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commerce_braintree.module in Commerce Braintree 7.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 commerce_braintree.module
  2. 7.2 commerce_braintree.module

Integrates Braintree Transparent Redirect with Drupal Commerce.


View source

 * @file
 * Integrates Braintree Transparent Redirect with Drupal Commerce.
 * @see

 * Implements hook_menu().
function commerce_braintree_menu() {
  $items = array();

  // Define an always accessible path to receive IPNs.
  $items['user/commerce_braintree/update_card'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'commerce_braintree_update_card',
    'page arguments' => array(),
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,

  // Add a menu item for settling Braintree transactions.
  $items['admin/commerce/orders/%commerce_order/payment/%commerce_payment_transaction/commerce-braintree-settle'] = array(
    'title' => 'Settle',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'commerce_braintree_settle_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE,
    'weight' => 2,
    'file' => 'includes/',

  // Add a menu item for voiding Braintree transactions.
  $items['admin/commerce/orders/%commerce_order/payment/%commerce_payment_transaction/commerce-braintree-void'] = array(
    'title' => 'Void',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'commerce_braintree_void_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE,
    'weight' => 2,
    'file' => 'includes/',

  // Add a menu item for refunding Braintree transactions.
  $items['admin/commerce/orders/%commerce_order/payment/%commerce_payment_transaction/commerce-braintree-refund'] = array(
    'title' => 'Refund',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'commerce_braintree_refund_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'context' => MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE,
    'weight' => 2,
    'file' => 'includes/',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_libraries_info().
function commerce_braintree_libraries_info() {
  $libraries['braintree_php'] = array(
    'name' => 'BrainTree PHP',
    'vendor url' => '',
    'download url' => '',
    'version arguments' => array(
      'file' => '',
      'pattern' => '/^##\\s+(.+)$/',
      'lines' => 1,
    'files' => array(
      'php' => array(
  return $libraries;

 * Access callback for submitting transactions for settlement.
function commerce_braintree_settle_access($order, $transaction) {

  // Make sure this is a valid and authorized Braintree payment transaction.
  if (!in_array($transaction->payment_method, array(
  )) || empty($transaction->remote_id) || !in_array($transaction->remote_status, array(
  ))) {
    return FALSE;

  // Visa and MC expire in 10 days. All others expire in 30.
  // Make sure this transaction is less than 30 days old.
  if (time() - $transaction->created > 86400 * 30) {
    return FALSE;

  // Allow access if the user can update this transaction.
  return commerce_payment_transaction_access('update', $transaction);

 * Access callback for voiding Braintree transactions.
function commerce_braintree_void_access($order, $transaction) {

  // Make sure we're referencing a valid Braintree payment transaction.
  if (!in_array($transaction->payment_method, array(
  )) || empty($transaction->remote_id) || !in_array($transaction->remote_status, array(
  ))) {
    return FALSE;

  // Settled transactions cannot be voided. Assume all transactions that are
  // complete and 24 hours old have been settled.
  if (time() - $transaction->changed > 2600 * 24 && $transaction->status == COMMERCE_PAYMENT_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    return FALSE;

  // Allow access if the user can update this transaction.
  return commerce_payment_transaction_access('update', $transaction);

 * Access callback for refunding orders.
function commerce_braintree_refund_access($order, $transaction) {

  // Return FALSE if the transaction isn't for a Braintree method, doesn't have
  // a success status or has an amount of 0 or less.
  if (!in_array($transaction->payment_method, array(
  )) || $transaction->status != COMMERCE_PAYMENT_STATUS_SUCCESS || $transaction->amount <= 0) {
    return FALSE;

  // Allow access if the user can update this transaction.
  return commerce_payment_transaction_access('update', $transaction);

 * Menu callback. Get the query from Braintree when updating a credit card.
function commerce_braintree_update_card() {
  global $user;
  $feedback = commerce_braintree_get_feedback();
  if (module_exists('commerce_cardonfile') && $feedback) {

    // @todo Do not hardcode a specific payment method instance ID.
    $payment_method = commerce_payment_method_instance_load('braintree_tr|commerce_payment_braintree_tr');
    $result = Braintree_TransparentRedirect::confirm($feedback);
    $token = $result->creditCard->token;
    $cardholderName = $result->creditCard->cardholderName;
    $expirationMonth = $result->creditCard->expirationMonth;
    $expirationYear = $result->creditCard->expirationYear;
    $last4 = $result->creditCard->last4;
    $cards = commerce_cardonfile_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'remote_id' => $token,
    $card_stored = reset($cards);
    $card_stored->card_name = $cardholderName;
    $card_stored->card_exp_month = $expirationMonth;
    $card_stored->card_exp_year = $expirationYear;
    $card_stored->card_number = $last4;
    drupal_set_message(t('Thank you for updating your credit card information.'));
  drupal_goto('user/' . $user->uid . '/cards');

 * Implements hook_commerce_payment_method_info().
function commerce_braintree_commerce_payment_method_info() {
  $payment_methods['braintree_tr'] = array(
    'title' => t('Braintree Transparent Redirect'),
    'short_title' => t('Braintree TR'),
    'display_title' => t('Credit card'),
    'description' => t('Integrates with Braintree Transparent Redirect for secure on-site credit card payment.'),
    'terminal' => FALSE,
    'offsite' => TRUE,
    'offsite_autoredirect' => FALSE,
    'callbacks' => array(
      'settings_form' => 'commerce_braintree_settings_form',
      'redirect_form' => 'commerce_braintree_tr_redirect_form',
      'redirect_form_validate' => 'commerce_braintree_tr_redirect_form_validate',
    'cardonfile' => array(
      'update callback' => 'commerce_braintree_cardonfile_update_delete',
      'delete callback' => 'commerce_braintree_cardonfile_update_delete',
      'charge callback' => 'commerce_braintree_cardonfile_charge',
  return $payment_methods;

 * Returns the default settings for Braintree Transparent Redirect.
function commerce_braintree_default_settings() {
  return array(
    'merchant_id' => '',
    'public_key' => '',
    'private_key' => '',
    'merchant_account_id' => '',
    'environment' => 'sandbox',
    'cardonfile' => FALSE,
    'submit_for_settlement' => TRUE,

 * Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect settings form.
function commerce_braintree_settings_form($settings = array()) {
  $form = array();

