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function commerce_checkout_help in Commerce Core 7

Implements hook_help().


modules/checkout/commerce_checkout.module, line 167
Enable checkout as a multi-step form with customizable pages and a simple checkout pane API.


function commerce_checkout_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/commerce/config/checkout':
    case 'admin/commerce/config/checkout/form':
      return t('Use the table below to build your checkout form using the available checkout panes and pages defined by modules enabled on your site. You may configure the checkout pane settings using the operations links below.');
    case 'admin/commerce/config/checkout/rules':
      return t('When a customer advances to the checkout completion page, rules reacting on the <em>Completing the checkout process</em> are evaluated. Default rules handle standard tasks like updating the order status, sending order e-mails, and creating accounts for anonymous users. You can edit these or add additional rules to customize your checkout workflow.');