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function commerce_months in Commerce Core 7

Returns an associative array of month names keyed by numeric representation.

1 call to commerce_months()
commerce_payment_credit_card_form in modules/payment/includes/
Returns a set of credit card form elements that payment method modules can incorporate into their submission form callbacks.


./commerce.module, line 806
Defines features and functions common to the Commerce modules.


function commerce_months() {
  return array(
    '01' => t('January'),
    '02' => t('February'),
    '03' => t('March'),
    '04' => t('April'),
    '05' => t('May'),
    '06' => t('June'),
    '07' => t('July'),
    '08' => t('August'),
    '09' => t('September'),
    '10' => t('October'),
    '11' => t('November'),
    '12' => t('December'),