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function hook_commerce_checkout_router in Commerce Core 7

Routes checkout/%commerce_order* to an alternate URL if necessary.

The checkout module uses two URLs for the checkout form, displaying a form specific to the checkout page indicated by the URL.

  • checkout/%commerce_order: used for the first checkout page
  • checkout/%commerce_order/%commerce_checkout_page: used for all subsequent checkout pages

The page callback for these URLs checks the user's access to the requested checkout page for the given order and to make sure the order has line items. After these two checks, it gives other modules an opportunity to evaluate the order and checkout page to see if any other redirection is necessary. This hook should not be used to alter the output at the actual checkout URL.


$order: The order object specified by the checkout URL.

$checkout_page: The checkout page array specified by the checkout URL.

See also


1 invocation of hook_commerce_checkout_router()
commerce_checkout_router in modules/checkout/includes/
Redirects invalid checkout attempts or displays the checkout form if valid.


modules/checkout/commerce_checkout.api.php, line 32
Hooks provided by the Checkout module.


function hook_commerce_checkout_router($order, $checkout_page) {
  global $user;

  // Redirect anonymous users to a custom login page instructing them to login
  // prior to checkout. (Note that Drupal Commerce does not require users to
  // login prior to checkout as an e-commerce best practice.)
  if (!$user->uid) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Please login or create an account now to continue checkout.'));
    drupal_goto('checkout/login/' . $order->order_id);