  // Merge default settings into the stored settings array.
  $settings = (array) $settings + commerce_braintree_default_settings();
  $form['merchant_id'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Merchant ID'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['merchant_id'],
    '#required' => TRUE,
  $form['public_key'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Public key'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['public_key'],
    '#required' => TRUE,
  $form['private_key'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Private key'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['private_key'],
    '#required' => TRUE,

  // Braintree supports multiple currencies through the use of multiple merchant
  // accounts.
  // If there is more than one currency enabled, create forms for those too.
  // Get a list of enabled currencies
  $currencies = commerce_currencies(TRUE);
  $form['merchant_account_id'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Merchant account ID'),
    '#description' => t('To find your Merchant account ID: log into the Control Panel of Braintree; navigate to Settings > Processing > Merchant Accounts. Read more information on <a href="@url" target="_blank">Braintree</a>.', array(
      '@url' => '',
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => FALSE,
  foreach ($currencies as $currency) {
    $form['merchant_account_id'][$currency['code']] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Merchant account ID for @currency', array(
        '@currency' => $currency['code'],
      '#size' => 30,
      '#maxlength' => 128,
      '#default_value' => isset($settings['merchant_account_id'][$currency['code']]) ? $settings['merchant_account_id'][$currency['code']] : NULL,
      '#required' => TRUE,
  $form['submit_for_settlement'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Submit transactions for settlement immediately?'),
    '#description' => t('"Yes" will do an authorization and capture the funds at time of sale.') . '<br />' . t('"No" will do an authorization only and requires that a store admin initiate the capture manually at a later date.'),
    '#options' => array(
      0 => t('No'),
      1 => t('Yes'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['submit_for_settlement'],
  $form['environment'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Braintree server'),
    '#options' => array(
      'sandbox' => 'Sandbox - use for testing, requires a Braintree Sandbox account',
      'production' => 'Production - use for processing real transactions',
    '#default_value' => $settings['environment'],
  if (module_exists('commerce_cardonfile')) {
    $form['cardonfile'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Enable card on file support for this payment method using the Braintree Vault.'),
      '#default_value' => $settings['cardonfile'],
  return $form;

 * Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect form.
function commerce_braintree_tr_redirect_form($form, &$form_state, $order, $payment_method) {
  global $user;

  // Initialize the Braintree client.
  $context = commerce_braintree_payment_session_load($order->order_id);
  list($amount, $customer_name, $first_name, $last_name, $country, $thoroughfare, $locality, $postal_code, $administrative_area, $customer_mail) = _commerce_braintree_get_transaction_informations($order);

  // Retrieve the order balance instead of the order total, this allows you
  // to pay your order with multiple payment methods.
  $balance = commerce_payment_order_balance($order);
  $amount = commerce_braintree_price_amount($balance['amount'], $balance['currency_code']);

  // Depending on the currency, set the correct merchant account.
  $merchant_account_id = commerce_braintree_get_merchant_account_id($payment_method, $balance['currency_code']);

  // Determine if we should settle the transaction immediately.
  if (isset($payment_method['settings']['submit_for_settlement'])) {
    $submit_for_settlement = (bool) $payment_method['settings']['submit_for_settlement'];
  else {

    // Default to TRUE if this setting hasn't been explicitly set by the store admin.
    $submit_for_settlement = TRUE;
  if (empty($payment_method['settings']['cardonfile']) || $context === NULL || $context == 'new') {

    // Build the credit card form first.
    $form = commerce_braintree_credit_card_form($payment_method);

    // Create a transaction data string using the Braintree client.
    $trData = Braintree_TransparentRedirect::transactionData(array(
      // Add transaction related data.
      'transaction' => array(
        'channel' => 'CommerceGuys_BT_Vzero',
        'type' => Braintree_Transaction::SALE,
        'amount' => $amount,
        'orderId' => $order->order_id,
        'merchantAccountId' => $merchant_account_id,
        'customer' => array(
          'firstName' => $first_name,
          'lastName' => $last_name,
          'email' => $customer_mail,
        'billing' => array(
          'countryCodeAlpha2' => $country,
          'streetAddress' => $thoroughfare,
          'firstName' => $customer_name,
          'locality' => $locality,
          'postalCode' => $postal_code,
          'region' => $administrative_area,
        'options' => array(
          'storeInVault' => TRUE,
          'submitForSettlement' => $submit_for_settlement,
      'redirectUrl' => url('checkout/' . $order->order_id . '/payment/return/' . $order->data['payment_redirect_key'], array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
  elseif (module_exists('commerce_cardonfile')) {

    // Load the selected card on file.
    $card = commerce_cardonfile_load(commerce_braintree_payment_session_load($order->order_id));

    // Create a transaction data string using the Braintree client.
    $trData = Braintree_TransparentRedirect::transactionData(array(
      // Add transaction related data.
      'transaction' => array(
        'type' => Braintree_Transaction::SALE,
        'orderId' => $order->order_id,
        'amount' => $amount,
        'paymentMethodToken' => $card->remote_id,
        'options' => array(
          'submitForSettlement' => $submit_for_settlement,
      'redirectUrl' => url('checkout/' . $order->order_id . '/payment/return/' . $order->data['payment_redirect_key'], array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
    $form['card']['#markup'] = theme('card_data_overview', array(
      'card_data' => $card,

  // Store the Transparent Redirect request data in the form.
  $form['tr_data'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#default_value' => $trData,
    '#name' => 'tr_data',

  // Provide a submit button with a back link that returns to the payment
  // redirect back URL, which sends the customer to the previous page.
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Process payment'),
    '#suffix' => l(t('Cancel'), 'checkout/' . $order->order_id . '/payment/back/' . $order->data['payment_redirect_key'], array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,

  // Set the action URL to submit directly to Braintree's server.
  $form['#action'] = Braintree_TransparentRedirect::url();
  return $form;

 * Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect form validation.
function commerce_braintree_tr_redirect_form_validate($order, $payment_method) {
  if ($feedback = commerce_braintree_get_feedback()) {

    // Process the transaction based on the parameters received.
    commerce_braintree_tr_process_transaction($order, $payment_method, $feedback);
    return TRUE;

