commerce_customer_ui.test in Commerce Core 7
Commerce customer profile tests.
modules/customer/tests/commerce_customer_ui.testView source
* @file
* Commerce customer profile tests.
* Functional tests for the commerce customer UI module.
class CommerceCustomerUITest extends CommerceBaseTestCase {
* Implementation of getInfo().
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Customer user interface',
'description' => 'Test creating, editing, deleting cusomer profiles and how they interact with other components, like orders.',
'group' => 'Drupal Commerce',
* Implementation of setUp().
function setUp() {
$modules = parent::setUpHelper('all');
// User creation for different operations.
$this->store_admin = $this
$this->store_customer = $this
// Set the default country to US.
variable_set('site_default_country', 'US');
* Load a customer profile basing in field conditions.
protected function loadCustomerProfile($conditions) {
$query = db_select('commerce_customer_profile', 'cp');
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'commerce_customer_profile', '=');
foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
$operation = !empty($condition['operation']) ? $condition['operation'] : '=';
->fieldCondition($condition['field'], $condition['column'], $condition['value'], $operation);
$results = $query
return $results['commerce_customer_profile'];
* Access to the customer profiles listing.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIAccessCustomerProfilesListing() {
// Login with customer.
// Check the access to the profiles listing.
->assertResponse(403, t('The store customer has no access to the administration listing of customer profiles'));
// Login with store admin.
// Check the access to the profiles listing.
->assertResponse(200, t('The store customer has access to the administration listing of customer profiles'));
// Check the message of no profiles available.
->assertText(t('No customer profiles have been created yet.'), t('\'No customer profiles have been created yet\' message is displayed'));
// Check the add customer profile link.
->assertRaw(l('Add a customer profile', 'admin/commerce/customer-profiles/add'), t('\'Add a customer profile\' link is present in the page'));
* Access to the customer profile types listing.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIAccessCustomerProfileTypesListing() {
// Login with customer.
// Check the access to the profile types listing.
->assertResponse(403, t('The store customer has no access to the administration listing of customer profile types'));
// Login with store admin.
// Check the access to the profile types listing.
->assertResponse(200, t('The store customer has access to the administration listing of customer profile types'));
// Check if all the profiles defined by default are there.
$types = commerce_customer_profile_types();
foreach ($types as $type) {
->assertText($type['name'], t('!type customer profile type is found in the listing', array(
'!type' => $type['name'],
* Add a customer profile.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIAddCustomerProfile() {
// Login with customer.
// Check the access to the profile add page.
// Login with store admin.
// Check the access to the profile add page.
// As The billing information is the only profile shipped by default at
// the moment, the destination url is the billing information creation
// form.
->assertTrue($this->url = url('admin/commerce/customer-profiles/add/billing', array(
'absolute => TRUE',
// Get the default values for the address.
$field = field_info_field('commerce_customer_address');
$instance = field_info_instance('commerce_customer_profile', 'commerce_customer_address', 'billing');
$address = addressfield_default_values($field, $instance);
// Check the integrity of the add form.
->pass(t('Test the integrity of the add customer profile form:'));
$billing_country = $this
->xpath("//select[starts-with(@name, 'commerce_customer_address')]");
->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
(string) $billing_country[0]['name'] => $address['country'],
), (string) $billing_country[0]['name']);
->assertFieldByXPath("//select[starts-with(@id, 'edit-commerce-customer-address-und-0-country')]", $address['country'], t('Country field exists and it has the default country selected'));
->assertFieldByXPath("//input[starts-with(@id, 'edit-commerce-customer-address-und-0-name-line')]", NULL, t('Field !field exists in the customer profile form', array(
'!field' => 'Name line',
// Also check for the buttons and cancel link.
->assertFieldById('edit-submit', t('Save profile'), t('\'Save profile\' button is present'));
->assertFieldById('edit-save-continue', t('Save and add another'), t('\'Save an add another\' button is present'));
->assertRaw(l(t('Cancel'), 'admin/commerce/customer-profiles'), t('Cancel link is present'));
// Generate random information, as city, postal code, etc.
$address_info = $this
// Fill the profile information and Save.
