function commerce_line_item_manager_validate in Commerce Core 7
Validation callback for a commerce_line_item_manager element.
When the form is submitted, the line item reference field stores the line item IDs as derived from the $element['line_items'] array and updates any referenced line items based on the extra form elements.
1 string reference to 'commerce_line_item_manager_validate'
- commerce_line_item_field_widget_form in modules/
line_item/ commerce_line_item.module - Implements hook_field_widget_form().
- modules/
line_item/ commerce_line_item.module, line 1215 - Defines the core Commerce line item entity and API functions interact with line items on orders.
function commerce_line_item_manager_validate($element, &$form_state, $form) {
$value = array();
// Loop through the line items in the manager table.
foreach (element_children($element['line_items']) as $line_item_id) {
// If the line item has been marked for deletion...
if ($element['line_items'][$line_item_id]['remove']['#value']) {
// Delete the line item now and don't include it from the $value array.
else {
// Add the line item ID to the current value of the reference field.
$value[] = array(
'line_item_id' => $line_item_id,
// Update the line item based on the values in the additional elements.
$line_item = clone $element['line_items'][$line_item_id]['line_item']['#value'];
// Validate the quantity of each line item.
$element_name = implode('][', $element['line_items'][$line_item_id]['quantity']['#parents']);
$quantity = $element['line_items'][$line_item_id]['quantity']['#value'];
if (!is_numeric($quantity) || $quantity <= 0) {
form_set_error($element_name, t('You must specify a positive number for the quantity'));
elseif ($element['line_items'][$line_item_id]['quantity']['#datatype'] == 'integer' && (int) $quantity != $quantity) {
form_set_error($element_name, t('You must specify a whole number for the quantity.'));
else {
$line_item->quantity = $quantity;
// Manually validate the unit price of each line item.
$unit_price = $form_state['values'][$element['#field_name']][$element['#language']]['line_items'][$line_item_id]['commerce_unit_price'];
$amount = $unit_price[$element['#language']][0]['amount'];
$currency_code = $unit_price[$element['#language']][0]['currency_code'];
// Display an error message for a non-numeric unit price.
if (!is_numeric($amount)) {
$name = implode('][', array_merge($element['line_items'][$line_item_id]['commerce_unit_price']['#parents'], array(
form_set_error($name, 'You must enter a numeric value for the unit price.');
elseif ($amount != $line_item->commerce_unit_price[$element['#language']][0]['amount'] || $currency_code != $line_item->commerce_unit_price[$element['#language']][0]['currency_code']) {
// Otherwise update the unit price amount if it has changed.
$line_item->commerce_unit_price = $unit_price;
// Rebuild the price components array.
// Only save if no errors and values were actually changed.
if (!form_get_errors() && $line_item != $element['line_items'][$line_item_id]['line_item']['#value']) {
// If the "Add line item" button was clicked, store the line item type in the
// $form_state for the rebuild of the $form array.
if (!empty($form_state['triggering_element'])) {
if ($form_state['triggering_element']['#value'] === t('Add line item')) {
$form_state['line_item_add'] = $element['actions']['line_item_type']['#value'];
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
else {
$parent = end($form_state['triggering_element']['#parents']);
// If the save button was clicked from the line item type action form...
if ($parent == 'save_line_item') {
$line_item_type = $element['actions']['line_item_type']['#value'];
// Extract an order ID from the form if present.
$order_id = 0;
if (!empty($form_state['commerce_order'])) {
$order_id = $form_state['commerce_order']->order_id;
// Create the new line item.
$line_item = commerce_line_item_new($line_item_type['type'], $order_id);
// If this type specifies a valid add form callback function...
if ($callback = commerce_line_item_type_callback($line_item_type, 'add_form_submit')) {
// Allow the callback to alter data onto the line item to be saved and
// to return an error message if something goes wrong.
$error = $callback($line_item, $element, $form_state, $form);
else {
// Assume no error if the callback isn't specified.
$error = FALSE;
// If we didn't end up with any errors...
if (empty($error)) {
// Save it and add it to the line item reference field's values array.
// If the item is saved, we set a variable to notify the user the
// need of saving the order.
$form_state['line_item_save_warning'] = TRUE;
$value[] = array(
'line_item_id' => $line_item->line_item_id,
else {
// Otherwise display the error message; note this is not using
// form_set_error() on purpose, because a failed addition of a line item
// doesn't affect the rest of the form submission process.
drupal_set_message($error, 'error');
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
elseif ($parent == 'cancel') {
// If the cancel button was clicked refresh without action.
$form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
form_set_value($element, $value, $form_state);