 * Processes a Transparent Redirect transaction after the customer has returned.
 * @param $order
 *   The loaded order that is being processed
 * @param $payment_method
 *   The payment method settings
 * @param $feedback
 *   The parameters received from Braintree regarding the payment
 * @param $redirect
 *   Boolean indicating whether or not to call redirect functions.
function commerce_braintree_tr_process_transaction($order, $payment_method, $feedback, $redirect = TRUE) {

  // Initialize the Braintree client.
  $result = Braintree_TransparentRedirect::confirm($feedback);
  $context = commerce_braintree_payment_session_load($order->order_id);
  if (module_exists('commerce_cardonfile') && !empty($payment_method['settings']['cardonfile']) && ($context === NULL || $context == 'new') && $result->success) {

    // Card on file parameters.
    $new_card_data = array();
    $new_card_data = commerce_cardonfile_new();

    // uid: the user ID of the account the card data is being stored for.
    $new_card_data->uid = $order->uid;

    // payment_method: the name of the payment method the card was used for.
    $new_card_data->payment_method = $payment_method['method_id'];

    // instance_id: the payment method instance ID containing the credentials
    // that will be used to reuse the card on file.
    $new_card_data->instance_id = $payment_method['instance_id'];

    // remote_id: the remote ID to the full card data at the payment gateway.
    $new_card_data->remote_id = $result->transaction->creditCard['token'];

    // card_type: short name of the credit card type if determined, based on the
    // keys returned by commerce_payment_credit_card_types().
    $new_card_data->card_type = $result->transaction->creditCard['cardType'];

    // card_name: the name of the cardholder.
    $new_card_data->card_name = $result->transaction->creditCard['cardholderName'];

    // card_number: the last 4 digits of the credit card number.
    $new_card_data->card_number = $result->transaction->creditCard['last4'];

    // card_exp_month: the numeric representation of the expiration month.
    $new_card_data->card_exp_month = $result->transaction->creditCard['expirationMonth'];

    // card_exp_year: the four digit expiration year.
    $new_card_data->card_exp_year = $result->transaction->creditCard['expirationYear'];

    // status: integer status of the card data: inactive (0), active (1), or
    // active and not deletable (2).
    $new_card_data->status = 1;

    // Save and log the creation of the new card on file.
    $save = commerce_cardonfile_save($new_card_data);
    watchdog('commerce_braintree', '@type ending in @number added for user @uid with token @token.', array(
      '@type' => $new_card_data->card_type,
      '@number' => $new_card_data->card_number,
      '@uid' => $order->uid,
      '@token' => $new_card_data->remote_id,
  _commerce_braintree_default_process_transaction($result, $order, $payment_method, $redirect);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * Alters the admin order payment form to add support for Braintree payments.
function commerce_braintree_form_commerce_payment_order_transaction_add_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // Add options to the admin payment terminal for JS based payment methods.
  if (!empty($form['payment_terminal']) && !empty($form_state['payment_method']['method_id']) && in_array($form_state['payment_method']['method_id'], array(
  ))) {

    // Determine the default submit for settlement option for this payment method.
    if (isset($form_state['payment_method']['settings']['submit_for_settlement'])) {
      $submit_for_settlement = (bool) $form_state['payment_method']['settings']['submit_for_settlement'];
    else {
      $submit_for_settlement = TRUE;

    // Add the ability to submit for settlement or just authorize the transaction.
    $form['payment_terminal']['payment_details']['submit_for_settlement'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Submit the transaction for settlement?'),
      '#default_value' => $submit_for_settlement,
      '#description' => t('If unchecked the payment will have to be settled manually at a later date.'),

 * Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect card on file delete.
function commerce_braintree_cardonfile_update_delete($form, &$form_state, $payment_method, $card_data) {
  if (module_exists('commerce_cardonfile') && $form['#id'] == 'commerce-cardonfile-delete-form') {
    try {
      $result = Braintree_CreditCard::delete($card_data->remote_id);
    } catch (Braintree_Exception_NotFound $e) {

      // If the card is not found in the Braintree vault, delete the local
      // record with no error message. The card data no longer exists or has
      // changed its token in Braintree, so there's no use keeping it locally.

    // If the delete request was successful delete the local data.
    if (!empty($result) && $result instanceof Braintree_Result_Successful) {
    return TRUE;

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * Alter the Payment checkout page to remove the default help text.
function commerce_braintree_form_commerce_checkout_form_payment_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  if (!empty($form['commerce_payment']['payment_method']['#default_value']) && strpos($form['commerce_payment']['payment_method']['#default_value'], 'braintree_tr') === 0) {

 * Implements hook_commerce_cardonfile_checkout_pane_form_alter().
function commerce_braintree_commerce_cardonfile_checkout_pane_form_alter(&$pane, $form, $form_state) {

  // If the form contains TR data, then we should show the credit card
  // form and hide the card on file details.
  if ($form['commerce_payment']['payment_method']['#default_value'] == 'braintree_tr|commerce_payment_braintree_tr' && !empty($form['tr_data'])) {
    $pane['cardonfile']['#access'] = FALSE;
    $pane['credit_card']['#access'] = TRUE;

  // Add the CSS to hide a sole credit card icon if specified.
  if (variable_get('commerce_cardonfile_hide_cc_radio_button', TRUE)) {
    if (count($form['commerce_payment']['payment_method']['#options']) == 1) {
      $form['commerce_payment']['payment_method']['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_cardonfile') . '/theme/commerce_cardonfile.checkout.css';

 * Implements hook_commerce_checkout_pane_info_alter().
function commerce_braintree_commerce_checkout_pane_info_alter(&$checkout_panes) {

  // Add custom validation to be able to save the values in session.
  $checkout_panes['commerce_payment']['callbacks']['checkout_form_validate'] = '_commerce_braintree_commerce_payment_checkout_custom_validation';

 * Callback. Custom checkout payement validation.
 * @param $form
 * @param $form_state
 * @param $checkout_pane
 * @param $order
 * @return bool
function _commerce_braintree_commerce_payment_checkout_custom_validation($form, &$form_state, $checkout_pane, $order) {
  if (isset($form_state['values']['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['cardonfile'])) {
    commerce_braintree_payment_session_save($order->order_id, $form_state['values']['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['cardonfile']);
    return TRUE;

  // Do nothing, but still return TRUE.
  return TRUE;

 * Saves the "card on file" choice (reuse a card, which card or new card).
 * @param $order_id
 * @param $choice
function commerce_braintree_payment_session_save($order_id, $choice) {
  $_SESSION['order_' . $order_id] = $choice;