$info = array(
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][name_line]' => $address_info['name_line'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][thoroughfare]' => $address_info['thoroughfare'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][locality]' => $address_info['locality'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][administrative_area]' => $address_info['administrative_area'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][postal_code]' => $address_info['postal_code'],
->drupalPost(NULL, $info, t('Save profile'));
// Check in database if the profile got created.
$conditions = array();
foreach ($address_info as $id => $element) {
$conditions[] = array(
'field' => 'commerce_customer_address',
'column' => $id,
'value' => $element,
$profile = $this
->assertFalse(empty($profile), t('Profile has been created in database'));
// Check the landing url and if the profile is in the listing.
->assertTrue($this->url == url('admin/commerce/customer-profiles', array(
'absolute' => TRUE,
)), t('Landing page after save the profile is the profile listing page'));
->assertText(t('Profile saved'), t('\'Profile saved\' message is displayed after saving a customer profile'));
->assertText($address_info['name_line'], t('Profile name line value: !value is present in the customer profile listing', array(
'!value' => $address_info['name_line'],
* Save and add another customer profile.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIAddCustomerProfileSaveAndAddAnother() {
// Login with store admin.
// Check the access to the profile add page.
// Fill the profile information and click on Save and add another.
$billing_country = $this
->xpath("//select[starts-with(@name, 'commerce_customer_address')]");
->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
(string) $billing_country[0]['name'] => variable_get('site_default_country', 'US'),
), (string) $billing_country[0]['name']);
// Generate random information, as city, postal code, etc.
$address_info = $this
// Fill the profile information and Save.
$info = array(
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][name_line]' => $address_info['name_line'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][thoroughfare]' => $address_info['thoroughfare'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][locality]' => $address_info['locality'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][administrative_area]' => $address_info['administrative_area'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][postal_code]' => $address_info['postal_code'],
->drupalPost(NULL, $info, t('Save and add another'));
// Check the landing url and if the profile got created.
->assertTrue($this->url == url('admin/commerce/customer-profiles/add/billing', array(
'absolute' => TRUE,
)), t('Landing page after save and add another for profiles is the profile creation page'));
->assertText(t('Profile saved'), t('\'Profile saved\' message is displayed after saving a customer profile'));
->assertFieldById('edit-commerce-customer-address-und-0-name-line', '', t('\'Name line\' field is present and empty'));
$conditions = array();
foreach ($address_info as $id => $element) {
$conditions[] = array(
'field' => 'commerce_customer_address',
'column' => $id,
'value' => $element,
$profile = $this
->assertFalse(empty($profile), t('Profile has been created in database'));
* Add extra fields to a profile type.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIProfileWithExtraFields() {
// Login with store admin.
// Access to the profile billing type manage fields.
->assertResponse(200, t('Store admin user is able to access the customer profile type manage fields screen'));
// Create an extra field for the profile.
$edit = array(
'fields[_add_new_field][label]' => $this
'fields[_add_new_field][field_name]' => strtolower($this
'fields[_add_new_field][type]' => 'text',
'fields[_add_new_field][widget_type]' => 'text_textfield',
->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save field settings'));
->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save settings'));
// Add a new profile, check that the field is there.
// Assert that the field exists in the profile add form.
$address_info = $this
// Fill the profile information and Save.
$info = array(
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][name_line]' => $address_info['name_line'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][thoroughfare]' => $address_info['thoroughfare'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][locality]' => $address_info['locality'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][administrative_area]' => $address_info['administrative_area'],
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][postal_code]' => $address_info['postal_code'],
// Also add the new field value.
$field_value = $this
$info['field_' . $edit['fields[_add_new_field][field_name]'] . '[und][0][value]'] = $field_value;
->drupalPost(NULL, $info, t('Save profile'));
// Check that the profile got created and if the field is filled.
->assertText(t('Profile saved'), t('\'Profile saved\' message is displayed after saving a customer profile'));
// Check also in database.
foreach ($address_info as $id => $element) {
$conditions[] = array(
'field' => 'commerce_customer_address',
'column' => $id,
'value' => $element,
// Load the profile and check if the field is filled.
