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function hook_commerce_cart_product_comparison_properties_alter in Commerce Core 7

Allows modules to add additional property names to an array of comparison properties used to determine whether or not a product line item can be combined into an existing line item when added to the cart.


&$comparison_properties: The array of property names (including field names) that map to properties on the line item wrappers being compared to check for combination.

$line_item: A clone of the line item being added to the cart. Since this is a clone, changes made to it will not propagate up to the Add to Cart process.

1 invocation of hook_commerce_cart_product_comparison_properties_alter()
commerce_cart_product_add in modules/cart/commerce_cart.module
Adds the specified product to a customer's shopping cart.


modules/cart/commerce_cart.api.php, line 219
Hooks provided by the Cart module.


function hook_commerce_cart_product_comparison_properties_alter(&$comparison_properties, $line_item) {

  // Force separate line items when the same product is added to the cart from
  // different display paths.
  $comparison_properties[] = 'commerce_display_path';