 * Get the "card on file" choice (reuse a card, which card or new card) in a
 * session variable.
 * @param $order_id
 * @param $choice
function commerce_braintree_payment_session_load($order_id) {
  return isset($_SESSION['order_' . $order_id]) ? $_SESSION['order_' . $order_id] : NULL;

 * Delete the "card on file" choice.
function commerce_braintree_payement_session_delete($order_id = NULL) {
  if ($order_id) {
    unset($_SESSION['order_' . $order_id]);

 * Helper function. Build the credit card form.
function commerce_braintree_credit_card_form($payment_method) {

  // Merge default values into the default array.
  $default = array(
    'start_month' => '',
    'start_year' => date('Y') - 5,
    'exp_month' => date('m'),
    'exp_year' => date('Y'),
  $form['commerce_payment']['payment_method']['#default_value'] = $payment_method['instance_id'];
  $current_year_2 = date('y');
  $current_year_4 = date('Y');
  $form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card'] = array(
    '#tree' => TRUE,
    '#attached' => array(
      'css' => array(
        drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_payment') . '/theme/commerce_payment.theme.css',

  // Add a field for the credit card number.
  $form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card']['number'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Card number'),
    '#default_value' => '',
    '#attributes' => array(
      'autocomplete' => 'off',
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#maxlength' => 19,
    '#size' => 20,
    '#name' => 'transaction[credit_card][number]',

  // Add a field for the credit card number.
  $form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card']['owner'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Card owner'),
    '#default_value' => '',
    '#attributes' => array(
      'autocomplete' => 'off',
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#size' => 50,
    '#name' => 'transaction[credit_card][cardholder_name]',

  // Add fields for the credit card expiration date.
  $form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card']['exp_month'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Expiration'),
    '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array_keys(commerce_months())),
    '#default_value' => strlen($default['exp_month']) == 1 ? '0' . $default['exp_month'] : $default['exp_month'],
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#prefix' => '<div class="commerce-credit-card-expiration">',
    '#suffix' => '<span class="commerce-month-year-divider">/</span>',
    '#name' => 'transaction[credit_card][expiration_month]',

  // Build a year select list that uses a 4 digit key with a 2 digit value.
  $options = array();
  for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
    $options[$current_year_4 + $i] = str_pad($current_year_2 + $i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
  $form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card']['exp_year'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#options' => $options,
    '#default_value' => $default['exp_year'],
    '#suffix' => '</div>',
    '#name' => 'transaction[credit_card][expiration_year]',
  $form['commerce_payment']['payment_details']['credit_card']['code'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Security code'),
    '#default_value' => '',
    '#attributes' => array(
      'autocomplete' => 'off',
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#maxlength' => 4,
    '#size' => 4,
    '#name' => 'transaction[credit_card][cvv]',
  return $form;

 * Return the query string that contains Braintree response, after a request.
function commerce_braintree_get_feedback() {
  $feedback = FALSE;

  // drupal_get_query_parameters() excludes $_GET['q'].
  $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
  if (!empty($params)) {

    // Rebuild the query string from the array.
    $feedback = drupal_http_build_query($params);
  return $feedback;

 * Get transaction with a specific Braintree ID.
function commerce_braintree_get_payment_transaction($feedback_remote_id) {
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
  $result = $query
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'commerce_payment_transaction')
    ->propertyCondition('payment_method', 'braintree')
    ->propertyCondition('remote_id', $feedback_remote_id)
  if (isset($result['commerce_payment_transaction']) && count($result['commerce_payment_transaction']) > 0) {
    $transaction = array_pop($result['commerce_payment_transaction']);
    return $transaction->transaction_id;
  return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function commerce_braintree_form_commerce_cardonfile_update_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // @todo Do not hard code a requirement on a specific payment method instance.
  $payment_method = commerce_payment_method_instance_load('braintree_tr|commerce_payment_braintree_tr');

  // Adjust the names of form elements to match the requirements of Braintree's
  // Transparent Redirect API.
  $form['credit_card']['owner']['#name'] = 'credit_card[cardholder_name]';
  $form['credit_card']['number']['#name'] = 'credit_card[number]';
  $form['credit_card']['exp_month']['#name'] = 'credit_card[expiration_month]';
  $form['credit_card']['exp_year']['#name'] = 'credit_card[expiration_year]';

  // Pass the return redirect URL and stored credit card token to Braintree.
  $form['tr_data'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#name' => 'tr_data',
    '#default_value' => Braintree_TransparentRedirect::updateCreditCardData(array(
      'redirectUrl' => url('user/commerce_braintree/update_card', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      'paymentMethodToken' => $form['card_data']['#value']->remote_id,

  // Submit this form directly to the Braintree server.
  $form['#action'] = Braintree_TransparentRedirect::url();

 * Prepare data that will be sent during a Braintree transaction.
 * @param $order
 * @return array
function _commerce_braintree_get_transaction_informations($order) {
  $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);

  // Get financial info.
  $currency_code = $wrapper->commerce_order_total->currency_code
  $amount = $wrapper->commerce_order_total->amount

  // Attempt to parse the first and last name if the name_line field is used.
  $customer_name = $wrapper->commerce_customer_billing->commerce_customer_address->name_line
  if (!empty($customer_name)) {
    $name_parts = explode(' ', $customer_name);
    $first_name = array_shift($name_parts);
    $last_name = implode(' ', $name_parts);
  else {

    // Else grab each value separately.
    $first_name = $wrapper->commerce_customer_billing->commerce_customer_address->first_name
    $last_name = $wrapper->commerce_customer_billing->commerce_customer_address->last_name
    $customer_name = $first_name . ' ' . $last_name;
  $country = $wrapper->commerce_customer_billing->commerce_customer_address->country
  $thoroughfare = $wrapper->commerce_customer_billing->commerce_customer_address->thoroughfare
  $locality = $wrapper->commerce_customer_billing->commerce_customer_address->locality
  $postal_code = $wrapper->commerce_customer_billing->commerce_customer_address->postal_code
  $administrative_area = $wrapper->commerce_customer_billing->commerce_customer_address->administrative_area
  $customer_mail = $wrapper->mail
  return array(

