in Commerce Core 7
The controller for the payment transaction entity containing the CRUD operations.
modules/payment/includes/commerce_payment_transaction.controller.incView source
* @file
* The controller for the payment transaction entity containing the CRUD operations.
* The controller class for payment transactions contains methods for the
* transaction CRUD operations. The load method is inherited from the default
* controller.
class CommercePaymentTransactionEntityController extends DrupalCommerceEntityController {
* Create a default payment transaction.
* @param array $values
* An array of values to set, keyed by property name.
* @return
* A payment transaction object with all default fields initialized.
public function create(array $values = array()) {
global $user;
$values += array(
'transaction_id' => NULL,
'revision_id' => NULL,
'uid' => $user->uid,
'order_id' => 0,
'payment_method' => '',
'instance_id' => '',
'remote_id' => '',
'message' => '',
'message_variables' => array(),
'amount' => 0,
'currency_code' => '',
'status' => '',
'remote_status' => '',
'payload' => array(),
'created' => '',
'changed' => '',
return parent::create($values);
* Saves a payment transaction.
* When saving a transaction without an ID, this function will create a new
* transaction at that time. Subsequent transactions that should be saved as
* new revisions should set $transaction->revision to TRUE and include a log
* string in $transaction->log.
* @param $transaction
* The full transaction object to save.
* @param $transaction
* An optional transaction object.
* @return
* SAVED_NEW or SAVED_UPDATED depending on the operation performed.
public function save($transaction, DatabaseTransaction $db_transaction = NULL) {
if (!isset($db_transaction)) {
$db_transaction = db_transaction();
$started_transaction = TRUE;
try {
global $user;
// Determine if we will be inserting a new transaction.
$transaction->is_new = empty($transaction->transaction_id);
// Set the timestamp fields.
if (empty($transaction->created)) {
$transaction->created = REQUEST_TIME;
else {
// Otherwise if the payment transaction is not new but comes from an
// entity_create() or similar function call that initializes the created
// timestamp to an empty string, unset it to prevent destroying existing
// data in that property on update.
if ($transaction->created === '') {
$transaction->changed = REQUEST_TIME;
$transaction->revision_uid = $user->uid;
$transaction->revision_timestamp = REQUEST_TIME;
// Round the amount to ensure it's an integer for storage.
$transaction->amount = round($transaction->amount);
if ($transaction->is_new || !empty($transaction->revision)) {
// When inserting either a new transaction or revision, $transaction->log
// must be set because {commerce_payment_transaction_revision}.log is a
// text column and therefore cannot have a default value. However, it
// might not be set at this point, so we ensure that it is at least an
// empty string in that case.
if (!isset($transaction->log)) {
$transaction->log = '';
elseif (empty($transaction->log)) {
// If we are updating an existing transaction without adding a new
// revision, we need to make sure $transaction->log is unset whenever it
// is empty. As long as $transaction->log is unset, drupal_write_record()
// will not attempt to update the existing database column when re-saving
// the revision.
return parent::save($transaction, $db_transaction);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (!empty($started_transaction)) {
watchdog_exception($this->entityType, $e);
throw $e;
* Unserializes the message_variables and payload properties of loaded payment
* transactions.
public function attachLoad(&$queried_transactions, $revision_id = FALSE) {
foreach ($queried_transactions as $transaction_id => &$transaction) {
$transaction->message_variables = unserialize($transaction->message_variables);
$transaction->payload = unserialize($transaction->payload);
$transaction->data = unserialize($transaction->data);
// Call the default attachLoad() method. This will add fields and call
// hook_user_load().
parent::attachLoad($queried_transactions, $revision_id);
* Builds a structured array representing the entity's content.
* The content built for the entity will vary depending on the $view_mode
* parameter.
* @param $entity
* An entity object.
* @param $view_mode
* View mode, e.g. 'administrator'
* @param $langcode
* (optional) A language code to use for rendering. Defaults to the global
* content language of the current request.
* @return
* The renderable array.
public function buildContent($transaction, $view_mode = 'administrator', $langcode = NULL, $content = array()) {
// Load the order this transaction is attached to.
$order = commerce_order_load($transaction->order_id);
// Add the default fields inherent to the transaction entity.
if (!empty($transaction->instance_id) && ($payment_method = commerce_payment_method_instance_load($transaction->instance_id))) {
list($method_id, $rule_name) = explode('|', $payment_method['instance_id']);
$title = l(check_plain($payment_method['title']), 'admin/config/workflow/rules/reaction/manage/' . $rule_name);
else {
$payment_method = commerce_payment_method_load($transaction->payment_method);
$title = check_plain($payment_method['title']);
$transaction_statuses = commerce_payment_transaction_statuses();
$rows = array(
t('Transaction ID'),
t('Order', array(), array(
'context' => 'a drupal commerce order',
l(check_plain($order->order_number), 'admin/commerce/orders/' . $order->order_id),
t('Payment method'),
t('Remote ID'),
t($transaction->message, $transaction->message_variables),
commerce_currency_format($transaction->amount, $transaction->currency_code),
t('Remote status'),
if ($transaction->changed > $transaction->created) {
$rows[] = array(
t('Last changed'),
if (user_access('administer payments')) {
if (!empty($transaction->payload)) {
$rows[] = array(
'<pre>' . check_plain(print_r($transaction->payload, TRUE)) . '</pre>',
$content['transaction_table'] = array(
'#attached' => array(
'css' => array(
drupal_get_path('module', 'commerce_payment') . '/theme/commerce_payment.admin.css',
'#markup' => theme('table', array(
'rows' => $rows,
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
return parent::buildContent($transaction, $view_mode, $langcode, $content);
Name | Description |
CommercePaymentTransactionEntityController | The controller class for payment transactions contains methods for the transaction CRUD operations. The load method is inherited from the default controller. |