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function hook_commerce_cart_order_id in Commerce Core 7

Allows modules to return a shopping cart order ID for a user before the Cart module determines it using its default queries.

Implementations of this hook are executed one at a time, meaning the first implementation to return a non-NULL value will determine the current cart order ID for the given user. Acceptable values will be either FALSE to indicate that the user should not be considered to have a valid cart order or an order ID to use besides the ID that would be returned by the default queries in the Cart module.


$uid: The uid of the user whose shopping cart order ID should be returned.

Return value

The order ID (if a valid cart was found), FALSE (if the user should have no current cart), or NULL (if the implementation cannot tell if the user has a cart or not).

1 invocation of hook_commerce_cart_order_id()
commerce_cart_order_id in modules/cart/commerce_cart.module
Returns the current cart order ID for the given user.


modules/cart/commerce_cart.api.php, line 28
Hooks provided by the Cart module.


function hook_commerce_cart_order_id($uid) {

  // No example.