 * Validation callback for the Braintree JS based payment methods.
 * @see CALLBACK_commerce_payment_method_submit_form_validate()
function commerce_braintree_js_form_validate($payment_method, $pane_form, &$pane_values, $order, $charge) {

  // Make sure we have a valid nonce (sale token) returned from Braintree.
  $nonce = !empty($pane_values['nonce']) ? $pane_values['nonce'] : commerce_braintree_js_get_nonce();

  // If this is not a card on file transaction, then a nonce is required.
  if (empty($nonce) && (empty($pane_values['cardonfile']) || $pane_values['cardonfile'] == 'new')) {
    form_set_error('commerce_braintree', t('We were unable to charge your card at this time.'));
    return FALSE;

 * Submit callback for the Braintree JS based payment methods.
 * @see CALLBACK_commerce_payment_method_submit_form_submit()
function commerce_braintree_js_form_submit($payment_method, $pane_form, &$pane_values, $order, $charge) {
  $nonce = !empty($pane_values['nonce']) ? $pane_values['nonce'] : commerce_braintree_js_get_nonce();
  list($amount, $customer_name, $first_name, $last_name, $country, $thoroughfare, $locality, $postal_code, $administrative_area, $customer_mail) = _commerce_braintree_get_transaction_informations($order);
  $merchant_account_id = commerce_braintree_get_merchant_account_id($payment_method, $charge['currency_code']);

  // Determine if we should settle the transaction immediately.
  if (isset($pane_values['submit_for_settlement'])) {

    // Allows the admin payment transaction terminal to override the default.
    $submit_for_settlement = $pane_values['submit_for_settlement'];
  elseif (isset($payment_method['settings']['submit_for_settlement'])) {

    // Use the payment method settings.
    $submit_for_settlement = (bool) $payment_method['settings']['submit_for_settlement'];
  else {

    // Default to TRUE if this setting hasn't been explicitly set by the store admin.
    $submit_for_settlement = TRUE;
  $sale_data = array(
    'amount' => commerce_braintree_price_amount($charge['amount'], $charge['currency_code']),
    'orderId' => $order->order_id,
    'channel' => 'CommerceGuys_BT_Vzero',
    'merchantAccountId' => $merchant_account_id,
    'paymentMethodNonce' => $nonce,
    'customer' => array(
      'firstName' => $first_name,
      'lastName' => $last_name,
      'email' => $customer_mail,
    'billing' => array(
      'countryCodeAlpha2' => $country,
      'streetAddress' => $thoroughfare,
      'firstName' => $first_name,
      'lastName' => $last_name,
      'locality' => $locality,
      'postalCode' => $postal_code,
      'region' => $administrative_area,
    'options' => array(
      'storeInVault' => !empty($pane_values['cardonfile']) ? TRUE : FALSE,
      'submitForSettlement' => $submit_for_settlement,
  if (isset($payment_method['settings']['descriptor_name'])) {
    $descriptor_name = $payment_method['settings']['descriptor_name'];
    if (!empty($descriptor_name)) {
      $sale_data['descriptor'] = array(
        'name' => $descriptor_name,

  // Update the sale data to charge the card on file
  // if it was the selected payment method. Ignore
  // this option for drop-in transactions since
  // they have their own card on file interface.
  if (!empty($pane_values['cardonfile']) && $pane_values['cardonfile'] != 'new' && $payment_method['base'] != 'commerce_braintree_dropin') {
    $cardonfile = commerce_cardonfile_load($pane_values['cardonfile']);

    // Remove the nonce if the transaction is against a card on file.

    // Add the remote id for the transaction to be charged to.
    $sale_data['paymentMethodToken'] = $cardonfile->remote_id;

  // Allow other modules to alter the sale before sending it to Braintree.
  drupal_alter('commerce_braintree_js_sale_data', $sale_data, $order);

  // Also invoke braintree_dropin_sale_data for legacy purposes (Deprecated).
  drupal_alter('commerce_braintree_dropin_sale_data', $sale_data, $order);

  // Execute the API sale method to create a sale object.
  $response = Braintree_Transaction::sale($sale_data);

  // Process the Braintree response and create a payment transaction.
  $transaction = commerce_braintree_js_process_transaction($order, $payment_method, $charge, $response);

  // Set a form error if the payment transaction failed for any reason.
  if (empty($transaction->status) || !in_array($transaction->status, array(
  ))) {
    $error = t('Your payment transaction could not be processed at this time. If an error was provided it was: @response', array(
      '@response' => $response->message,

    // Allow other modules to customize the error that's displayed ot customers.
    drupal_alter('commerce_braintree_transaction_error', $error, $transaction, $response);
    form_set_error('braintree_dropin', $error);
    return FALSE;

  // Save the Braintree vault information to the customer.
  if (!empty($pane_values['cardonfile'])) {
    commerce_braintree_js_create_cardonfile($order, $payment_method, $response);
  return TRUE;

 * Save a commerce_payment_transaction object from the Braintree API response.
function commerce_braintree_js_process_transaction($order, $payment_method, $charge, $response) {
  $transaction = commerce_payment_transaction_new('braintree_dropin', $order->order_id);
  $transaction->instance_id = $payment_method['instance_id'];
  $transaction->remote_id = !empty($response->transaction->id) ? $response->transaction->id : NULL;
  $transaction->payload[REQUEST_TIME] = $response;
  if ($response instanceof \Braintree\Result\Error) {
    $currency_code = $charge['currency_code'];
    $amount_converted = $charge['amount'];
  else {

    // Determine the charge amount from the response object.
    $amount = $response->transaction->amount;
    $currency_code = $response->transaction->currencyIsoCode;
    $amount_converted = commerce_currency_decimal_to_amount($amount, $currency_code);

  // Determine the payment transaction internal status from the response status.
  $remote_status = !empty($response->transaction->status) ? $response->transaction->status : NULL;
  $transaction->amount = $amount_converted;
  $transaction->currency_code = $currency_code;
  $transaction->status = commerce_braintree_transaction_status($remote_status);
  $transaction->remote_status = $remote_status;
  $transaction->message = commerce_braintree_build_payment_transaction_message($response);
  return $transaction;

 * Save a cardonfile entity from the JS based payment response.
function commerce_braintree_js_create_cardonfile($order, $payment_method, $response) {
  if (empty($response->transaction->creditCard)) {
    watchdog('commerce_braintree', 'Cannot create card on file entity for order @order_id because there was no credit card property in the response provided by Braintree', array(
      '@order_id' => $order->order_id,
    return FALSE;
  $token = $response->transaction->creditCard['token'];

