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function commerce_cart_product_add_by_id in Commerce Core 7

Adds the specified product to a customer's shopping cart by product ID.

This function is merely a helper function that builds a line item for the specified product ID and adds it to a shopping cart. It does not offer the full support of product line item fields that commerce_cart_product_add() does, so you may still need to use the full function, especially if you need to specify display_path field values or interact with custom line item fields.


$product_id: ID of the product to add to the cart.

$quantity: Quantity of the specified product to add to the cart; defaults to 1.

$combine: Boolean indicating whether or not to combine like products on the same line item, incrementing an existing line item's quantity instead of adding a new line item to the cart order.

$uid: User ID of the shopping cart owner the whose cart the product should be added to; defaults to the current user.

Return value

A new or updated line item object representing the product in the cart or FALSE on failure.

See also


1 call to commerce_cart_product_add_by_id()
commerce_cart_rules_product_add_by_sku in modules/cart/
Rules action: adds a product to a user's shopping cart order.


modules/cart/commerce_cart.module, line 1453
Implements the shopping cart system and add to cart features.


function commerce_cart_product_add_by_id($product_id, $quantity = 1, $combine = TRUE, $uid = NULL) {
  global $user;

  // If the specified product exists...
  if ($product = commerce_product_load($product_id)) {

    // Create a new product line item for it.
    $line_item = commerce_product_line_item_new($product, $quantity);

    // Default to the current user if a uid was not passed in.
    if ($uid === NULL) {
      $uid = $user->uid;
    return commerce_cart_product_add($uid, $line_item, $combine);
  return FALSE;