$profiles = $this
$profile = commerce_customer_profile_load(reset($profiles)->profile_id);
->assertTrue($profile->{'field_' . $edit['fields[_add_new_field][field_name]']}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] == $field_value, t('The extra field !field created for the customer profile exists and it has the correct value: !value', array(
'!field' => $edit['fields[_add_new_field][field_name]'],
'!value' => $field_value,
* Edit a previously existing customer profile.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIEditCustomerProfile() {
// Create a new customer profile.
$profile = $this
->createDummyCustomerProfile('billing', $this->store_customer->uid);
// Login with store admin.
// Edit the customer profile.
->drupalGet('admin/commerce/customer-profiles/' . $profile->profile_id . '/edit');
$address = $profile->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0];
// Check the integrity of the edit form.
->pass(t('Test the integrity of the edit customer profile form:'));
->assertFieldById('edit-commerce-customer-address-und-0-country', $address['country'], t('Country field exists and it has the default country selected'));
->assertFieldById('edit-commerce-customer-address-und-0-name-line', $address['name_line'], t('Field !field exists in the customer profile form and has the correct value !value', array(
'!field' => 'Name line',
'!value' => $address['name_line'],
// Also check for the buttons and cancel link.
->assertFieldById('edit-submit', t('Save profile'), t('\'Save profile\' button is present'));
->assertRaw(l(t('Cancel'), 'admin/commerce/customer-profiles'), t('Cancel link is present'));
// Change some fields and save.
$edit = array(
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][name_line]' => 'Example Name line',
'commerce_customer_address[und][0][locality]' => 'Example Locality',
'name' => '',
->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save profile'));
// Assert fields after saving the profile.
->pass(t('Assert the field values after saving the profile form:'));
->assertTrue($this->url == url('admin/commerce/customer-profiles/' . $profile->profile_id . '/edit', array(
'absolute' => TRUE,
)), t('Landing page after save the profile is the profile edit page'));
->assertText(t('Profile saved'), t('\'Profile saved\' message is displayed after saving a customer profile'));
->assertFieldById('edit-commerce-customer-address-und-0-name-line', $edit['commerce_customer_address[und][0][name_line]'], t('Field !field exists in the customer profile form and has the correct value !value', array(
'!field' => 'Name line',
'!value' => $edit['commerce_customer_address[und][0][name_line]'],
->assertFieldById('edit-commerce-customer-address-und-0-locality', $edit['commerce_customer_address[und][0][locality]'], t('Field !field exists in the customer profile form and has the correct value !value', array(
'!field' => 'Locality',
'!value' => $edit['commerce_customer_address[und][0][locality]'],
->assertFieldByName('name', NULL, t('Name field is present and empty'));
// Check at database level.
$profiles = commerce_customer_profile_load_multiple(array(
), array(), TRUE);
$profile = reset($profiles);
->assertTrue($profile->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['name_line'] == $edit['commerce_customer_address[und][0][name_line]'], t('\'Name line\' field has been correctly modified in the customer profile'));
->assertTrue($profile->commerce_customer_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['locality'] == $edit['commerce_customer_address[und][0][locality]'], t('\'Locality\' field has been correctly modified in the customer profile'));
->assertTrue($profile->uid == 0, t('Profile owner is now anonymous user'));
* Disable a customer profile.
* @TODO: Probably this test should be completed when it is possible to
* select older profiles for the orders.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIDisableCustomerProfile() {
// Create a new customer profile.
$profile = $this
->createDummyCustomerProfile('billing', $this->store_customer->uid);
// Login with store admin.
// Edit the customer profile.
->drupalPost('admin/commerce/customer-profiles/' . $profile->profile_id . '/edit', array(
'status' => 0,
), t('Save profile'));
->assertText(t('Disabled'), t('\'Disabled\' text for the profile appears in the profile listing page'));
$profiles = commerce_customer_profile_load_multiple(array(
), array(), TRUE);
$profile = reset($profiles);
->assertTrue($profile->status == 0, t('Profile status is Disabled'));
* Delete a customer profile.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIDeleteCustomerProfile() {
// Create a new customer profile.