  // Attempt to load an existing card on file with the same token before
  // creating a new one.
  $cards = commerce_cardonfile_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
    'remote_id' => $token,
  if (!empty($cards)) {
    $cardonfile = reset($cards);
  else {
    $cardonfile = commerce_cardonfile_new();

  // Populate all of the cardonfile properties from the response object.
  $cardonfile->card_name = $response->transaction->billing['firstName'] . ' ' . $response->transaction->billing['lastName'];
  $cardonfile->card_type = $response->transaction->creditCard['cardType'];
  $cardonfile->card_exp_month = $response->transaction->creditCard['expirationMonth'];
  $cardonfile->card_exp_year = $response->transaction->creditCard['expirationYear'];
  $cardonfile->card_number = $response->transaction->creditCard['last4'];
  $cardonfile->payment_method = $payment_method['method_id'];
  $cardonfile->instance_id = $payment_method['instance_id'];
  $cardonfile->instance_default = TRUE;
  $cardonfile->uid = $order->uid;
  $cardonfile->remote_id = $response->transaction->creditCard['token'];
  $cardonfile->status = TRUE;

  // Save the Braintree vault data to the user profile.
  $user = user_load($order->uid);
  $user->data['braintree_vault'] = $response->transaction->customer;

 * Commerce Card on File charge callback.
function commerce_braintree_cardonfile_charge($payment_method, $card_data, $order, $charge) {

  // Determine if we should settle the transaction immediately.
  if (isset($payment_method['settings']['submit_for_settlement'])) {
    $submit_for_settlement = (bool) $payment_method['settings']['submit_for_settlement'];
  else {

    // Default to TRUE if this setting hasn't been explicitly set by the store admin.
    $submit_for_settlement = TRUE;

  // Create the sale data object to submit to Braintree.
  $sale_data = array(
    'amount' => commerce_currency_amount_to_decimal($charge['amount'], $charge['currency_code']),
    'orderId' => $order->order_id,
    'paymentMethodToken' => $card_data->remote_id,
    'merchantAccountId' => commerce_braintree_get_merchant_account_id($payment_method, $charge['currency_code']),
    'options' => array(
      'submitForSettlement' => $submit_for_settlement,

  // Allow other modules to alter the sale data.
  drupal_alter('commerce_braintree_dropin_sale_data', $sale_data, $order);

  // Attempt to charge the card on file.
  $response = Braintree_Transaction::sale($sale_data);

  // Process the response and create a commerce payment transaction.
  $transaction = commerce_braintree_js_process_transaction($order, $payment_method, $charge, $response);
  $message_vars = array(
    '@order' => $order->order_id,
    '@amount' => commerce_currency_format($charge['amount'], $charge['currency_code'], NULL, TRUE),

  // Return the result of the transaction and the feedback for the user.
  if (!empty($transaction->status) && $transaction->status != COMMERCE_PAYMENT_STATUS_FAILURE) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Payment transaction for @order in the amount of @amount successful.', $message_vars));
    return TRUE;
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Payment transaction for @order in the amount of @amount failed.', $message_vars), 'error');
    return FALSE;

 * Gets the payment_method_nonce from the post variables if it exists.
function commerce_braintree_js_get_nonce() {
  return !empty($_POST['payment_method_nonce']) ? check_plain($_POST['payment_method_nonce']) : NULL;

 * Process the actual Braintree transaction.
 * @param $result
 * @param $order
 * @param array $payment_method
 * @param $redirect
function _commerce_braintree_default_process_transaction($result, $order, $payment_method, $redirect) {

  // Get the braintree transaction object.
  $transaction = $result->transaction;

  // Check if we already have this transaction stores in Commerce.
  $transaction_id = isset($transaction->id) ? commerce_braintree_get_payment_transaction($transaction->id) : NULL;
  if (!$transaction_id) {
    $commerce_transaction = commerce_payment_transaction_new($payment_method['method_id'], $order->order_id);
  else {
    $commerce_transaction = commerce_payment_transaction_load($transaction_id);

  // Show any errors to the customer if the transaction failed.
  if (empty($result->success)) {
    $error = t('There was an error: %error.', array(
      '%error' => $result->message,

    // Allow other modules to alter the error message displayed to customers.
    drupal_alter('commerce_braintree_transaction_error', $error, $commerce_transaction, $result);
    drupal_set_message($error, 'error');

  // Prepare the data to be recorded in Commerce.
  $commerce_transaction->instance_id = $payment_method['instance_id'];
  $commerce_transaction->message = commerce_braintree_build_payment_transaction_message($result);
  if ($redirect) {
    if (!$result->success) {
      $commerce_transaction->status = COMMERCE_PAYMENT_STATUS_FAILURE;

      // There was an error, go back to the previous pane.
    else {
      $commerce_transaction->remote_id = $transaction->id;
      $commerce_transaction->remote_status = $transaction->status;

      // Commerce don't store amount in decimal, convert it.
      $commerce_transaction->amount = commerce_currency_decimal_to_amount($transaction->amount, $transaction->currencyIsoCode);
      $commerce_transaction->currency_code = $transaction->currencyIsoCode;
      $commerce_transaction->status = commerce_braintree_transaction_status($transaction->status);

      // Transaction succeded. Go to next pane.

 * Initializes the Braintree client library for use.
 * @param $payment_method
 *   The payment method instance containing the Braintree credentials to use to
 *   submit API requests to Braintree.
function commerce_braintree_initialize($payment_method) {
  try {
  } catch (Exception $ex) {
    watchdog('commerce_braintree', 'Unable to initalize Braintree library due to @message', array(
      '@message' => $ex

 * Formats a price amount into a decimal value as expected by Braintree.
 * @param $amount
 *   An integer price amount.
 * @param $currency_code
 *   The currency code of the price.
 * @return
 *   The decimal price amount as expected by Braintree API servers.
function commerce_braintree_price_amount($amount, $currency_code) {
  $rounded_amount = commerce_currency_round($amount, commerce_currency_load($currency_code));
  return number_format(commerce_currency_amount_to_decimal($rounded_amount, $currency_code), 2, '.', '');

 * Gets the merchant account id from the payment method settings for a currency.
function commerce_braintree_get_merchant_account_id($payment_method, $currency_code) {

