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function commerce_product_reference_field_validate in Commerce Core 7

Implements hook_field_validate().

Possible error codes:

  • 'invalid_product_id': product_id is not valid for the field (not a valid product id, or the product is not referenceable).


modules/product_reference/commerce_product_reference.module, line 636
Defines a field type for referencing products from other entities.


function commerce_product_reference_field_validate($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, &$errors) {
  $translated_instance = commerce_i18n_object('field_instance', $instance);

  // Extract product_ids to check.
  $product_ids = array();

  // First check non-numeric product_id's to avoid losing time with them.
  foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
    if (is_array($item) && !empty($item['product_id'])) {
      if (is_numeric($item['product_id'])) {
        $product_ids[] = $item['product_id'];
      else {
        $errors[$field['field_name']][$langcode][$delta][] = array(
          'error' => 'invalid_product_id',
          'message' => t('%name: you have specified an invalid product for this reference field.', array(
            '%name' => $translated_instance['label'],

  // Prevent performance hog if there are no ids to check.
  if ($product_ids) {
    $refs = commerce_product_match_products($field, $instance, '', NULL, $product_ids);
    foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
      if (is_array($item)) {
        if (!empty($item['product_id']) && !isset($refs[$item['product_id']])) {
          $errors[$field['field_name']][$langcode][$delta][] = array(
            'error' => 'invalid_product_id',
            'message' => t('%name: you have specified an invalid product for this reference field.', array(
              '%name' => $translated_instance['label'],