33 calls to commerce_order_load() in Commerce Core 7
- CommerceOrderCRUDTestCase::testCommerceOrderCrud in modules/
order/ tests/ commerce_order.test - Test the order CRUD functions.
- CommercePaymentTransactionEntityController::buildContent in modules/
payment/ includes/ commerce_payment_transaction.controller.inc - Builds a structured array representing the entity's content.
- commerce_cart_checkout_form_cancel_submit in modules/
cart/ commerce_cart.module - Submit handler to take back the order to cart status on cancel in checkout.
- commerce_cart_line_item_views_form_submit in modules/
cart/ commerce_cart.module - Submit handler to show the shopping cart updated message.
- commerce_cart_order_load in modules/
cart/ commerce_cart.module - Loads the shopping cart order for the specified user.
- commerce_cart_order_refresh_form_submit in modules/
cart/ includes/ commerce_cart.admin.inc - Form submit callback for commerce_cart_order_refresh_form().
- commerce_checkout_complete_form_submit in modules/
checkout/ includes/ commerce_checkout.admin.inc - Form submit callback for commerce_checkout_complete_form().
- commerce_checkout_form in modules/
checkout/ includes/ commerce_checkout.pages.inc - Builds the checkout form for the given order on the specified checkout page.
- commerce_checkout_form_back_submit in modules/
checkout/ includes/ commerce_checkout.pages.inc - Special submit handler for the back button to avoid processing orders.
- commerce_checkout_form_cancel_submit in modules/
checkout/ includes/ commerce_checkout.pages.inc - Special submit handler for the cancel button to avoid processing orders.
- commerce_checkout_form_submit in modules/
checkout/ includes/ commerce_checkout.pages.inc - Submit handler for the continue button of the checkout form.
- commerce_checkout_form_validate in modules/
checkout/ includes/ commerce_checkout.pages.inc - Validate handler for the continue button of the checkout form.
- commerce_checkout_line_item_views_form_submit in modules/
checkout/ commerce_checkout.module - Submit handler used to redirect to the checkout page.
- commerce_checkout_router in modules/
checkout/ includes/ commerce_checkout.pages.inc - Redirects invalid checkout attempts or displays the checkout form if valid.
- commerce_line_item_access in modules/
line_item/ commerce_line_item.module - Determines access to perform an operation on a particular line item.
- commerce_line_item_form_alter in modules/
line_item/ commerce_line_item.module - Implements hook_form_alter().
- commerce_line_item_handler_field_edit_delete::views_form_submit in modules/
line_item/ includes/ views/ handlers/ commerce_line_item_handler_field_edit_delete.inc - commerce_line_item_handler_field_edit_quantity::views_form_submit in modules/
line_item/ includes/ views/ handlers/ commerce_line_item_handler_field_edit_quantity.inc - commerce_line_item_tokens in modules/
line_item/ commerce_line_item.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- commerce_order_commerce_line_item_access in modules/
order/ commerce_order.module - Implements hook_commerce_line_item_access().
- commerce_order_form_commerce_customer_customer_profile_delete_form_alter in modules/
order/ commerce_order.module - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
- commerce_order_handler_area_order_total::render in modules/
order/ includes/ views/ handlers/ commerce_order_handler_area_order_total.inc - Render the area.
- commerce_order_order_form_submit in modules/
order/ includes/ commerce_order.forms.inc - Submit callback for commerce_order_order_form().
- commerce_order_ui_redirect_form_validate in modules/
order/ commerce_order_ui.module - Validate callback: ensure a valid order was specified for viewing.
- commerce_order_update_7102 in modules/
order/ commerce_order.install - Loads and resaves all the orders on the site to rebuild the order total price component arrays.
- commerce_payment_commerce_payment_transaction_insert in modules/
payment/ commerce_payment.module - Implements hook_commerce_payment_transaction_insert().
- commerce_payment_handler_area_totals::render in modules/
payment/ includes/ views/ handlers/ commerce_payment_handler_area_totals.inc - Render the area.
- commerce_payment_handler_field_balance::render in modules/
payment/ includes/ views/ handlers/ commerce_payment_handler_field_balance.inc - Render the field.
- commerce_payment_handler_field_payment_transaction_link_delete::render in modules/
payment/ includes/ views/ handlers/ commerce_payment_handler_field_payment_transaction_link_delete.inc - Render the field.
- commerce_payment_tokens in modules/
payment/ commerce_payment.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- commerce_payment_transaction_access in modules/
payment/ commerce_payment.module - Determines access for a variety of operations on payment transactions.
- commerce_payment_ui_payment_transaction_uri in modules/
payment/ commerce_payment_ui.module - Entity uri callback: points to the admin view page of the given payment transaction.
- commerce_product_reference_form_commerce_product_product_delete_form_alter in modules/
product_reference/ commerce_product_reference.module - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().