$profile = $this
->createDummyCustomerProfile('billing', $this->store_customer->uid);
// Login with customer.
// Check the access to the profile delete.
->drupalGet('admin/commerce/customer-profiles/' . $profile->profile_id . '/delete');
->assertResponse(403, t('Store customer is not able to access the admin deletion page for a customer profile'));
// Login with store admin.
// Check the access to the profile delete.
->drupalGet('admin/commerce/customer-profiles/' . $profile->profile_id . '/delete');
->assertResponse(200, t('Store customer is able to access the admin deletion page for a customer profile'));
// Check the integrity of the delete form.
->pass(t('Test the integrity of the delete customer profile form:'));
->assertTitle(t('Are you sure you want to delete this profile?') . ' | Drupal', t('The title of the deletion page is correct'));
->assertText(t('Deleting this profile cannot be undone'), t('A warning message for deleting the profile is displayed'));
->assertFieldById('edit-submit', t('Delete'), '\'Delete\' button is present');
->assertLink(t('Cancel'), 0, t('Cancel link is present'));
// Delete the profile.
->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Delete'));
// Assert the landing page and confirmation messages.
->assertTrue($this->url == url('admin/commerce/customer-profiles', array(
'absolute' => TRUE,
)), t('Landing page after deleting the profile is the profile listing page'));
->assertText(t('The profile has been deleted'), t('Confirmation message after deleting the profile is displayed'));
->assertText(t('No customer profiles have been created yet.'), t('\'No customer profiles have been created yet\' message is displayed'));
// Check at database level.
$profiles = commerce_customer_profile_load_multiple(array(
), array(), TRUE);
$profile = reset($profiles);
->assertTrue(empty($profile), t('Profile can\'t be loaded from database after deleting it'));
* Create a customer profile in the process of order creation.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIAddProfileViaCheckout() {
// The rule that sends a mail after checkout completion should be disabled
// as it returns an error caused by how mail messages are stored.
$rules_config = rules_config_load('commerce_checkout_order_email');
$rules_config->active = FALSE;
// Create an order.
$order = $this
// Login with customer.
// Access checkout.
// Generate random information, as city, postal code, etc.
$address_info = $this
// Fill in the billing address information
$billing_pane = $this
->xpath("//select[starts-with(@name, 'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address]')]");
->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
(string) $billing_pane[0]['name'] => 'US',
), (string) $billing_pane[0]['name']);
// Check if the country has been selected correctly, this uses XPath as the
// ajax call replaces the element and the id may change
->assertFieldByXPath("//select[starts-with(@id, 'edit-customer-profile-billing-commerce-customer-address')]//option[@selected='selected']", 'US', t('Country selected'));
// Fill in the required information for billing pane, with a random State.
$info = array(
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][name_line]' => $address_info['name_line'],
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][thoroughfare]' => $address_info['thoroughfare'],
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][locality]' => $address_info['locality'],
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][administrative_area]' => 'KY',
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][postal_code]' => $address_info['postal_code'],
->drupalPost(NULL, $info, t('Continue to next step'));
// Finish checkout process
->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Continue to next step'));
// Login with store admin.
// Check the customer profile at database level.
$orders = commerce_order_load_multiple(array(
), array(), TRUE);
$order = reset($orders);
$order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
$profile = $order_wrapper->commerce_customer_billing
$profile_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_customer_profile', $profile);
$address = $profile_wrapper->commerce_customer_address
->assertTrue(array_intersect($address_info, $address) == $address_info, t('The address info for the checkout is stored in the customer profile'));
// Check the customer profile in the listing.
->assertTrue($address['name_line'], t('\'Name line\' text is present with the correct value: !value', array(
'!value' => $address['name_line'],
* Add a customer profile using the Order interface.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIAddProfileViaOrderUI() {
// Create an order for store customer.
$order = $this
->createDummyOrder($this->store_customer->uid, array(), 'pending');
// Login with store admin.
// Access the order and fill customer profile information.
->drupalGet('admin/commerce/orders/' . $order->order_id . '/edit');
$address_info = $this
// Add a billing information profile to the order.
