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function _commerce_cardonfile_payment_method_instances in Commerce Card on File 7.2

Returns all payment method instances for a given payment method id


$method_id: A payment method id

$include_disabled: Return enabled and disabled instances

Return value

An array of all loaded payment method instances keyed by instance_id

4 calls to _commerce_cardonfile_payment_method_instances()
commerce_cardonfile_add_any_access in ./commerce_cardonfile.module
Determines if the user can create a card on any payment method.
commerce_cardonfile_add_page in includes/
Menu callback: displays the add card page.
commerce_cardonfile_menu in ./commerce_cardonfile.module
Implements hook_menu().
commerce_cardonfile_rules_payment_instance_charge_options_list in ./
Options list for payment method instances that provide a charge callback


./commerce_cardonfile.module, line 1446
Supports card on file functionality for credit card payment methods by associating card data reference IDs from payment gateways with user accounts.


function _commerce_cardonfile_payment_method_instances($method_id, $include_disabled = FALSE) {
  $cached_ids =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  $include_disabled = !empty($include_disabled);
  if (!array_key_exists($method_id, $cached_ids)) {
    $cached_ids[$method_id] = array();

    // load all rules ... no easier way
    $rules_configs = rules_config_load_multiple(FALSE);

    // find all rules with an action to enable this method
    foreach ($rules_configs as $rule_name => $rule) {

      // Only rules and sub-types have actions.
      if (!$rule instanceof Rule) {

      // fast skip if rule does not depend on commerce_payment
      if (!isset($rule->dependencies) || !in_array('commerce_payment', $rule->dependencies)) {
      foreach ($rule
        ->actions() as $action) {

        // skip any actions that are not simple rules actions, ie loops
        if (!$action instanceof RulesAction) {
        if ($action
          ->getElementName() == 'commerce_payment_enable_' . $method_id) {
          $instance_id = commerce_payment_method_instance_id($method_id, $rule);
          $cached_ids[$method_id][$instance_id] = $rule->active;
          continue 2;

          // skip to next rule

  // load instances
  $instances = array();
  if (!empty($cached_ids[$method_id])) {
    foreach ($cached_ids[$method_id] as $instance_id => $instance_active) {
      if ($instance_active || $include_disabled) {
        $instances[$instance_id] = commerce_payment_method_instance_load($instance_id);
  return $instances;