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function commerce_payment_credit_card_validate in Commerce Core 7

Validates a set of credit card details entered via the credit card form.


$details: An array of credit card details as retrieved from the credit card array in the form values of a form containing the credit card form.

$settings: Settings used for calling validation functions and setting form errors:

  • form_parents: an array of parent elements identifying where the credit card form was situated in the form array

Return value

TRUE or FALSE indicating the validity of all the data.

See also


1 call to commerce_payment_credit_card_validate()
commerce_payment_example_submit_form_validate in modules/payment/modules/commerce_payment_example.module
Payment method callback: submit form validation.


modules/payment/includes/, line 210
Credit-card helper functions for Drupal commerce.


function commerce_payment_credit_card_validate($details, $settings) {
  $prefix = implode('][', $settings['form_parents']) . '][';
  $valid = TRUE;

  // Validate the credit card number.
  if (!commerce_payment_validate_credit_card_number($details['number'])) {
    form_set_error($prefix . 'number', t('You have entered an invalid credit card number.'));
    $valid = FALSE;
  elseif (!empty($details['valid_types'])) {
    $type = commerce_payment_validate_credit_card_type($details['number'], $details['valid_types']);
    if ($type === FALSE) {
      form_set_error($prefix . 'type', t('You have entered a credit card number of an unsupported card type.'));
      $valid = FALSE;
    elseif ($type != $details['type']) {
      form_set_error($prefix . 'number', t('You have entered a credit card number that does not match the type selected.'));
      $valid = FALSE;

  // Validate the expiration date.
  if (($invalid = commerce_payment_validate_credit_card_exp_date($details['exp_month'], $details['exp_year'])) !== TRUE) {
    form_set_error($prefix . 'exp_' . $invalid, t('You have entered an expired credit card.'));
    $valid = FALSE;

  // Validate the security code if present.
  if (!empty($details['code']) && !commerce_payment_validate_credit_card_security_code($details['number'], $details['code'])) {
    form_set_error($prefix . 'code', t('You have entered an invalid card security code.'));
    $valid = FALSE;

  // Validate the start date if present.
  if (isset($details['start_month']) && ($invalid = commerce_payment_validate_credit_card_start_date($details['start_month'], $details['start_year'])) !== TRUE) {
    form_set_error($prefix . 'start_' . $invalid, t('Your have entered an invalid start date.'));
    $valid = FALSE;

  // Validate the issue number if present.
  if (isset($details['issue']) && !commerce_payment_validate_credit_card_issue($details['issue'])) {
    form_set_error($prefix . 'issue', t('You have entered an invalid issue number.'));
    $valid = FALSE;
  return $valid;