->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(), array(
'op' => t('Add billing information'),
$billing_country = $this
->xpath("//select[starts-with(@name, 'commerce_customer_billing')]");
->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
(string) $billing_country[0]['name'] => variable_get('site_default_country', 'US'),
), (string) $billing_country[0]['name']);
// Fill the profile information and Save.
$info = array(
'commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][name_line]' => $address_info['name_line'],
'commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][thoroughfare]' => $address_info['thoroughfare'],
'commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][locality]' => $address_info['locality'],
'commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][administrative_area]' => $address_info['administrative_area'],
'commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][postal_code]' => $address_info['postal_code'],
->drupalPost(NULL, $info, t('Save order'));
->assertText(t('Order saved'), t('\'Order saved\' message is displayed'));
// Check the customer profile in the listing.
->assertTrue($address_info['name_line'], t('\'Name line\' text is present with the correct value: !value', array(
'!value' => $address_info['name_line'],
// Check the customer profile at database level.
$conditions = array();
foreach ($address_info as $id => $element) {
$conditions[] = array(
'field' => 'commerce_customer_address',
'column' => $id,
'value' => $element,
$profiles = $this
$profile = commerce_customer_profile_load(reset($profiles)->profile_id);
$profile_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_customer_profile', $profile);
->assertFalse(empty($profile), t('Profile has been created in database'));
foreach ($address_info as $name => $info) {
->value(), $info, t('!name is present in the profile with value !value', array(
'!name' => $name,
'!value' => $info,
* Edit a customer profile through the order UI.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIEditProfileViaOrderUI() {
// Create a new customer profile.
$profile = $this
->createDummyCustomerProfile('billing', $this->store_customer->uid);
// Create an order for store customer.
$order = $this
->createDummyOrder($this->store_customer->uid, array(), 'pending', $profile->profile_id);
// Login with store admin.
// Change some profile fields in the order and save.
$edit = array(
'commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][name_line]' => 'Example Name line',
'commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][locality]' => 'Example Locality',
->drupalPost('admin/commerce/orders/' . $order->order_id . '/edit', $edit, t('Save order'));
->assertText(t('Order saved'), t('\'Order saved\' message is displayed'));
// Check the customer profile in the listing.
->assertTrue($edit['commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][name_line]'], t('\'Name line\' text is present with the correct value: !value', array(
'!value' => $edit['commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][name_line]'],
// Check the customer profile at database level.
$profiles = commerce_customer_profile_load_multiple(array(
), array(), TRUE);
$profile = reset($profiles);
$profile_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_customer_profile', $profile);
->value(), $edit['commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][name_line]'], t('\'Name line\' property value !value match', array(
'!value' => $edit['commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][name_line]'],
->value(), $edit['commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][locality]'], t('\'Locality\' property value !value match', array(
'!value' => $edit['commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][commerce_customer_address][und][0][locality]'],
* Delete a customer profile through the order UI.
public function testCommerceCustomerUIDeleteProfileViaOrderUI() {
// Create a new customer profile.
$profile = $this
->createDummyCustomerProfile('billing', $this->store_customer->uid);
$profile_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_customer_profile', $profile);
// Create an order for store customer.
$order = $this
->createDummyOrder($this->store_customer->uid, array(), 'pending', $profile->profile_id);
// Login with store admin.
// Access the order and check delete customer profile information.
->drupalPost('admin/commerce/orders/' . $order->order_id . '/edit', array(
'commerce_customer_billing[und][profiles][0][remove]' => 1,
), t('Save order'));
// Check the customer profile is not present in the listing.
->value(), t('\'Name line\' for the profile is not present in the customer profiles listing'));
// Check the customer profile has been deleted at database level.
$profiles = commerce_customer_profile_load_multiple(array(
), array(), TRUE);
$profile = reset($profiles);
->assertTrue(empty($profile), t('Profile has been delete from database'));
* Delete multiple profiles with and without orders attached.
public function testCommerceCustomerDeleteProfilesWithOrderReference() {
// Create 2 new customer profiles.