  // Depending on the currency, set the correct merchant account.
  return isset($payment_method['settings']['merchant_account_id'][$currency_code]) ? $payment_method['settings']['merchant_account_id'][$currency_code] : NULL;

 * Decides the appropriate commerce payment transaction status.
 * @param $remote_status string
 *   The status string returned from Braintree.
 * @return string
 *   The appropriate commerce_payment_transaction status property.
function commerce_braintree_transaction_status($remote_status) {
  switch ($remote_status) {
    case 'authorized':
    case 'authorizing':
    case 'submitted_for_settlement':
    case 'settled':
    case 'settling':
    case 'settlement_confirmed':
    case 'settlement_pending':
  return $status;

 * Builds the message that's stored with the payment transaction.
 * @param $response object
 *   Braintree API response object.
 * @return string
function commerce_braintree_build_payment_transaction_message($response) {
  $message = array();

  // Append the braintree response to the message.
  if (!empty($response->message)) {
    $message[] = $response->message;

  // Append credit card information to the message.
  if (!empty($response->transaction->creditCard)) {
    $message[] = t('Credit card type: @type', array(
      '@type' => $response->transaction->creditCard['cardType'],
    $message[] = t('Credit card last 4: @lastfour', array(
      '@lastfour' => $response->transaction->creditCard['last4'],

  // Append the gateway rejection reaseon to the response.
  if (!empty($response->transaction->gatewayRejectionReason)) {
    $message[] = t('Gateway reject reason: @response', array(
      '@response' => $response->transaction->gatewayRejectionReason,

  // Append the processors response to the message.
  if (!empty($response->transaction->processorResponseText)) {
    $message[] = t('Processor response: @response', array(
      '@response' => $response->transaction->processorResponseText,
  $message = implode('<br />', $message);
  drupal_alter('commerce_braintree_build_transaction_message', $message, $response);
  return $message;

 * Form callback for commerce_cardonfile entities.
function commerce_braintree_js_cardonfile_form($form, &$form_state, $op, $card) {
  $form_state['card'] = $card;
  $account = user_load($card->uid);
  $arguments = array();
  $payment_instance = commerce_payment_method_instance_load($card->instance_id);
  $form_state['payment_instance'] = $payment_instance;
  if (!empty($card->remote_id)) {

    // Query Braintree for the payment method matching this card on file.
    try {
      $payment_method = \Braintree_PaymentMethod::find($card->remote_id);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {

      // If Braintree doesn't return the payment method, we cannot proceed.
      drupal_set_message(t('We are unable to locate your stored payment method'), 'error');
      watchdog('commerce_braintree', 'Unable to fetch Braintree payment method due to @error', array(
        '@error' => $ex
      return array();

  // Determine the Braintree customer id and append it to the API request.
  if (!empty($account->data) && !empty($account->data['braintree_vault'])) {

    // Set the Braintree Customer ID if stored on the user object.
    $arguments['customerId'] = $account->data['braintree_vault']['id'];
  else {
    if (!empty($payment_method->customerId)) {

      // Set the Braintree Customer ID from the loaded payment method.
      $arguments['customerId'] = $payment_method->customerId;

  // Append common the appropriate fields form elements to the form array.
  if ($payment_instance['method_id'] == 'braintree_dropin') {
    $form += (array) commerce_braintree_dropin_submit_form_elements($payment_instance, $arguments);
  else {
    if ($payment_instance['method_id'] == 'braintree_hostedfields') {

      // Only provide the Hosted Fields interface for adding a new card.
      // Otherwise, instruct the user to delete this card and add a new one.
      if (!empty($card->remote_id)) {
        $delete_link = l(t('delete it'), '/user/' . $card->uid . '/cards/' . $card->card_id . '/delete');
        $form['description'] = array(
          '#markup' => t('<p>If the card you are editing is no longer valid, please !delete and add a new card.</p>', array(
            '!delete' => $delete_link,
      else {
        $form += (array) commerce_braintree_hostedfields_submit_form_elements($payment_instance, $arguments);

  // Remove the card on file options since we're always saving these.
  $form['instance_default'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Default'),
    '#description' => t('Set this card as your default payment method'),
    '#default_value' => !empty($card->instance_default) ? TRUE : FALSE,
  $form['customer_id'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => !empty($arguments['customerId']) ? $arguments['customerId'] : FALSE,
  $form['actions'] = array(
    '#type' => 'container',
  $form['actions']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Save Payment Method'),
  $form['actions']['cancel'] = array(
    '#markup' => l(t('Cancel'), '/user/' . $card->uid . '/cards'),
  return $form;

 * Submit handler for commerce_cardonfile form callbacks.
function commerce_braintree_js_cardonfile_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $account = user_load($form_state['card']->uid);
  $cards = commerce_braintree_cardonfile_entities_by_user($form_state['card']->uid);
  $nonce = !empty($form_state['nonce']) ? $form_state['nonce'] : commerce_braintree_js_get_nonce();

  // Populate the customer variable with data from Braintree.
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['customer_id'])) {

    // Query for the customer record from the customer id in form values.
    try {
      $customer = Braintree_Customer::find($form_state['values']['customer_id']);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
      watchdog('commerce_braintree', 'Unable to fetch Braintree customer account due to @error', array(
        '@error' => $ex
      drupal_set_message(t('We are unable to create a payment profile for you at this time.'), 'error');
      return FALSE;

    // Create or determine the payment method that was selected
    // during update.
    try {
      $payment_method = Braintree_PaymentMethod::create(array(
        'customerId' => $form_state['values']['customer_id'],
        'paymentMethodNonce' => $nonce,
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
      watchdog('commerce_braintree', 'Unable to load/create a payment method due to @error', array(
        '@error' => $ex
      drupal_set_message(t('We are unable to create a payment profile for you at this time.'), 'error');
      return FALSE;
  else {

    // Create a new customer and payment method at once.
    try {
      $customer = Braintree_Customer::create(array(
        'email' => $account->mail,
        'paymentMethodNonce' => $nonce,
      $payment_method = reset($customer->creditCards);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
      watchdog('commerce_braintree', 'Unable to fetch Braintree customer account due to @error', array(
        '@error' => $ex
      drupal_set_message(t('We are unable to create a payment profile for you at this time.'), 'error');
      return FALSE;

