make sure we also delete all commerce options using this bundle. 1
commerce_option_set_delete_confirm ./ Form callback: confirmation form for deleting a option set. Called as page argument in the page we redirect to in commerce_option_set_form_submit_delete(). 1
commerce_option_set_delete_confirm_submit ./ Submit callback for commerce_option_set_delete_form().
commerce_option_set_form ./ Commerce Option Set edit/create form.
commerce_option_set_form_submit ./ Commerce Option Set form submit handler.
commerce_option_set_form_submit_delete ./ Commerce Option Set form delete submit handler. 1
commerce_option_set_load ./commerce_option.module Load a commerce option set. 3 1
commerce_option_set_load_by_name ./commerce_option.module Load a commerce option set by machine name 1
commerce_option_set_load_multiple ./commerce_option.module Load multiple commerce option sets. 6
commerce_option_set_save ./commerce_option.module Save a commerce option set.
commerce_option_update_7100 ./commerce_option.install Add new field, which are used to track the line item with the exact option value on the view page.
commerce_option_update_7101 ./commerce_option.install Add new fields to option sets to make them exportable.
commerce_option_update_7102 ./commerce_option.install Add new fields to option sets to make them work with entity reference.
commerce_option_update_7103 ./commerce_option.install Drop two columns in the commerce_option table as they contain useless data.
commerce_option_update_7104 ./commerce_option.install Add index to table
commerce_option_views_api ./commerce_option.module Implements hook_views_api().
commerce_option_views_data_alter ./ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
hook_commerce_option_valuables_alter ./commerce_option.api.php Alter the comparison "valuables" of a Commerce Option.

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