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function commerce_currencies in Commerce Core 7

Returns an array of all available currencies.


$enabled: Boolean indicating whether or not to return only enabled currencies.

$reset: Boolean indicating whether or not the cache should be reset before currency data is loaded and returned.

Return value

An array of altered currency arrays keyed by the currency code.

9 calls to commerce_currencies()
commerce_currency_get_code in ./commerce.module
Returns an associative array of the specified currency codes.
commerce_currency_get_symbol in ./commerce.module
Returns the symbol of any or all currencies.
commerce_currency_load in ./commerce.module
Returns a single currency array.
commerce_currency_settings_form in includes/
Builds the currency settings form.
commerce_payment_handler_filter_currency_code::get_value_options in modules/payment/includes/views/handlers/
Child classes should be used to override this function and set the 'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function or static public method to generate these values.

... See full list


./commerce.module, line 510
Defines features and functions common to the Commerce modules.


function commerce_currencies($enabled = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
  global $language;
  $currencies =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);

  // If there is no static cache for currencies yet or a reset was specified...
  if (!isset($currencies) || $reset) {

    // First attempt to load currency data from the cache if we simply didn't
    // have it statically cached and a reset hasn't been specified.
    if (!$reset && ($currencies_cached = cache_get('commerce_currencies:' . $language->language))) {
      $currencies['all'] = $currencies_cached->data;
    else {

      // Otherwise we'll load currency definitions afresh from enabled modules.
      // Begin by establishing some default values for currencies.
      $defaults = array(
        'symbol' => '',
        'minor_unit' => '',
        'decimals' => 2,
        'rounding_step' => 0,
        'thousands_separator' => ',',
        'decimal_separator' => '.',
        'symbol_placement' => 'hidden',
        'symbol_spacer' => " ",
        'code_placement' => 'after',
        'code_spacer' => " ",
        'format_callback' => '',
        'conversion_callback' => '',
        'conversion_rate' => 1,

      // Include the currency file and invoke the currency info hook.
      module_load_include('inc', 'commerce', 'includes/commerce.currency');
      $currencies['all'] = module_invoke_all('commerce_currency_info');
      drupal_alter('commerce_currency_info', $currencies['all'], $language->language);

      // Add default values if they don't exist.
      foreach ($currencies['all'] as $currency_code => $currency) {
        $currencies['all'][$currency_code] = array_merge($defaults, $currency);

      // Sort the currencies
      cache_set('commerce_currencies:' . $language->language, $currencies['all']);

    // Form an array of enabled currencies based on the variable set by the
    // checkboxes element on the currency settings form.
    $enabled_currencies = array_diff(array_values(variable_get('commerce_enabled_currencies', array(
      'USD' => 'USD',
    ))), array(
    $currencies['enabled'] = array_intersect_key($currencies['all'], drupal_map_assoc($enabled_currencies));
  return $enabled ? $currencies['enabled'] : $currencies['all'];