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function commerce_checkout_page_load in Commerce Core 7

Returns a checkout page object.


$page_id: The ID of the page to return.

Return value

The fully loaded page object or FALSE if not found.

5 calls to commerce_checkout_page_load()
commerce_checkout_forms in modules/checkout/commerce_checkout.module
Implements hook_forms().
commerce_checkout_form_back_submit in modules/checkout/includes/
Special submit handler for the back button to avoid processing orders.
commerce_checkout_page_access in modules/checkout/commerce_checkout.module
Checks access to a particular checkout page for a given order.
commerce_payment_redirect_pane_next_page in modules/payment/commerce_payment.module
Moves an order ahead to the next page via an order update and redirect.
commerce_payment_redirect_pane_previous_page in modules/payment/commerce_payment.module
Moves an order back to the previous page via an order update and redirect.


modules/checkout/commerce_checkout.module, line 508
Enable checkout as a multi-step form with customizable pages and a simple checkout pane API.


function commerce_checkout_page_load($page_id) {
  $checkout_pages = commerce_checkout_pages();

  // If a page was specified that does not exist, return FALSE.
  if (empty($checkout_pages[$page_id])) {
    return FALSE;

  // Otherwise, return the specified page.
  return $checkout_pages[$page_id];