  // Make sure a customer id is loaded or created before proceeding.
  if (empty($customer->id)) {
    watchdog('commerce_braintree', 'Unable to load or create a Braintree customer object', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    drupal_set_message(t('We are unable to create a payment profile for you at this time.'), 'error');
    return FALSE;
  try {
    $token = !empty($payment_method->token) ? $payment_method->token : $form_state['card']->remote_id;
    Braintree_PaymentMethod::update($token, array(
      'options' => array(
        'makeDefault' => $form_state['values']['instance_default'],
  } catch (Exception $ex) {
    watchdog('commerce_braintree', 'Unable to set default payment method due to @error', array(
      '@error' => $ex

  // Update the customer object to make sure we have all payment methods.
  $customer = Braintree_Customer::find($customer->id);

  // Loop over each of the Braintree payment methods and make sure
  // a matching card on file entity exits.
  foreach ($customer->creditCards as $vault_profile) {
    $card = commerce_cardonfile_load_multiple(array(), array(
      'remote_id' => $vault_profile->token,

    // Create a new card on file entity if we were unable to load one
    // for this vault profile.
    if (empty($card)) {
      $card = commerce_cardonfile_new();
      $card->remote_id = $vault_profile->token;
      $card->status = TRUE;
      $card->uid = $form_state['card']->uid;
    else {
      $card = reset($card);

    // Update the values returned from Braintree.
    $card->card_type = $vault_profile->cardType;
    $card->card_number = $vault_profile->last4;
    $card->card_exp_month = $vault_profile->expirationMonth;
    $card->card_exp_year = $vault_profile->expirationYear;
    $card->instance_default = $vault_profile->default;
    $card->payment_method = !empty($card->payment_method) ? $card->payment_method : $form_state['payment_instance']['method_id'];
    $card->instance_id = !empty($card->instance_id) ? $card->instance_id : $form_state['payment_instance']['instance_id'];
    $card->instance_default = !empty($instance_default) ? $instance_default == $vault_profile->token : $vault_profile->default;

    // Pop this card off the cards on file array.

  // Loop over any cards that were't returned from Braintree
  // and make sure they're deleted.
  foreach ($cards as $card) {

  // Store the Braintree customer information on the Drupal user.
  $account->data['braintree_vault']['id'] = $customer->id;
  drupal_set_message(t('Payment information updated successfully'));
  $form_state['redirect'] = 'user/' . $form_state['card']->uid . '/cards';

 * Fetch card on file entities by user for all Braintree modules.
 * @param $uid
 *   The Drupal user id.
 * @return array
 *   An array of commerce_cardonfile entities.
function commerce_braintree_cardonfile_entities_by_user($uid) {
  $cards = (array) commerce_cardonfile_load_multiple_by_uid($uid);
  foreach ($cards as $card) {
    if (strpos($card->payment_method, 'braintree') !== 0) {
  return $cards;


Namesort descending Description
commerce_braintree_build_payment_transaction_message Builds the message that's stored with the payment transaction.
commerce_braintree_cardonfile_charge Commerce Card on File charge callback.
commerce_braintree_cardonfile_entities_by_user Fetch card on file entities by user for all Braintree modules.
commerce_braintree_cardonfile_update_delete Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect card on file delete.
commerce_braintree_commerce_cardonfile_checkout_pane_form_alter Implements hook_commerce_cardonfile_checkout_pane_form_alter().
commerce_braintree_commerce_checkout_pane_info_alter Implements hook_commerce_checkout_pane_info_alter().
commerce_braintree_commerce_payment_method_info Implements hook_commerce_payment_method_info().
commerce_braintree_credit_card_form Helper function. Build the credit card form.
commerce_braintree_default_settings Returns the default settings for Braintree Transparent Redirect.
commerce_braintree_form_commerce_cardonfile_update_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
commerce_braintree_form_commerce_checkout_form_payment_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
commerce_braintree_form_commerce_payment_order_transaction_add_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
commerce_braintree_get_feedback Return the query string that contains Braintree response, after a request.
commerce_braintree_get_merchant_account_id Gets the merchant account id from the payment method settings for a currency.
commerce_braintree_get_payment_transaction Get transaction with a specific Braintree ID.
commerce_braintree_initialize Initializes the Braintree client library for use.
commerce_braintree_js_cardonfile_form Form callback for commerce_cardonfile entities.
commerce_braintree_js_cardonfile_form_submit Submit handler for commerce_cardonfile form callbacks.
commerce_braintree_js_create_cardonfile Save a cardonfile entity from the JS based payment response.
commerce_braintree_js_form_submit Submit callback for the Braintree JS based payment methods.
commerce_braintree_js_form_validate Validation callback for the Braintree JS based payment methods.
commerce_braintree_js_get_nonce Gets the payment_method_nonce from the post variables if it exists.
commerce_braintree_js_process_transaction Save a commerce_payment_transaction object from the Braintree API response.
commerce_braintree_libraries_info Implements hook_libraries_info().
commerce_braintree_menu Implements hook_menu().
commerce_braintree_payement_session_delete Delete the "card on file" choice.
commerce_braintree_payment_session_load Get the "card on file" choice (reuse a card, which card or new card) in a session variable.
commerce_braintree_payment_session_save Saves the "card on file" choice (reuse a card, which card or new card).
commerce_braintree_price_amount Formats a price amount into a decimal value as expected by Braintree.
commerce_braintree_refund_access Access callback for refunding orders.
commerce_braintree_settings_form Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect settings form.
commerce_braintree_settle_access Access callback for submitting transactions for settlement.
commerce_braintree_transaction_status Decides the appropriate commerce payment transaction status.
commerce_braintree_tr_process_transaction Processes a Transparent Redirect transaction after the customer has returned.
commerce_braintree_tr_redirect_form Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect form.
commerce_braintree_tr_redirect_form_validate Payment method callback: Braintree Transparent Redirect form validation.
commerce_braintree_update_card Menu callback. Get the query from Braintree when updating a credit card.
commerce_braintree_void_access Access callback for voiding Braintree transactions.
_commerce_braintree_commerce_payment_checkout_custom_validation Callback. Custom checkout payement validation.
_commerce_braintree_default_process_transaction Process the actual Braintree transaction.
_commerce_braintree_get_transaction_informations Prepare data that will be sent during a Braintree transaction.