$profile_with_order = $this
->createDummyCustomerProfile('billing', $this->store_customer->uid);
->createDummyOrder($this->store_customer->uid, array(), 'pending', $profile_with_order->profile_id);
$profile_without_order = $this
->createDummyCustomerProfile('billing', $this->store_customer->uid);
$profile_ids = array(
// Delete the profiles we can.
// Check the customer profile has been deleted at database level.
$profiles = commerce_customer_profile_load_multiple($profile_ids, array(), TRUE);
->assertTrue(!empty($profiles[$profile_with_order->profile_id]), t('Profile with order has not been delete from database'));
->assertTrue(empty($profiles[$profile_without_order->profile_id]), t('Profile without order has been delete from database'));
* Create a custom profile type form an helper module and test it.
public function testCommerceCustomerUINewProfileType() {
// Enable the helper module that creates a new profile type.
// Login with store admin.
// Check the customer profile types.
->assertText(t('Dummy profile type'), t('Dummy profile type is available in the profile types listing page'));
// Check the order fields.
->assertText(t('Dummy profile type'), t('Dummy profile type is present in the order reference fields'));
// Check the checkout panes.
->assertText(t('Dummy profile type'), t('Dummy profile type is present as checkout pane'));
// Create an order for store customer.
$order = $this
->createDummyOrder($this->store_customer->uid, array(), 'pending');
// Check if the profile type is present.
->drupalGet('admin/commerce/orders/' . $order->order_id . '/edit');
->assertText(t('Dummy profile type'), t('Dummy profile type is present in the order edit form'));
* Test the copying of one profile's fields to another (disabled by default).
public function testCommerceCustomerUIProfileCopy() {
* Test the copying of one profile's fields to another (enabled by default).
public function testCommerceCustomerUIProfileCopyDefaultEnabled() {
* Test the copying of one profile's fields to another.
public function _testCommerceCustomerUIProfileCopy($default_enabled = FALSE) {
// Enable the helper module that creates a new profile type.
// Configure the dummy profile type's checkout pane to allow copying from
// the billing information customer profile type.
variable_set('commerce_customer_profile_dummy_profile_copy', TRUE);
variable_set('commerce_customer_profile_dummy_profile_copy_source', 'billing');
variable_set('commerce_customer_profile_dummy_profile_copy_default', $default_enabled);
// Create an order.
$order = $this
// Login with customer.
// Access checkout.
// Generate random information, as city, postal code, etc.
$address_info = $this
// Fill in the billing address information if the copying isn't enabled by default.
if (!$default_enabled) {
$billing_pane = $this
->xpath("//select[starts-with(@name, 'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address]')]");
->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(
(string) $billing_pane[0]['name'] => 'US',
), (string) $billing_pane[0]['name']);
// Fill in the required information for billing pane, with a random State.
$info = array(
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][name_line]' => $address_info['name_line'],
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][thoroughfare]' => $address_info['thoroughfare'],
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][locality]' => $address_info['locality'],
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][administrative_area]' => 'KY',
'customer_profile_billing[commerce_customer_address][und][0][postal_code]' => $address_info['postal_code'],
'customer_profile_dummy[commerce_customer_profile_copy]' => 1,
->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, $info, 'customer_profile_dummy[commerce_customer_profile_copy]');
->drupalPost(NULL, $info, t('Continue to next step'));
// Check the customer profile at database level.
$orders = commerce_order_load_multiple(array(
), array(), TRUE);
$order = reset($orders);
$order_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_order', $order);
// Extract the address field value from the billing profile.
$profile = $order_wrapper->commerce_customer_billing
$profile_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_customer_profile', $profile);
$billing_address = $profile_wrapper->commerce_customer_address
// And extract the address field value from the dummy profile.
$profile = $order_wrapper->commerce_customer_dummy
$profile_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_customer_profile', $profile);
$dummy_address = $profile_wrapper->commerce_customer_address
->assertTrue(array_intersect($billing_address, $dummy_address) == $billing_address, t('A billing information customer profile was successfully copied to a dummy customer profile during checkout.'));
Name | Description |
CommerceCustomerUITest | Functional tests for the commerce customer UI module. |